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Take That / Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series

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It's not uncommon for LittleKuriboh to use the series as a way to express his disdain for a particular subject.

  • 4Kids Entertainment is mercilessly mocked at every available opportunity, with the series constantly making jabs at a lot of the questionable changes they made to the original anime (such as the infamous "invisible guns" for one). Ironically, 4Kids themselves are fond of the series and weren't responsible for its removal from YouTube. Filler Villains the Big Five are in the employ of 4Kids as of Episode 37. Melvin also works for 4Kids, according to episode 45.
  • The series frequently makes fun of general internet fandom ("I'm going to go complain about it on my LiveJournal!") and the various LittleKuriboh impostors who try to fool people into thinking a new episode is out. LittleKuriboh also isn't above making potshots aimed at his own fanbase, particularly the more impatient members ("Where's the new episode?!").
  • "We update almost as frequently as VG Cats." Touché, LK.
  • After trolls started flagging the episodes on YouTube (leading to their takedown), Kaiba informs Mokuba that he's "flagging videos on YouTube to compensate for the fact that [he has] an incredibly small penis."
  • For probably the same reasons as above, the first time Mariks Evil Council of Doom gathers, they decide to spam Yugi's YouTube account so that he will have no choice but to bow before their might. Marik compliments that it is very evil.
  • LittleKuriboh also frequently takes aim at the other Abridged Series, especially Naruto: The Abridged Series, largely because they tend to use a lot of similar if not identical jokes as YGOTAS (the creators of which actually appears once as guest stars to make fun of themselves). He raps about it, too.
  • In episode 15, when Kaiba loses his duel to Pegasus, he claims that he hasn't been this disappointed since he saw Reign of Fire.
  • In Epsiode 18, Yugi compares getting his life force drained away by the Shadow Realm to watching an Uwe Boll movie.
  • In Episode 24, Kaiba notes that they're already 24 episodes into the series and are just now establishing a Myth Arc, prompting him to ask if J. J. Abrams writes the show.
  • Episode 27:
    Joey: [after getting Rickrolled by the clerk selling Duel disks] That bastard Kaiba Rickrolled me! I haven't been this mad since they made HeavyDDR a sub-mod! note 
  • In episode 26, Kaiba gets his finger cut off by sticking it into the blades of the helicopter he was riding. Episode 28 picks up on this:
    Kaiba: Thanks for fixing my hand, doc. I'm not sure how you did it, but my finger feels good as new.
    Doctor: It's not really that complicated, we just replaced your finger with a synthetic replica. Did you ever see The Empire Strikes Back?
    Kaiba: No-I don't watch crap.
  • Episode 30:
    • In the intro:
      Yami: "According to Wikipedia, we don't exist!"
    • Immediately after the intro:
      Bully: "Hey, punk! This card isn't Graceful Charity! It's Graceful Dice!"
      Victim (with an apparent British accent): "Really? Well, I guess I got them confused. But you can't really blame me, they're very similar."
      Bully: "Like hell they are! Graceful Dice has a dice on it! Whereas Graceful Charity does not have a dice! You, sir, are a fool!"note 
    • When Yami meets Arkana (or rather, "Steve" Arkana):
      Arkana: Soon your Dark Magician will belong to me!
      Yami: That's about as likely as Battlestar Galactica having a satisfying conclusion.
  • The fanboy in Episode 31; he calls the cast by their Japanese names, and apparently made bad fanfictions of the show. Sound familiar?
  • Episode 32:
    • Yugi has no problem with challenging Strings, who's being possessed by Marik, once he's informed that he's a mime
      Yugi: Why do you keep using innocent bystanders as pawns of your deadly game?
      Marik: [through Strings] Innocent? Are you kidding me? Have you seen this guy? He's got piercings all over his body. You've got to be pretty (EFF)ed up to agree to something like that.
      Yugi: He's still a human being!
      Marik: He's also a mime.
      Yugi: Oh... In that case, yeah, I'll kick his ass.
    • Yami compares dueling Marik to playing the Nintendo Wii: "it got boring after five minutes."
  • Episode 33 appears to poke fun at the sometimes questionable design choices made by video game developer Square Enix:
    Marik: Look, I'll have you know that I like women!
    Florence: No doubt-that's probably why dressed yourself like one. Face it, you about as manly as a Square Enix character.
  • Episode 34:
    • Marik's cover-up name being Malik could be interpreted as a Take That! to the fans who watch the sub and insist Marik is actually Malik. Damn 4Kids!
    • When Yugi is giving his speech to Kaiba about The Power of Friendship.
      Yugi: Look, Kaiba, we probably hate each other as much as Konami hates Upper Deck, but unlike them, we actually respect each other.
