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Funny / The Mask

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    Comic Book Series 
  • When Stanley breaks into Kathy's apartment to steal back the Mask, he gets smashed over the head with a lamp. Two police officers show up and get smashed with a lamp by Big Head. One of them draws his guns and shoots Big Head between the eyes. Big Head hits him with a lamp and goes to the fridge to grab a beer. Then one of the police officers wakes up... and hits Big Head over the head with a lamp. Big Head... pulls out two revolvers and shoots both of them dead.
    Kathy: You... you killed him! My god, you killed him!
    Stanley!Big Head: Hey, don't blame me, you're the one with all the lamps!
  • While fighting police on the roof of Kathy's apartment building, Big Head is curb-stomping all of them… but then Kellaway arrives to confront him.
    Kellaway: That's it, mister. You're finished! I'm calling you out!
    Stanley!Big Head: Oh yeah, pal? You and what—
    (Big Head turns to see a very large group of officers, with guns aimed directly at him)
    Stanley!Big Head: Army?
    Kellaway: Men. Fire at will!
    Stanley!Big Head: Hold on, guys! He said fire at Will, not me!
  • When Kellaway tries on the Mask for the first time, he tries out the whole "nigh-invulnerability" thing. First by hitting himself repeatedly over the head with a hammer, then decides to give it a real test with his gun.
    Kellaway!Big Head: (holding the gun to his head) Gee, if this doesn't work, won't I feel stupid? (puts the gun against his palm) Much better. Let 'er rip! (fires, then looks through the bloody, yet still kinda cartoony hole in his hand) This is great! Unbelievable, but great!
  • While trying to expose the assistant defense attorney for his dirty dealings with the mob, Kellaway as Big Head is ransacking his office trying to find evidence, which leads to this Breaking the Fourth Wall moment.
    Kellaway!Big Head: (scratching his head) Where can it be? Where can it be? (notices the American flag hanging on the wall in front of him, then looks at the reader) Okay, okay, so you guessed it before I did, so what? You want some kind of prize or something? Jeesh!

    Live-Action Film 
  • For one without the titular character, Stanley's replacement car breaks down in the middle of a bridge. He gets out to see what's wrong, gets burned when trying to open the hood, and angrily kicks the car... which then proceeds to fall apart in the funniest way possible.
  • Stanley's dream of his night at the Coco Bongo going perfectly, where we basically get Jim Carrey playing Buddy Love. And then Tina suddenly starts licking the side of his face, because Milo is actually doing it. How's that for a first film role?
  • The Mask trying to not wake Mrs. Peenman with a "shh" to the audience... only for an bouncing alarm clock to jump out of his pocket. He deals with this the only way he can: by trying to smash it with a giant mallet.
    The Mask: [smashes clock] Snoooooooze!
  • "Look, ma! I'm roadkill! HA HA HA!"
    • What sells it is that really sarcastic way he laughs, like even he found the joke bad.
  • Squeeze Me Gently.
  • The whole scene with the alley punks.
    Punk: Hey, Mister, you got the time?
    The Mask: As a matter of fact I do, cubby! [Produces a pocket watch] LOOK AT THAT!! It's exactly two seconds before I honk your nose and pull your underwear over your head! [DING! HONK! YOINK!]
    • "We have a giraffe. There you go son, now get out of here, you bother me."
    • Then the condom. "Sorry, wrong pocket." Apparently, this was ad libbed.
    • "And for you...a French Poodle!" [PAF] "Sorry, son, the dog was rabid; had to put him down." (That particular thug's crestfallen expression is what sells it.)
    • "A TOMMY GUN!"
  • "Somebody stole your pajamas?"
  • "It's PARTY time! P-A-R-T-Why? Because I gotta!"
  • Dorian demands to know where his money is, and The Mask decides to tell him precisely where:
    Dorian Tyrell: Okay, Twinkle Toes, I wanna know where my money is and I want it right now!
