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Sandbox / Complete Monster Drafts

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  • Myron, one of the Chosen One's potential followers, is a slimy, teenaged Mad Scientist in the pocket of Big Jesus Mordino. Myron's claim to fame is a particularly nasty and addictive version of Jet that he tested out first on over one-hundred slaves, resulting in every one of them dying horribly before he developed a less lethal version. Continuing to refine the drug on the never-ending supply of slaves from the Den, Myron's actions have led to the Mordinos taking over New Reno and most of Redding, enslaving their populations through horrible Jet addiction and turning the cities into wretched hives. Myron's only concern about all this is that he doesn't feel he's been given enough credit for it, angrily complaining about how ungrateful Mordino is, all while he lives in luxury most in the Wasteland would kill for. Myron is also a sexual predator who will attempt to roofie and rape a female Chosen One with low Intelligence.
  • Salt-Upon-Wounds is the warchief of the White Legs, a particularly savage tribe of raiders with no driving philosophy except for Rape, Pillage, and Burn. Hoping to join Caesar's Legion, Salt-Upon-Wounds showed his mettle by slaughtering the peaceful Mormon town of New Canaan, beating children to death in their beds and burning the town's bishop alive in his own home. Salt-Upon-Wounds nailed the dead to a nearby cliff and salted the earth so nothing would ever grow again. Salt-Upon-Wounds follows the survivors to Zion where he intends to repeat the slaughter on not just them, but their ally tribes the Sorrows and the Dead Horses as well.
  • The Blood and the Eye are a duumvirate of Raiders responsible for transforming the Blood Eagles from an unorganized group of drug-addicted psychos into the most brutal Raider gang in Appalachia. The Blood and the Eye recruit and discipline new Blood Eagles through chem addiction and brutal torture, leaving those who survive completely insane and unbreakably loyal to the Blood Eagles. Their masterpiece is the "Claw," a man named Frankie Beckett who snapped particularly hard after a torture session with the Eye. Ruthless opportunists instead of tragic monsters like the rest of the Blood Eagles, and responsible for atrocities ranging from cannibalism to mass murder of the sickly and helpless, the Blood and the Eye stand out even compared to other Raiders for their sheer cruelty.
  • Otis Skinner is one of the leaders of the Skinner Brothers, their founder, and the epitome of their causeless Ax-Crazy sadism. Otis and his Skinners terrorize the Tall Trees region, capturing innocents to torture them to death in all manner of ways, then keeping their mutilated bodies as trophies mounted around their camps. If he's brought in alive, Otis will gloat nobody can stop what he started and vows a wave of slaughter in revenge, and cheerfully mocks the police chief of Blackwater over having tortured and castrated several of his previous deputies.
  • Dragon Ball AF compillation and re-telling by DB News: After being defeated by Goku again during GT, Frieza and Cell studied the Fusion Dance and improved it to become strong enough to escape from hell and obtain revenge. Arriving to a higher dimension, Friecell threatened its strongest warrior and forced her to fight the Saiyans while Friecell kidnapped Uub to force him in a ritual that resurrected Majin Buu, who fused with the villain to create Cellbuuzer, the new strongest being in the known Multiverse. To test his new powers, Cellbuuzer destroyed Earth after playing with Vegeta and mocking his attempts to mitigate the damage before spawning a army of minions that caused destruction across the entire multiverse, with no dimension or planet being spared. When the Saiyans return to fight Cellbuuzer after training their powers, Cellbuuzer tortures Gohan while declaring his intention to do the same to all Saiyans. When Goku reaches a new ultimate tranformation, Cellbuuzer tries to destroy the entire known multiverse in a last ditch attempt to take down the Saiyans.
  • EC Comics: Impact "Master Race": Carl Reissman, appearing to be an innocent refugee displaced by the second world war, was in fact a horrific Nazi war criminal and head of the infamous Belsen concentration camp. Overseeing the extermination of hundreds of people everyday, Reissman had prisoners taken away for grotesque human experimentation, forced prisoners into mass graves and had them buried alive and even skinned some to use as lampshades in the offices of the camps. When the camp was liberated by the allies, Reissman fled to America and, upon being confronted with a former victim, attempted to flee to avoid retribution for his crimes.
  • True Grit (2010): Tom Chaney is an impulsive, homicidal thug who is far worse than the affable Lucky Ned Pepper. On the run from Texas Ranger LaBoeuf for shooting a Senator's dog then killing the Senator himself for complaining, Chaney is hired by Mattie's beloved father for a job. Chaney blows all his earned money in gambling, then nearly shoots his opponents to death out of spite, only to instead kill Mattie's father on a whim for trying to calm him down. When Mattie tracks Chaney down to bring him to justice, Chaney is ordered by Ned to leave the young girl alone, but Chaney settles on killing her simply for convenience. He toys with whether he will strangle the girl to death or toss her into a snake pit to "scream and rot", all while taunting her that he feels no remorse for killing her father, and when LaBoeuf tries to save Mattie, Chaney nearly murders them both.
  • High School:
    • Episodes 156 & 236: Patryk Kozub is a new student at school whose parents often travel abroad which also makes him feel to be completely free to do as he likes. When English teacher Anna Turczyn takes away his tablet, Patryk Kozub teams up with a school bully Gienek Zielonka and they try to humaliate Anna Turczyn. By the end though, when Gienek has had enough, Patryk outright attempts to murder Anna Turczyn with a broken glass. He comes back in episode 236 as a full criminal and drug dealer who manipulates Alina SaƂacka (a girl who was in love with him) into doing his bidding and decides to use her to burn whole school down as revenge for his explusion. He initially plans to do it in the evenning but when he learns there still are plenty of people inside, he keeps going with his plan to set school on fire with students and one teacher still inside. When Alina realized the truth about Patryk he threatened her as well.
    • Episode 476: Known only as "The Guardian", an internet troll who created a game called "Wieloryb" ("The Whale"). In that game he gives teenagers eager to play it various dangerous tasks that start with something pretty mild like being disrespectful to a teacher, but end always with committing suicide. The Guardian specifically asks teenagers for their adress in the beggining of the game so that if teenagers refuse to committ suicide, he threatens their family. Plenty of teenagers did committ suicide as a result of his game. "The Guardian" is basically an embodidemnt of why to avoid strangers on internet.
  • Resident Evil: Extinction original draft (link): Doctor Isaacs is a high-ranking Umbrella researcher who, after experimenting on Alice in the wake of Raccoon City's destruction, seemingly lets her go, only to place her under the corporation's control shortly afterwards. Using her to track down a resistance hideout in Detroit, Isaacs has the Umbrella soldiers massacre many people inside, including the young Angela Ashford. After escaping trial during the T-Virus pandemic, Isaacs takes shelter in the underground facility where he puts Alice clones through a complex of deathtraps, with 87 of them dying gruesomely. After one zombie goes feral after being injected with the clone's blood, Isaacs leaves two fellow workers to die and, upon finding out that Alice survived the hideout raid, attacks Jill Valentine's convoy with enhanced zombies in an attempt to capture Alice for further experimentation, killing many and causing the death of Jill herself later on. Having been bitten during the convoy ambush, Isaacs mutates and, viewing himself as "the future", slaughters everyone in the facility; when Alice herself goes down to investigate, he tries to kill her as well, causing an undeveloped clone of hers to die in the resulting fight.

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