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Archived Discussion Literature / PerdidoStreetStation

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Haven Not sure where to put this example, as it was under Throw It In! but that pretty clearly doesn't apply, but it's an example of SOMETHING. Fantasy Kitchen Sink sounds about right though, so I moved it there, even though this looks more like it's talking about "awesome little things that get mentioned once and aren't really plot-relevant"...Worldbuilding maybe? Or Woman Wept, because that's my favorite Doctor Who example.

  • (Wind-polyps, men-of-war, Handlingers, a country "where the laws are stakes in a game of roulette", ships pulled by seawyrms...actually, that last one might be a Shout-Out to Jack Vance)

AndrewGPaul Removed

  • Chekhov's Gunman:
    • One more, one more: Bellis Coldwine is mentioned in Iron Council as Issac's girlfriend, before becoming the full-fledged protagonist of The Scar. This gets a Continuity Nod.

since The Scar was published beforee Iron Council. I'll add it in under Continuity Nod. If she was mentioned in Perdido Street Station, then feel free to put it back in.

Followerof Eris

Editing the main description, from this:

"China Mieville's sprawling monster-hunt, followed by sequels The Scar and Iron Council (though emphatically not forming a standard fantasy trilogy) gave a name to the New Weird movement and provided a counterpoint to the long, dreary march of Tolkien rip-offs." to

"China Mieville's sprawling monster-hunt, followed by related works The Scar and Iron Council (different stories set in the same world) gave a name to the New Weird movement and provided a counterpoint to the long, dreary march of Tolkien rip-offs."

It may be a small thing, but according to The Other Wiki (and having read all three books myself) they are not sequels. They are related, but the works definitely DO NOT make a trilogy. Let me know if I'm overstepping my bounds here.

Followerof Eris Also, moving the Sequelitis stuff under YMMV because they aren't really sequels. Also, the comment to Sequelitis said it was a case of YMMV.
