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NOTE: The following OP was written by MaLady. Please give credit to them.

Seems to be just "Wears Martial Arts Uniform"

Martial Arts Uniform Wick Check

Wick check:

Martial Arts Uniform basically calls itself Chairs:
This trope is about characters who are seen wearing these uniforms at one point or another at ANY point in series. Hell, even background characters count. Keep in mind, the characters don't have to wear these uniforms at all times (although some do), they just have to wear them once to be an example.

Overlaps with Martial Arts Headband too, which might be a concern.

Checking all 138 wicks:

    The only clothes they have / their usual set of clothes (defines them as a combative person?) (13, ~10%) 
* Several characters from Consolers. Nintendo wears a side ponytail, Capcom wears a Martial Arts Uniform with one ripped-off sleeve
Son Goku himself qualifies. His [[Martial Arts Uniform usual]] attire but when he is in any other civilian outfit, he appears to be a relatively normal guy with an average physique.
* In Yokoka's Quest, after leaving Betel's Forest, Yokoka is given starry pajamas by Yin, which she wears from chapters 2-6, until she's starts training in the underground village and is given a Martial Arts Uniform to wear instead.
In Yokoka's Quest, Yokoka switches from wearing starry pajamas to wearing a Martial Arts Uniform after she begins training in the underground village.
* Capcom from Consolers has the left sleeve of her Martial Arts Uniform ripped off.
* Martial Arts Uniform: After Yokoka begins training in the underground village, she is given martial arts clothes to replace the pajamas she wore previously.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Sekai sports a white Gi with the with the Jigen Haoh School Logo on the left breast.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Iwao and Fuku-san are only ever seen wearing this.
* Martial Arts Uniform: It's Street Fighter, so all relevant characters wear one:
* Martial Arts Uniform: Casey begins to spend all his time at home wearing his. All the students wear white uniforms, Sensei wears black, and Grand Master wore red (with a rainbow belt he awarded himself).
* In Yokoka's Quest, as the tomboy of the party, Yokoka wears whatever pants [[Martial Arts Uniform and shirt]] she's given, has no accessories beyong her ribbon weapon, and does nothing with her hair. She likes to fight,
* Martial Arts Uniform: The Dairanger suits have this as a motif. The Carddass art plays it up.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Other than her school uniform, she is mostly seen wearing this.

