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Archived Discussion Administrivia / ExampleAsAThesis

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

From YKTTW Working Title: Example As A Thesis

Robin Zimm: I've seen edits going both ways on this, so I'm opening the floor for discussion: is this, or is this not, a Self-Demonstrating Article?

Dragon Quest Z: See the floatbox on the page. It says SDA is when the entire article is an example. When it's the first part, it's this. Since only the first part is an example, it's not an SDA.

Robin Zimm: Is that the rule? I've seen a lot of SDAs where they only use the gimmick for the text before the examples, and in Easter Egg it's barely present. I assumed the contrast was that in SDA, the article itself was an example, whereas in Example as a Thesis the article opens by describing an example.

Dragon Quest Z: The nature of those tropes means that they have to do that to be SDAs (like Bigger Is Better).

Dark Sasami: You're not getting it, DQZ. Example as a Thesis describes a trope description in which the first part is an example of the trope. The first part of the Example as a Thesis trope description is an example of the trope. Therefore, the trope description of Example as a Thesis (yes, the whole thing) is an example of Example as a Thesis. Therefore, the Example as a Thesis page is a Self-Demonstrating Article.

Addendum: notice that this does not mean that the pages in this index meet Self-Demonstrating Article criteria, only that this page is one.

Dragon Quest Z: Don't tell me I don't get it when I proposed the trope in the first place. "yes, the whole thing"? Wrong! Only the fist two paragraphs are an example. That's what makes an EAAT. If if it was the whole thing, it would not be an EAAT. By claiming it's the whole thing, you've shown you don't know what the page is about.

Robin Zimm: Please, let's not get into a flame war over this. Reading the two arguments being made, it seems that the debate is over the meaning of Self-Demonstrating Article, to wit: whether it indexes all pages which are accurately characterized by their tropes, or whether it indexes only those pages where the entirety of the article takes the form of the trope. Unfortunately, the SDA page doesn't have a definition, but the YKTTW post said, quote:

Basically, an article which is written in a way to show what it's talking about, rather than explaining it in words. Can be a bit confusing at first.

...but that doesn't oblige us to commit to either interpretation.

Dragon Quest Z: Hey, good point. I've started a forum thread to discuss this further.
