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Archived Discussion Main / DullSurprise

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Man Without A Body: I modified the entry on Werewolf for further ridiculing of the characters' accents. I hope this does not bother anyone.

Schrodingers Duck: I removed the Troll 2 example. The "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!" scene is as far from Dull Surprise as it is possible to get.

Wanders Nowhere: You sure? His facial expression (or complete lack thereof) shouting that Narmy line is what makes it funny!

Air Of Mystery: Removed the Star Wars example, because Alec Guiness was enough of a professional to act even if he didn't like the movie. (And if he didn't like the movie and still signed on, he had no right to complain about it.)

Man Without A Body: Putting it back. Listen to his delivery; there's some serious Bored On Board.

Air Of Mystery: Removed the line about the Transformers G1 cartoon's faces not being much better at emoting than Pat Lee's,'s wrong. (I am only a moral absolutist when it comes to children's tv shows.)
Dante668: I have a theory that Keanu Reeves used up all his acting ability playing Ted 'Theodore' Logan. Would have put it in the article itself but saw the comment to stop bitching about him.
Cut and pasted here. No. Just... No. He's even got the pretty big blue eyes; you practically can't under-act with those.