    The Mask: Okay. (puts on a visor and chews a cigarette before pulling out an old calculator from behind) You've got 17.5% in T-bills amortized over the fiscal year; 8% in stocks and bonds; carry the nine, divide by the gross national product. Fortunately... (Takes out cigarette) funeral bouquets are deductible.
    • The Mask's statement about funeral bouquets being tax deductible becomes extra funny when you remember that Dorian just watched one of his henchmen die from his injuries only a few minutes prior.
  • The Oscar Bait scene:
    The Mask: Hold me closer, Red. It's getting dark. (cough, cough, cough) Tell Auntie Em to let Old Yeller out. (cough... cough, cough) Tell Tiny Tim I won't be coming 'ome this Christmas. (COUGH, COUGH COUGH) Tell Scarlet I do give a damn. (COUGH, fart) Pardon me. (dead)
  • Stanley trying to convince the mask expert, Dr. Neuman (played by Ben Stein), that the Mask is magical. Neuman is not amused.
    • Stanley tries to ask him about his book, only for Neuman to clarify that his book is about using masks as metaphor, not literally.
    • Stanley tries to prove it to him by putting on the mask...which doesn't work since (by Stanley's interpretation) it only works at night. Cue him acting like a complete buffoon and Dr. Neuman is looking all annoyed in the usual Ben Stein style. What make it even more funny is that it's possible that the mask is deliberately not working just to make Stanley look like a fool. (Indeed, Stanley uses it both day and night in the animated adaptation, so...)
  • The Extended Disarming scene in the park, in which the Mask has unusually deep pockets:
    Doyle: Really big sunglasses...
    Cop: Bike horn...
    Doyle: Small-mouth bass... wow!
    Cop: Bowling pin...
    Doyle: [snap] Aaaaa! Mouse Trap...
    Cop: Rubber chicken...
    The Mask: A little to the left... that's it.
    Doyle: [squeezes a stress reliever toy a few times] Mmmm, I don't know. Funny eyeball glasses...
    The Mask: I've never seen those before in my life.
    Cop: Bazooka...
    The Mask: I have a permit for that.
    Doyle: Picture of Kellaway's wife...
    Kellaway: What?!
    The Mask: Uh-oh!
    Kellaway: [sees the picture of his wife in a sexy outfit] MARGARET! YOU SON OF A BITCH!
    The Mask: Geez! I figured you had a sense of humor. After all... YOU MARRIED HER!
    Kellaway: [wordless rage]
    The Mask: [SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP!] That's gotta hurt! Eheheheheh! [zooms away]
    • What really sells it is that the picture of Kellaway's wife has it written "Call Me Lover 555-9371".
    • Pay attention to the part where Doyle reaches in to stop Kellaway from throttling The Mask. The Mask also grabs their wrists and switches out the handcuffs, as indicated by a very subtle "click".
  • "Cuban Pete". Especially when Doyle briefly joins in.
    Kellaway: You start dancing, I'll blow your brains out.
    • Perhaps the funniest part is that, during the first part of the song, the cops just stand there, pointing their guns at The Mask- until, of course, they start joining in on the song!
    • Let's not forget the female officer the Mask ropes in to be his duet partner. First she's all serious, pointing her gun, then surprised and a little scared at suddenly finding herself singing before apparently thinking "ah screw it" and just rolling with it.
  • "Sure, Stanley Ipkiss is gonna fall right into my lap!" And not even two seconds later...
    Stanley: Wait! I can explain everything!
    Kellaway: Oh yeah? You can explain everything? (pulls out a green rubber mask from Stanley's coat) Explain this.
    Stanley: (Beat) Uh...
    Kellaway: GET UP!
    • The rubber mask looks NOTHING like the Mask, it covers down to the neck and has ears.
  • "Not the cheese, the keys".
  • In the last fight with Dorian.
    Stanley: I hope you can enjoy your victory with one friggin' eye! note  (poke)
  • After taking innumerable bullets as he jumps behind the bar at the Coco Bongo, The Mask emerges with this:
    The Mask: Did you miss me? (chugs down a cocktail, which immediately pours from his gunshot wounds) I GUESS NOT!
