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Archived Discussion Film / Signs

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Nornagest: Cut the following —

**As with many things in the movie, this is open to interpretation. This troper felt the story was less about god sending horrible things to harm humanity and more about him leaving the clues and the tools for the human race to fight them off.
** Your Mileage May Vary, however, as this troper and many others found the home video to be rather frightening.
***Your Mileage indeed, as this troper found the dinner moving and an excellent set up for a later scene- when the young son scathingly annouces he hates the father, it sets up the later scene in the basement for Hess (as he's fighting for the life of his son) to look up and hiss to the god he supposedly does not believe in 'I hate you'.
** Deliberate - Graham apparently has no idea how to be genuinely intimidating.
**Truer words were never spoken. This troper found the movie to be excellent, in spite of the enormous plotholes. For my part, I think this was one of his best movies, with extremely moving scenes (perhaps carried more effectively with Gibson in the lead). This troper in fact agrees that Shymalan's movies have headed far south, but counts the Village as the start of that disaster.

Edit, don't contradict. An example list full of YMMV looks horribly unprofessional.

RHJunior : It occurred to me some time ago that the plot of "Signs" does make sense, and the plotholes seal up rather neatly.... if you assume that the alien invasion was not an invasion, but a hunting expedition done for sport. Consider: the hunters arrive and mark out the best hunting spots (the crop circles), come back later, plop down in a duck blind (the invisible ships), and send out their hunting hounds to bring in the prey while they sit back in the ship and crack open a cold one (which goes miles along in explaining why the aliens that are SEEN are naked, unarmed, and apparently pretty dumb. They're not the alien pilots, they're the aliens' bird dogs.) As to the hostility of earth's environment, well, that just makes the sport all that much more exciting.... anyone who's ever had a relative who spends the depths of winter parked halfway up a tree with a rifle, risking hypothermia and frostbite when they could just as easily drive to the butcher's shop and buy a side of beef for less than they spent on their license and gear, just to bag a pair of antlers, knows that yes, hunters ARE that crazy.
