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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Deja Vu All Over Again: From YKTTW

Some Guy: Added Following In Fathers Footsteps as a redirect, because I completely forgot about this trope when I made that YKTTW. So I reckoned it could use a few more searchable words. On a related note, I seem to have forgotten how to make redirects. Could anyone remind me how I'm supposed to format them?

Daibhid C:

  • The Star Trek series always have The Kirk, The Spock, and The McCoy, though who exactly The McCoy is is often hard to pin down (except in Enterprise, which was a deliberate use of Generation Xerox.)
    • The Captain: Kirk, Picard, Janeway, Sisko and Archer
    • The Second in Command: Spock, Riker, Kira, Chakotay and T'Pol
    • The Alien: Spock, Worf, Quark, Neelix and Phlox
    • The Doctor: McCoy, Beverly Crusher, Julian Bashir, The Holographic Doctor and Phlox
    • The Engineer: Scotty, Geordi LaForge, Miles O'Brien, B'Elanna Torres and Trip Tucker
    • The Chick: Uhura, Deanna Troi, Jadzia Dax, Seven of Nine and T'Pol
    • The Kid: Chekov, Wesley Crusher, Jake Sisko, Naomi Wildman and Travis Mayweather
    • The Filler: Nurse Chapel and Yeoman Rand, Tasha Yar and the Nerd Barclay, Ezri Dax and Kira Nerys, Tom Paris and Tuvok, Hoshi Sato.
      • Because' it's really unlikely that the same roles will be filled in starship crews that are part of the same organisation, albeit at different times...
      • The worst, however, isn't listed above. This is the "character who isn't human and doesn't understand it, but tries to". Every series has this - Spock, Data, Odo, Seven of Nine, and T'Pol. Most of them also have the same highly logical personality.

Is there a trope for "Generation Xeroxes" that aren't actually related?
