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Archived Discussion Main / BananaPeel

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Dark Sasami: "A fresh banana peel is hardly slippery at all." This is not true. Try it sometime.

I have, in fact, slipped on banana peels in my life.

Ununnilium: I actually have tried it, and have to agree with the entry. `.`

Looney Toons: I suspect it all depends on the surface underfoot...

jjmcgaffey: Might also depend on how ripe the banana is. If you like to eat it practically green, I suspect it's barely slippery; if you prefer it mostly black, it's probably nearly as slippery as a half-rotted peel.

  • Codicus: I've actually done this, although not on accident. I'd dropped a yellow banana peel on the ground shortly after consuming it, then was curious if I'd slip if I stepped on it. Almost cracked my head open; caught a door knob on the way down to arrest my fall. The surface was concrete, and I suspect the slipperiness was due to the bits of banana that remain on the inside of the peel. I don't think you'd slip on a fresh peel that had been dropped on its side, so perhaps that was what lead to the comment.

Phartman: Believe it or not, I've actually never slipped on a banana peel. It's one of the few things in my life I actually plan ahead for. You laugh, but the one day I'm not looking out for them is the day one gets me, I just know it.

Noaqiyeum: I don't remember where I read this, but it could be a case of life imitating art: I remember hearing about a man who survived a trip over Niagara Falls in the traditional barrel and travelled around the world giving autographs, etc. When he got to New Zealand, he slipped on a banana peel and died of complications. Confirm?

Looney Toons: Apparently you don't have in your parts, Noaqiyeum. Searching on "'niagara falls' 'new zealand' banana" retrieves the information on the first page of results: Bobby Leach, Wikipedia entry here. But it was apparently an orange peel, not a banana.
