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Tropers / Lemon Bon Bons

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Hi, I'm Lemon Bon Bons. I'm a music fan who appreciates music of almost all genres, a bookworm, a movie fan, a Disney fanatic, and an avid fiction story writer and photographer in my spare time. I also raise and breed bunny rabbits, and I drive my minivan a lot. I am a soccer mom, a gymnastics mom, and a try-to-be-three-places-at-once mom. One of my kids thinks I am the best mommy in the world, the other is almost 13 and hates me. Hopefully it's only temporary. My motto has always been 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.' That is how I came up with the user name, and the 'bon bons' part is the stereotype of mothers eating bon bons all day. I don't eat bon bons but I do drink too much coffee.

My favorite movie ever is Beauty and the Beast, my favorite TV series include "Law and Order", especially the early seasons, the early seasons of "ER", "Seinfeld," my childhood favorites "Dukes of Hazzard' and "A-Team," and "Quantum Leap". My favorite music genres are 70's classic rock, most music from the 80's and 90's, classic country, folksongs, and classical music.