    Wearing it for martial arts / combat (training) [Chairs, because no duh?] (55+ / ~40%) 
* Martial Arts Uniform: The first episode has a flashback to when Yuka and Satomi studied Kyokushin Karate, under Yuka's grandfather. Both are shown wearing traditional white training dogis, each with a black belt. In the present, their waitress uniforms become their default combat attire; complete with UFC style fight gloves and ankle guards.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Charley, Jetta, Vaz, and Emily Elizabeth during Charley’s karate class in “When I Grow Up”.
* Rummage Sale Reject: Sakura's combat clothes in chapter 10 are described as a cross between a Martial Arts Uniform and a Sailor Fuku.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Mabel's training clothes. She has a brown belt, and the lining is gray instead of white like most uniforms.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Almost every martial artist on Han's island wears a gi, and they did so for pretty much the whole movie. Except Lee, who insists on wearing his Chinese-style clothes instead.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Choi wears one for most of the second two-thirds of the movie - it is his only clothing while training in the mountains.
* Martial Arts Uniform: After moving into an old, run-down apartment with Cindy, Ling Hsi reveals that he used his first decent paycheck to buy Cindy a new guitar while getting himself a karate gi, announcing that he's using what meagre amount of money he can make to attend karate classes.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Worn by Inspector Wu and the recruits whenever practicing indoor close-range combat training. The fourth movie notably had Madam Lee and Madam Yang fighting each other in karate gi outfits.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Jeff sports one when he's fighting.
* Martial Arts Uniform: One scene in the movie is set in a martial arts school, with Siu-fung wearing this type of uniform. She's a black belt, naturally.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Bond and his opponents wear them when he fights the students at the martial arts school.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Shinano, Omitake the god of might's agent, wears one due to his wish being "the strongest karate master" (even though he really isn't).
* Martial Arts Uniform: Yawara and most other judo practioners in her series wear judogi when practicing or participating in tournaments.
* Martial Arts Uniform: During the flashback scenes at the dojo, and when Bruce and Dick are sparring at the beginning of the episode. Dick is only a green belt to Bruce's black in whichever discipline they're practicing.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Kairi wears her gi through the entire episode because Kyodai kidnaps her while she's training alone.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Olive wears one during her strength training, complete with a Martial Arts Headband as well.
* Martial Arts Uniform: When the new Robin is training with Bruce and Barbara at the end of the episode.
* Martial Arts Uniform: The Martial Artist enemies. Axel and Adam in 3's good ending.
* Martial Arts Uniform: During a few of the training levels - the fight with Morpheus.
* Martial Arts Uniform: The male karate mooks (Saxon, Hawke and Yan Lee).
* Martial Arts Uniform: Both opponents wear a white and red gi respectively.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Thomas in the first two games.
* Martial Arts Uniform: The Player Character wears a red karategi with a white bandanna and belt.
One of Frau's normal moves has her summoning Junna, who is wearing [[Martial Arts Uniform a Karate gi]], and striking baddies in front of her. Very appropiate because Junna practices Karate in her home game.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Mostly averted, though a few karatekas like Koji Kitao and Tariel Bitsadze have been allowed to keep their gi on (at the least the pants for Bitsadze). Hard Hit actually allows their wrestlers to fight in full judo/jiu jitsu gi.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Chigusa Nagayo used a gi as her warm up gear and entrance attire.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears a traditional white karate gi. As Mr. Karate he wears a black one.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Kairi wears her gi through the entire episode because Kyodai kidnaps her while she's training alone. She also wears it throughout most of her time on Batman Beyond, switching it for a black ninja outfit near the end during her battle with Zander.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Fights in one.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears one as Aikyoshi.
[[Martial Arts Uniform Karate Kennen]]
Characters.Super Smash Bros 460 To 63: Martial Artist:
* Martial Arts Uniform: Of course, he wears his trademark gi with torn-out sleeves.
* Fighter Uniform: This Martial Arts Uniform might not be sleeveless or shoeless, but at least you can change its color.
Characters.Super Smash Bros 460 To 63: Martial Artist:
* Martial Arts Uniform: Of course, he wears his trademark gi with torn-out sleeves.
* Fighter Uniform: This Martial Arts Uniform might not be sleeveless or shoeless, but at least you can change its color.
* Purple Is Powerful: His irises and Martial Arts Uniform are purple, and he is the strongest user of the "Gekka" style.
Characters.Universal Wrestling Federation RINGS:
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wore gi pants in his matches.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wore gi pants in his matches, though he later switched to shorts when he fought under the KOK rules.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wore gi pants in his matches.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wore gi pants in his matches.
* Martial Arts Uniform: First appeared wearing gi pants in his pants, though he later switched to kickboxing shorts.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wore gi pants in his matches.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wore gi pants at first, he later switched to trunks.
* Badass in a Nice Suit: Seikendo’s original Martial Arts Uniform was designed to look and feel like a regular suit to emphasize the self-defense aspect of the martial art.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Seikendo students had a uniform consisting of MMA gloves, white judogi and a hakama.
* Shirtless Scene: Despite the Martial Arts Uniform above,
* Costume Porn: Was famous for his flashy personal style, wearing hip hop and b-kei fashion for his MMA fights. He did don the Seikendo Martial Arts Uniform for his entrance before his fight with Sanae Kikuta.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wore a kurtka for his matches in Newborn.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wore a Judo gi for his match in Newborn. He also wore his gi top in RINGS, but removed it before actually starting his matches.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears an orange dougi by default.
* Martial Arts Uniform: A straight black karategi instead his classic modified orange one.
* Martial Arts Uniform: A straight black karategi instead his classic modified orange one.
* Martial Arts Uniform: He wears a classic blue dobok with orange. The 2P variation is a purple dobok with white.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Takato wears an Aikido uniform with a white gi and blue hakama.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Jacques wears a classic white judo gi. The 2P outfit has a light blue/cyan variant of it.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Ivan wears the official Greco-Roman Wrestling outfit in red with red, orange and white stripes.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Payak wears the typical Muay Thai uniform with green shorts.
* Martial Arts Uniform: He wears the traditional mawashi (Sumo shorts) in purple.
* Martial Arts Uniform: One of her more common costumes is her karategi, with the top loosely tied enough to show off whatever she happens to be wearing underneath. In 5 she gets a white Martial Arts Headband to go with it. In 6 this is her default costume.
* Martial Arts Uniform: It's iconic at this point.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Initially wearing the uniform of his old Shaolin school, Krillin adopts the Turtle Hermit School uniform at the same time as Goku, though he keeps his old one as a spare/casual wear for a while.
* Martial Arts Uniform: After he begins training under Roshi for the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, he adopts the same uniform as Goku and Krillin, but like Krillin only wears it when actively training or fighting.
* Characters.Dragon Ball Son Goku Tropes I To O:
* Limited Wardrobe: Almost never seen in anything other than a Martial Arts Uniform. Also, he's mostly worn the same outfit (with some additions) since he was twelve-to-fourteen years old.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Once Goku gets his first uniform from Roshi at his first tournament, it becomes his outfit of choice, and he's rarely seen in anything other than some version of it - and usually only when it's been destroyed, and he doesn't have a spare handy.
* Martial Arts Uniform: His orange gi.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Like most Muay Thai fighters, he's got a headband, boxer shorts, armlets, anklets and Handwraps of Awesome.
* Martial Arts Uniform: With the exception of the PSP version, he typically wears a headband and a gi.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Faris wears a white gi with red outlines.
* Art Shift: Most notably seen between his first and second version, which made him less Gonk and with a black t-shirt below the Martial Arts Uniform
* Martial Arts Uniform: He wears a pale white one, more similar to Karate than Kung Fu.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Being an archetypal fighter who specializes in the martial art of Ansatsuken, he wears a white one — although the sleeves have been ripped off. He gets a black one in his Evil Ryu costume.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Since they are karate-based, Karawn and Mabster wear the corresponding uniform.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Both of them have karate robes, even though Throh is into judo.
* King Mook: Of the Blackbelt trainer-class. Bruno specializes in the Fighting-type and his only clothes are the pants of a tattered Martial Arts Uniform and the belt needed to hold them up.
* Wild Man: Bruno appears to be a martial artist that has abandoned civilization—the only item of real clothing he wears is a tattered pair of pants held up by his black belt, the apparent leftovers of a Martial Arts Uniform.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears a kendo gi when attending kendo tryouts.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears one when Aria goes to see him practice.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Just a plain white karate gi. His alt gives him a slightly more elaborate blue one.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Both of her costumes are modest Tang suits, in either black-and-orange or pink-and-gold.
* Martial Arts Uniform: He's shown to have one, but he tends to wear his top like a Coat Cape: and then he discards it before the fight.

