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Archived Discussion Main / InkblotTest

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Rorschach Inkblot Tests: From YKTTW

Citizen: Launched to get this moving. Since it seemed to be that Inkblot Test would get used more than "Rorschach Inkblot Test", I made this the original page, and the latter can be the redirect if you want to create it.

It is worth noting that when Rorschach Inkblot Test is misinterpreted it is usually because subject vouluntarily changes his or her answers to "please" the person administering the test. I understand that authors must convey many information in the way that doesn't require specific knowledge on behalf of a viewer/reader (what is a trope in itself) but this leads to one important misconception . In Rorschach's Inkblot Test "nice" answers are not necessarily "better". I cannot discuss it at length due to professional obligations and decorum but generally "subject" of picture interpretation is of secondary importance. It is the "type" of reported images that matters. of So "pretty flowers", "clouds" or "smiling face" (shallow descriptions, inanimate objects or separate details) may indicate some "problems" while answers like "four men in black trenchcoats during the shootout" (humans, action) may indicate perfect mental health (with some fantasy proneness for good measure).