  • Stanley's friend Charlie brings in The Cavalry: "Officers! Arrest those men! [Beat] I've Always Wanted to Say That."
    • Kellaway takes back his gun from him: "Give me that gun!"
  • The workprint version of the film is unique, in that (unlike most workprints) the lead actor plays out scenes that haven't had their CGI completed yet. As a result, viewers can see Jim Carrey acting out the Mask's transformation scenes and other moments when he's in transformation, to hilarious results. The best of these is the "That's a spicy meatball!" scene when, unlike the final cut of the film where the CGI Mask swallows the bomb, Carrey acts this out in-person, making it look like he's trying to jam an imaginary bomb down his throat. The end result is hilarious!
  • Stanley puts a pen through a pencil sharpener due to how overwhelmed he is during his first meeting with Tina.
  • Stanley paying his way into the club.
    Bobby the Bouncer: Uh, are you on the list?
    Stanley: Noooo. But I believe my friends are. Perhaps you know them. Franklin, Grant, and... JJJJackson?
  • Kellaway insults the weight of a bystander who bumps into him as he goes to rearrest Stanley, then belatedly discovers that man is the mayor.
    "Watch it, Chunky! ...Mayor Tilton, I am sorry!"
  • The ending scene where Milo and Charlie both go after the mask as it's floating in the water.
  • The fact that Ted Turner, who'd just bought New Line Cinema when the film was released, opted to promote another property of his on the tape. Which one? Well...
    Space Ghost: Only ten seconds? I only get ten seconds to tell people about my interview with Jim Carrey after the movie? What? We're on now?! Uh, Space Ghost, Jim Carrey, right after the movie!
    • Said mini-episode literally has "SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION" flashing on the screen at times.

    Animated Series 
  • In general, the running gag of The Mask giving Kellaway a wedgie. One of the best being, when Kellaway is pulled over by another cop only to see it's Mask dressed up in uniform.
    Mask: (pretending to be a cop) Where's the fire pal? If you don't go the speed limit I'm gonna have to (drops his cop persona. Wedgies Kellaway) pull your underwear over your head! (drives away laughing)
    • Another Running Gag concerns the Mask being a Troll, tricking his enemies into thinking he's dead or defeated only to reveal himself alive at the last second. Usually pulling a wedgie!
    • Many of The Mask's alternate forms, including the one who is a child, and many of the crossdressing ones (including a Carmen Miranda impersonation).
  • In the episode "Sister Mask", when Pretorius is turned from a huge spider into a ball and controlled by his own mind-control device, he lets out a Big "NO!".
  • In "Shrink Rap":
    • Masked Dr. Neuman turns into a surprisingly scary Psycho Psychologist, but still has funny moments, such as putting wedgie straitjackets on anyone he comes across - including a gorilla, who he puts in a diaper so he has something to use in the wedgie. There's also how Dr. Neuman still thinks that the mask does not work even though he's wearing it (Stanley even notes "I'm not the one in denial").
    • After Pretorius manipulates Neuman into busting him out of prison, Pretorius proceeds to further trick Neuman by telling him the cosmos are within reach and they are not very far away. While putting his hand into Neuman's pocket to pull out a hammer (seems like he learned something from facing a guy armed with Toon Physics!), which he proceeds to strike Neuman in the head. Given Neuman proceeds to see stars, he agrees about them being closer.
    • And how did The Mask deal with the missile Pretorius launched to nuke Edge City after cutting all the wires didn't work? The same way he dealt with the bomb in the movie, of course!
      Mask: That's right. I'M GONNA EAT IT!
  • Pretty much all of "Split Personality". The Mask and Stanley's interactions with each other are just a joy to watch; for example, The Mask wanting to take Stanley out to see his favorite movies, taking him out on a surf, and finally going to the Coco Bongo.
    • Stanley having to deal with The Mask's wackiness and his antics along with having to remind him to stay on task making him a Cloudcuckoolander's Minder though he does get amused by some of the things he does such as taking out a chicken suit for Charlie to wear which he smiles at that showing that he can be Not So Above It All.
