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Archived Discussion Main / JumpOffABridgeRebuttal

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Webrunner: I remember seeing recently a show, but I can't remember which one, but someone said something like "But so and so didn't do it!" and the reply was something like "Well, if so and so didn't jump off a bridge would you not do it, too?"

Riff: Likewise, there was a show, comic, or something where the response was "Well, not again." Can't remember what it was, though.

Citizen: Shoot, and here I was thinking this trope was about villains issuing a rebuttal as they dramatically jump off a bridge, ala Tohno SHIKI in Shingetsutan Tsukihime... ^^

Paul A: Or Count Grendel in "The Androids of Tara": "Next time, I shall not be so lenient!" (Actually, I think that one's We Will Meet Again.)

MidnightSaboteur: I have to say, whoever added "How appropriate, you fight like a cow!" made this into my mental list of TV Tropes' Crowning Moment Of Funny, along with "Not to be confused with This Is Not A Drill. Because it is." and "... how you hold your giant cigarette, and, according to this picture, whether or not you are the player character of ''Berzerk''. And possibly the presence of a helicopter."
