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Archived Discussion Main / FakeNationality

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

HeartBurn Kid: OK, I think I've officially lost it. Now I'm forgetting and not noticing where I've already added in wrestling references...

—- xwingace: Changed the nationality Sean Connery played in Highlander from Brit to Spaniard. Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez, if I remember correctly. Although I think it was implied that even that was a cover and he was actually Egyptian. Although he still played everything with a Scottish accent, of course.

Batgirl1 : A recent YKTTW got me thinking...How about splitting this one into two tropes? One for people playing the nationalities they actually descended from or have roots in (like Japanese Americans playing Japanese citizens) and one for people playing nationalities that they otherwise have nothing to do with (like Nigerians playing Japanese citizens).

Mipp: I removed the bit about Iranians looking more Arab after 'forced integration' by Turks, for the following reasons: 1. Turks are not Arabs. So why would 'forced integration' with Turks make Persians look Arab? They're a completely different ethnic group! 2. Persia (Iran) was NEVER part of the Ottoman Empire! So the Turks never had any opportunity to 'forcibly integrate' the Persians in the first place.

Great Limmick: Removed the following bit from the Star Trek section. First, while American isn't a race, it is a nationality (and this trope is about nationality, not race). Second, there doesn't seem to be much implication of global "Americanization", only industrialization. (In fact, considering the fact that money is obsolete by the mid-23rd century, America is pretty un-American.)

  • American isn't a race, also there seems to be implication that in the couple hundred years in the future that the series takes place most of the world has been heavily Americanized.