      Stanley: So this is what I do as you...
      Mask: It's the voodoo I do!
    • After getting the other half of the mask back from Chet, we get this "heart to heart" between The Mask and Stanley, where he admits that there's something he's always wanted to give him; a half-wedgie. This is what finally gets an annoyed Stanley to take his half of the Mask off and put the two pieces back together again.
  • Most of Masked Evelyn's scenes in "Bride of Pretorius", including her rescuing Stanley from Pretorius.
    Eve: Get away from my Screwball Rabbit!
    Pretorius: (He is confused at seeing Eve right in front of him so he checks the case) You are not Eve! Eve, be mine and we shall rule the earth TOGETHER!
    Eve: (She loads her gun clearly not taking his offer because she prefers Stanley than him) Dream on Zippy! I love Stanley Ipkiss! (She then points her gun at Pretorius)
    Stanley: Eve!? Uh, Eve? Those things never work!
    Eve: (She fires her gun at Pretorius's head) Bulls-Eye! (Pretorius removes the suction cup from his forehead then a spear to thrown at him which he then gets down and sees Eve change her appearance again) Oh ho ho! MINCE the bad guys, SLICE the bad guys, CHOP the bad guys! DICE them good! (Pretorius avoids her attack but knock into the laser away from Stanley but then Eve accidentally sent back to where it was)
    Stanley: AUGH! Eve would you WATCH IT WITH THAT THING?!? (Pretorius turns the laser around which he aims it at Eve who changes back from She-Ra to her default appearance like The Mask does who checks herself on her compact mirror making a wolf whistle then Pretorius fires it at her which she deflect it with her compact mirror which she smiles while doing that)
    Pretorius: It's not just a laser. It's a mortar cannon! (He fires it at Eve who jumps herself into the air to get out of its way)
    Stanley: Eve... (As Pretorius looks around for her, she proceeds to land making Funny Bruce Lee Noises)
    Pretorius: I see I shall be forced to use more dramatic measures of persuasion (He goes down on his knee) Eve will you marry me?
    Eve: (She makes a goofy face clearly surprised at him doing that of all things then reacts in disgust and brings out her large handbag) You... CAD! (She then uses it to knock his head off his body, then takes out a large tin can opener to free Stanley with it) You miss me?
    • Once The Mask is back, he has a failed attempting at stopping the meteor and decides to "get ready for the inevitable", returning to Stanley's apartment, reading all the books he never got a chance to read, watching all his favourite TV shows and movies, making a cartoonishly huge sandwich which he eat with a loud burp, then calls Charlie to let him know that he can keep his promotion ("I always wanted to say that!"). And when he decides to tidy up at the bathroom, he notices a dripping pipe and has an "Eureka!" Moment of stopping the meteorite by building a giant pipe to make it turn back around. Albeit when he finishes it, he notices it's the wrong way, twisting his tongue into word "OOPS!" before inverting.
    • After Pretorius unmasks Stanley and threatens his life, Eve shows up with the same weapon Pretorius tried to shoot her masked her previously - which mind you, is as tall as her - and blasts him, with his head landing on the giant pipe.
      Mental note: never make threats if a mortar cannon is being pointed at you!
  • In "Flight as a Feather", The Mask sings to himself what a great time he will have at the Coco Bongo while in a shower with his swimsuit, flappers and rubber duck ring he's got on. Milo doesn’t really appreciate the Mask’s singing, though. Neither does Mrs. Peenman, leading to one of his most viciously hilarious attacks on her, tying her in front of a huge stereo system playing a song insulting her!
  • "Mutiny of the Bounty Hunters" has Stanley watching over his neighbor's infant son who wanders off chasing a bird. The baby puts on the Mask and yells "BIRDIE! BIRDIE!" in a deep, raspy voice.
  • In "Counterfeit Mask":
    • "I didn't know Wayne Newton was in the $20 bill!"