    No context (20+) 
* Martial Arts Uniform: Tsubomi's grandmother wears one in her flashback episode.
* Martial Arts Uniform: There are a few characters who wear a Gi, or something similar to a Gi.
* Funny Background Event: All over the place. Ryu going to a laundromat to wash his gi — apparently he wears tighty-whitey briefs — and the other customers staring at him in confusion.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Yuki and his mother Misato often wears these.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Kusunoki, her students, and Keima wear this during Kusunoki's and Hinoki's arcs.
Yosie (Wears a karate gi), among a few others.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Yosie Sakashita wears a karate gi
* Martial Arts Uniform: Xan wears one.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears a white one; in addition, she also wears dark blue leggings and red shoes.
* Martial Arts Uniform: In a childhood flashback. Also, she, Chizuru and Orihime are attacked by Numb Chandelier just after she's changed out of the uniform she was previously wearing.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Its dark-blue with a red belt.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Never seen wearing anything else but a martial arts uniform.
* Martial Arts Uniform: A black one, as part of his entrance.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Looks like Dr. Manhattan stole Geese Howard's clothes.
* Martial Arts Uniform: In a flashback when she defends a girl from bullies.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Notably wears a pitch black Dogi with an undecorated Black Belt. Black gis are usually associated with martial artists who have gone off the beaten path, or resolved themselves to take up a life full of violence with no Dojo to call home and no students of their own, but are also used by Okinawan Karate masters to differentiate and rebel against mainland Karate (as Okinawan Karate predates the mainland style by centuries and was made to combat the invading Satsuma Fief from the Japanese mainland to begin with).
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears a white Judo gi with a black belt, and a hakama over it when he's not in the ring along with classic geta sandals. Okubo goes as far as to accuse him as cosplaying when he steps in the ring. As it turns out, the Old Master appearance is more than justified.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears a traditional white one, although without the pants.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Zosui wears a gray karate gi.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Pre-VGU he wore a black, tattered karate gi. The only skin that retains a uniform is his Black Belt skin, albeit yellow instead.
* Sleeves Are for Wimps: His original look, and by extant the skins derived from it like Black Belt, forgo any sleeves on his Martial Arts Uniform, making those beefy arms of his the focal point. Cue his VGU and the whole shirt comes off instead.
* Walking Shirtless Scene: While his pre-VGU design gave him a rugged Martial Arts Uniform and animal pelt, he now goes completely topless, showing off a variety of tattoos across his body and overall better selling his Wild Man archetype
* Martial Arts Uniform: His uniform usually resembles some form of martial arts costume.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears his judo gi to the ring.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wore a stylized gi as Kwang.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Never seen without her kickboxing outfit. Helps identifying her as a Muay Thai practitioner due her uniform including pra jiad armbands.
Characters.My Hero Academia Class 1 A 1 To 10:
* Martial Arts Uniform: His hero costume is really close to one because he is the "Martial Arts Hero".
Characters.Neither A Bird Nor A Plane Its Deku Hero Course Class 1 A:
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears a gi as his costume. Bakugou scoffs at how little thought was put into it.
Characters.Neither A Bird Nor A Plane Its Deku Monstars:
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears a gi to the U.A. Entrance Exam.
Martial Arts Uniform: He wears one.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Naturally wears one to imply her skills.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Always depicted wearing one.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Always seen wearing one.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears a judo gi.
* Martial Arts Uniform: Wears a sleeveless one.
* Not So Above It All: During his early Loops, Igor took to dressing in some [[Martial Arts Uniform unusual costumes]]
Characters.Warframe Tenno Warframes A To M:
* Martial Arts Uniform: It's red and sleeveless.
* Tragic Keepsake: In Seoul Olympics, she wears a [[Martial Arts Uniform judo uniform]] that belonged to her missing father.
* Martial Arts Uniform: She also wears a red Chinese-styled gi.

