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Tropers / Righteous Indignation

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Hi! I'm Righteous Indignation, and sort of new to the forums. And to TV-Tropes as a whole, though I already spent some time editing in the movie section ;)

I love movies and music, and to a lesser extent some webcomics and manga (+ anime). Ironically for someone loving a site called TV-Tropes I never owned a TV and also never really followed a TV show, save from single episodes here and there. There are many I really would like to watch, tough. TV Tropes already introduced me to so many awesome things, I should make a list to honour it properly.

I'm no native speaker and though I can be sensitive on a wide number of things, I'm really not when it comes to correct my mistakes in grammar, spelling or expression, because I do strive to improve my English. I'm also quite lazy, though: I could check every other word in some online dictionaries, but I often won't.

I used to read a lot, especially science-fiction and fantasy. Never really played any video games (save from some exceptions I won't admit), so all the gaming references and avatars in the fora will fly right over my head.

I'm a really horrible Spoiler Hound. I love sneak previews and watchig a movie I know NOTHING about.

I dislike Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch, Fan Haters, Complaining About People Not Liking the Show and every form of music snobbery.
I also very much despise Misery Poker and Appeal to Worse Problems, this includes people doing this to themselves, though then I merely dislike it.
I also dislike Self-Deprecation layed out publicly. note 

Apart from that I'm interested in medical science... and a lot of other things in fact - though "being interested in" doesn't really mean "know a lot about". Also I occasionally draw/paint ridiculously colorful amd/or emo art.

Tropes & Me:

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Guestbook Section:

Tropes you think apply to me, saying hi and general vandalism would go here.

  • Ten-hut! Eyes, forward! ~ Ivan The Mouse
  • Hey there. I enjoyed conversing with you on the more philosophical threads on YF, and I liked your insights on Life, the Universe, and Everything. I hope we get to talk about less heavy things sometime. (Constantly having to refute my pessimism must be a drag. :D ) — Icarael