    • When Peggy puts on the mask which turns her into a egotistical, vain, vapid and good-hearted woman who decides to get a beauty makeover. After it, she asks her mirror if she's the Fairest of Them All, and it explodes instead, prompting Peggy to say "do these mirrors know true beauty anyway?"
    • Masked Peggy trying to seduce Kellaway.
  • In "Fantashtick Voyage", The Mask indirectly causes Milo to become sick with a computer virus, so Stanley leaves behind a prerecorded tape for The Mask to let him know about Milo's situation. It naturally has a few The Tape Knew You Would Say That moments, but it's the very end of the tape that gets this troper every time.
    Video!Stanley: You do something about this, buddy. Or so help me, I will stick this mask in the Smithsonian, where NO ONE will ever wear it again! (puts on the mask)
    Video!Mask: (panicked) IN THE NAME OF HEAVEN, DO IT, MAN! I THINK HE MEANS IT!!!
    • And upon finding the tape, The Mask first reacts to the label "Play Me" by playing it like a harmonica first, and once he puts the tape in the VCR, he changes to his child form while hoping it's Baywatch.
    • There's a also a rare moment where another character notices the Mask exploiting the fourth wall: the Mask tries to finish his fight with the virus by doing an Iris Out, only for the virus to catch on and pull out the closing circle to resume the combat.
  • In "To Have and Have Snot", Peggy accidentally causes Stanley to catch her cold, which they soon find out can be potentially fatal to The Mask. Later on, they finally discover that there's a cure; Bavarian wood mites. That's when Mask gets the opportunity to get back at Peggy for getting him in this mess in the first place.
    Mask: Peggy, I need your help. Will you help me find the remedy?
    Peggy: Of course! Anything! But where am I gonna find a Bavarian wood mite?
    Mask: (gives her a Slasher Smile)
    Peggy: (starts to back away) No. Uh-uh. No, no, no, no... (tries to make a run for it as Mask pulls a large rocket out of his jacket) NOOOOOO!
    Mask: (grabs Peggy, puts her in the rocket, and blasts it off to Bavaria) This kind of payback is good for your soul!
    • Of course, The Mask has himself to blame too. At the start of the episode, Peggy (who's already visibly sick with the cold) makes an off-hand remark about how "she could kiss him", after the Mask saves her, and The Mask decides to take it as an invitation to steal a kiss. He makes a big production of it too, including sweeping Peggy into a romantic embrace, and using a cartoonishly oversized breath spray on himself.
    • Even The Mask at first thought it was ridiculous seeing that a cold of all things will kill him along with his wearer, until symptom number two, which is loss of bladder control, ends up happening and he rushes to the restroom because of it. This is what finally convinces him that the cold will kill him and Stanley if he keeps his face on.
  • The two-part Crossover with the Ace Ventura Animated Adaptation were pretty much Crowning Episodes of Funny, although one of the best moments was in the second part, "Have Mask, Will Travel", when the Mask managed to briefly wind up on Ace's ass. That bit was hilarious on its own, but what made it even funnier was what happened when Stanley got it back.
    The Mask: Let's bring this party to a close. But first! And I do mean "butt" first... EWWWWWW! (Pulls a sink out of nowhere and begins scrubbing his face frantically) I know where it's been, I know where it's been, I KNOW WHERE IT'S BEEN!
  • The ending of "Shadow Of a Skillit", after The Mask defeats Skillit (basically an evil Peter Pan) by removing his shadow, which causes him to lose his magic powers and renders him mortal. Skillit is nearly hysterical, because without his magic and ability to drain others of their youth, he's doomed to grow old and die like everyone else.
    The Mask: (dressed like a police officer) Ah, all in good time, cubby. But first, we gotta get somebody to school!
    Skillit: NOOOOO!!!! Anything but That!
  • When The President, who's pretty obviously supposed to be Bill Clinton, visits Edge City in one episode, The Mask happens to save him from an accident by random chance, and the President rewards him with the Medal of Freedom. The Mask promptly tries to trade it for some tacos at his favorite fast food stand.