    More like a Useful Note / just a mention of it existing (9) 
* The gi uniform and its variants which are associated with martial arts was not created until the early 20th century for use in Judo.
There's a rule prohibiting wearing gi outside the dojo.
** People familiar with the world of fighting will know that "Nogi" is also the name of the modality of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that is competed without the Gi.
* Action Fashionista: During the Saints Row III and IV playthroughs, he regularly changes his clothes; he prepares them before shooting the videos, and has teased most of their names. We have so far [...] [[Martial Arts Uniform Karate Lennon]], Bob Fett, Scum Lennon and Xmas Bob.
* When Yandere-chan joins the Martial Arts club, she is given a Martial Arts Uniform... with a black belt reserved for masters. What the hell?
This can be seen in motion with Taekwondo uniforms (also known as dobok),
When in a Martial Arts Uniform and barefoot they stay on the balls of their feet as if wearing heels (though it looks natural enough in context);
Nick enters a building and is attacked out of nowhere by a man in a Martial Arts Uniform, triggering a fight scene.
* Anything That Moves: His stated type is basically anything that can (even technically) be classified as a human female.
“Ha, you’re too naïve, Kami-yan. I have a wide range of acceptance when it comes to women: not just fallen female main characters but also [...] girls in [...] [[Martial Arts Uniform judogi]]
* I Know Karate: His Suju Martial Arts is based around Karate, Judo, and Taekwondo. He's even got the Martial Arts Uniform to boot.