  • Episode 35 makes another jab at the Nintendo Wii. This time for the various gaming ports that had a tendency to be of questionable quality:
    Kaiba: The graphics behind the Duel Monsters video game are incredible! It's just a shame about the Nintendo Wii version.
  • Episode 37:
    • After Florence and Marik discuss 4Kids posting Japanese episodes of the show:
      Florence: In the meantime, why don't you go buy yourself some more spary-on tan?
      Marik: HEY, (EFF) YOU!! This tan is one hundred-percent genuine!
      Florence: Yeah, genuinely awful. You look like that woman from the Transformers movies.
      Marik: You mean Shia Labeouf?
      Florence: That's the one.
    • When Zombie Boy finally speaks and complains about the script:
      Zombie Boy: Oh, there was a time when zombies were respected. Those were the days when George Romero didn't suck and the undead never broke into more than a stumble.
  • Episode 38:
    Jean-Claude: If won't marry me, I'm going to kidnap you instead! Since that appears to be the default response to anything on this show.
    Yugi: A deceitful scientologist? Who would've thought?
  • Even fellow otaku aren't immune!
    Bakura: Now the duel will take place in a twisted and horror-filled environment where only the bravest souls dare to venture.
    Yami: An anime convention?
    Bakura: Close, but no cigar. Here the spirits of the damned roam freely and every second is like living in a wide-awake nightmare!
    Yami: ...still sounds like an anime convention.
  • When the show gets "canceled" in Episode 47: [at least we lasted longer than Firefly]. It's also been referred to as "about the one thing Nick Simmons didn't plagiarize."
  • The internet trolls in episode 48 that do nothing but scream about various internet things. And in The Stinger at the end complain about how the episode was, including the phrase "Worst episode ever" and one saying that "These things were better when they were like five minutes long!"
    • And Téa's response when she first meets them? "Go back to 4chan you freaks!"
  • Episode 50 has a subtle one in which Bandit Keith swears as a witness to tell the only truth that matters: the American truth.
  • From Kaiba's Real Father - Conclusion upon learning he doesn't have a father:
    Kaiba: What kind of George Lucas bullsh#t is this?! What, was I conceived by midi-chlorians or something?!
    Cybernetic Ghost: No, Kaiba. Nothing as lame as that.
  • The Twilight series has so far taken hits on two separate occasions.
  • Right before Melvin said the series was going to go to Internet Obscurity, he said "Say Hello to the Juggernaut for me!"
  • The third episode of Season 0 includes a nine-minute long Take That! to YouTube's copyright infringement policies. One gets the feeling that LK might be a bit bitter about their latest ban.
    Yugi: Have you ever arrested someone who was innocent?
    Gray of the Police Department: Oh, all the time! It’s crazy how many people we arrest that didn’t do anything. I mean, we probably arrest more innocent people than we do criminals. It’s crazy.
  • Episode 54 features a brief but big and truly hilarious jab towards the original show's Singapore dub.
  • Episode 59 has Kaiba activate his Enemy Controller card, summoning a video game controller onto the field. This prompts a "Wait, I thought you had to be online to play with that thing," from Yami, making fun of Microsoft's initial plans to have the Xbox One require users to sign into Xbox Live once every 24-hours.
  • Season 4 in general loves taking potshots at the Doma arc, pointing out all the plot holes and Contrived Coincidences.
  • A good chunk of Episode 66 is spent insulting and criticizing United Airlines, with which LittleKuriboh has had multiple problems. Airport security and airports in general also come under fire.
  • After Alister unmasks himself from his disguise as Pegasus, Kaiba claims it to be a more impressive reveal then Kylo Ren.
  • Episode 74 and 75 make jabs towards a certain Virtual Reality card game and Yami blames Link Summoning for ruining the game.
  • United Airlines gets made fun of again in Episode 77, where Kaiba makes several quips about them. Additionally, several jokes are made about the controversies around the major airlines' security violently removing passengers who seemed to have done nothing wrong.
  • Episode 81 takes a jab at the casting of Gods of Egypt.
    Yami: By the whitewashed cast of the film Gods of Egypt!
  • From Episode 83:
    Yugi: I've always thought of you as my other me.
    Yami: "Other me?" What am I, some sort of Metroid spin-off game nobody wanted?
  • Also from Episode 83, Téa had this to say about Kaibaland:
    Téa: It's like the Wizarding World if it were created by a cold, heartless human being. In other words, it's just like the Wizarding World.
  • Episode 84: Kaiba attempts to promote Kaibacorp NFTs, only to walk back on it when the audience boos him.
