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Tropers / Karaan 233

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18. White. Brazilian male looking for early to late 20s girl, prefereb... oh shit, wrong site! But since you guy/gal/hermaphrodite went to the trouble of cliking that link in the first plece, here are some tropes about meself:

Cloudcuckoo Lander: My thought process can be a little bit weird.

Deadpan Snaker: Sarcarm is my second lenguage.

Ditzy Genius: Because being a 145 IQ civil engineer student doesn't stop me from being an absolute jackass most of the time.

No Indoor Voice: Memetically so among friends and family.

Screams Like a Little Girl: No comments about this one, please.

No Social Skills: Actually, i do have social skills. It just so it happens that they are comperable to those of a rotten tomato.

Lame Pun: Love doing these!

So Unfunny, It's Funny: Just because i snark a lot doesn't mean i'm good at it.

So, that's me, basically. If you want to vandalize this page, go right ahead!