    Referencing other martial arts uniform wearers (1) 
* Early-Installment Weirdness:
** There are no Limit Breaks whatsoever, making this the only mainline entry not to include them.
** SpongeBob has a completely unique design compared to his home series, and is presented as a Ryu parody, complete with the outfit and the moves. Later entries would make SpongeBob much closer to his depictions in other media while having his own moves.

    Other ( 12 a.k.a <10%) 

Pantheons (3):

Index (4):

Other (3):

Oriental Dragon-osity? (2):

* Law of Chromatic Superiority: She once had a martial arts themed website where she, as a dragon, wore a red version of the traditional gi
* Martial Arts Uniform: Before his "human dragon" persona, he walked down the aisle wearing a karate gi jacket and the mythical black belt.

Edited by GastonRabbit on Aug 20th 2023 at 8:55:09 AM

Adept (Holding A Herring) Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu
andrewthetroper from ...mislim, iz Srbije Since: May, 2022
#28: Aug 19th 2023 at 7:44:46 AM

[tup] Cut + yard

The pessimist sees a dark tunnel, the optimist sees a light, the realist sees two lights and the engineer sees three idiots.
Tabs Since: Jan, 2001
#29: Aug 19th 2023 at 12:20:40 PM


There's probably a trope for "activity doer in uniform wears the uniform in other situations outside that activity as well" (Barefoot Martial Artist TLP and All-Cheering All the Time touch on it). The yard can collect Martial Arts Uniform and maybe that, if one is so inclined.

GastonRabbit MOD Sounds good on paper (he/him) from Robinson, Illinois, USA (General of TV Troops) Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
Sounds good on paper (he/him)
#30: Aug 20th 2023 at 6:53:14 AM

Let's go ahead and cut.

Patiently awaiting the release of Paper Luigi and the Marvelous Compass.
AudioSpeaks2 He/Him (Greenhorn) Relationship Status: Oh my word! I'm gay!
Berrenta How sweet it is from Texas Since: Apr, 2015 Relationship Status: Can't buy me love
How sweet it is
#32: Aug 20th 2023 at 7:20:06 AM

143 wicks, so it should not take long to chop them down.

she/her | TRS needs your help! | Contributor of Trope Report
Yindee Just stoic wisdom. from New England Since: Jul, 2016
Just stoic wisdom.
#33: Aug 20th 2023 at 7:43:17 AM

Is there somewhere for me to put "wears gi in non-fighting circumstances" examples?

Vehicle-Based Characterization | Grief-Induced Split | Locker Mail
GastonRabbit Sounds good on paper (he/him) from Robinson, Illinois, USA (General of TV Troops) Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
Sounds good on paper (he/him)
#34: Aug 20th 2023 at 9:00:55 AM

[up][up][up]That's how we usually do it. We've made a small amount of exceptions, but it was for pages with such high wick counts that not making the links red early on would make it harder to deter the addition of new wicks. Since this page has a wick count in the low triple digits, that doesn't apply here, so we'll dewick first.

Edited by GastonRabbit on Aug 20th 2023 at 11:01:29 AM

Patiently awaiting the release of Paper Luigi and the Marvelous Compass.
MacronNotes (she/her) (Captain) Relationship Status: Less than three
#35: Aug 20th 2023 at 9:12:46 AM

[up][up] If you think those instances are tropable you can put them in a sandbox for Trope Idea Salvage Yard

Macron's notes
Yindee Just stoic wisdom. from New England Since: Jul, 2016
Just stoic wisdom.
MacronNotes (she/her) (Captain) Relationship Status: Less than three
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