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Funny / The Fall Guy (2024)

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  • Gail asks Colt if Tom ever sent him a message during his recovery from his fall.
    Colt: The prayer hands emoji?
    Gail: Right, he's still an asshole...
  • Following the cannon rolls, Colt is repeatedly set on fire and hurled against a rock for a battle sequence. In between takes, Jody explains the plot to him and it is a very unsubtle metaphor for their relationship and how badly things ended. Meanwhile all the crew and cast are right there, one extra even tries to bring up their own relationship issues.
  • After a whole day of a gruelling shoot (with Colt still seemingly nowhere close to getting back into Jody's good graces), our boy just breaks down inside his vehicle after Taylor Swift's "All Too Well" comes on the radio, triggering his Good-Times Montage with her. The kicker is Jody then knocking on his car, revealing she knows all too well what he's doing.
  • After their heart to heart in the car, Colt offers to drive Jody around to do doughnuts. Jody just asks to be driven to her car. It’s but a few feet away.
  • Some of the post-it notes in Tom's apartment, such as "Why is Chinese chicken orange?", "Is it Mo-moa or Ma-moa?", and even his own phone password out in the open.
  • Colt talking to Iggy, Tom's girlfriend, while trying to shake broken glass out of his jacket hood. It just keeps coming until it eventually seems like the entire glass case has managed to end up in his hood.
  • Having been drugged at the club and getting information out of Tom’s dealer, Colt is asked if he’s started seeing unicorns yet. Sure enough, one is standing next to him and it’s still there when he gets to the hotel lobby.
  • Colt and Dan grab props to fight off Tom's mercenaries with Dan calling dibs on a tomahawk. A few seconds later, he realizes it's made of rubber and simply throws it at an enemy.
  • Tom’s final fate at the end. He runs into an area with undischarged pyrotechnics and tries to make a phone call- but winds up setting them off and killing himself in doing so.
