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Oh Crap / Live-Action TV

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Officer Pete Malloy, Killing Ground, when the motorists he and Officer Jim Reed tried to help get the drop on them.

Shows/franchises with their own pages:

  • 24: Alan Wilson has an "Oh, Crap!" look about him at the conclusion of Season 7 when he realises he is about to be tortured by Renee Walker.
  • 77 Sunset Strip: On the episode “Secret Island”, Stu Bailey and some other survivors of a plane crash arrive on a small tropical island. Finding a tower, he climbs to the top to survey the surroundings. The first thing he sees is a giant bulls-eye painted on the beach. (This was before the nuclear test-ban treaty.) They later find a boat that looks sea-worthy enough to get them to safety, but when they shove it in the water, all they can do is watch as it quickly fills with water and sinks.
  • The Adventures of Superman:
    • In "Double Trouble", the German doctor gets wide eyed when Superman No Sells his shots.
    • "The Human Bomb", Superman, Jimmy, Lois, and Perry are discussing Jimmy's confrontation with the titular Villain of the Week.
      Superman: Jim, why did you go out there?
      Jimmy Olsen: I was only trying to save Ms. Lane, and besides, I knew that that dynamite that guy had strapped to him was phony.
      Perry White: You knew it was phony?!
      Lois Lane: How, Jim?
      Jimmy: Well, because, that first stick of dynamite he showed us said on it it was made by the Apex powder company, but when I looked for the Apex powder company in the phone book, it wasn't even listed.
      Superman: But the first stick did explode, remember?
      Lois: And the fact that a company isn't in the Metropolis phone book doesn't mean that it isn't in some other city.
      Jimmy: Ohhh...
      He collapses into the chair.
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: There's a scene in one episode where Agent May is fighting with this guy on top of a moving freight train; she is still wearing a reserve parachute (having jumped out of a plane a few minutes earlier) when she suddenly pulls her ripcord and flies off the train backwards; her opponent jeers that she "can dish it out, but can't take it", when he turns round and sees the fast approaching low bridge; "Awwwwwwwww FU....."; the next scene shows Agent Colson putting down his binoculars, wincing, and saying "send a detail to pick up Agent May, and another to scrape that guy off that bridge".
    • And then there's Aida /Madame Hydra twice in "World's End," hen Robbie shows up to take the Darkhold, Aida blasts him with electricity, but all that does is bring the Rider out. The look on her face after he transforms is priceless. The second times comes along with the following:
    Aida: Don't you get it? You can't kill me.
    Phil Coulson grabbing Aida): Maybe not. But I'm pretty sure he can. The Ghost Rider has a new host — Agent Coulson, as she finds out.
  • Alex Rider (2020):
    • Ian Rider, when he realizes that Martin is a traitor, he's been led into a trap and he's about to die.
    • Alex, when Stellenbosch slaps him for talking back to Dr. Greif. The moment when it sinks in how very unsafe these people are is very clear on his face. And again a few minutes later, when he realizes that his concealed mobile is being jammed.
    • Tom, when he realizes that he's been drawn into a trap, and could blow Alex's cover.
    • When Smithers realises that not all the Greif clones are accounted for. And the missing one is a duplicate of Alex.
    • When Alex receives a video message from his duplicate, showing he has Tom hostage and will kill him if Alex doesn't show up.
  • Air Crash Investigation: Expressed by various pilots, passengers, and/or air traffic controllers just before the bad stuff goes down.
    • Perhaps seen most effectively in Crash of the Century, which covers the Tenerife disaster. The First Officer of the Pan-Am flight is positively horrified as he sees the KLM jumbo barreling down the runway towards his plane.
    • In "Head On Collision", a rail passenger with a view of the track in front of him realizes that his passenger train is about to collide with a freight train head-on.
    • In "Air France 447: Vanished", the captain has this reaction when he realizes that his co-pilots' diverging inputs to the side-stick controls are leading the plane into a stall.
    • Keep in mind that much of the flight crew dialogue in the show's reenactments comes verbatim from air traffic control radio transmissions and recovered cockpit voice recorders, making many of these moments dramatizations of Real Life examples.
  • 'Allo 'Allo!: Seems to happen to Rene at least once an episode. Perhaps most memorably at the start of Season 8, when Rene is recounting how all his problems have finally been solved, only to have Yvette announce that she is pregnant.
  • Angel: This is a frequent reaction to Angel vamping out.
    • A memorably well-done example (in puppet form) in "Smile Time"; when Angel gains the upper hand fighting Polo, the leader of the puppet demons, Polo comments that Angel must have a bit of demon in him. Angel responds he's got a LOT of demon in him and turns, for the first time in the episode, into a vampire puppet. Polo's face expressed the oh crap-ness of the situation remarkably well.
    • A wonderfully humorous moment in "Redefinition" from Season 2 has Drusilla, fresh off a series of her long-winded and insane ramblings, regarding a seriously ticked off Angel who had just killed all ten of the 'elite' warriors that Darla was trying to raise to cause a little havoc. Her reaction? "Shit." And then he lights them both on fire, using the cigarette dangling from his mouth and an as-yet unnoticed trail of gasoline. Darla has another Oh Crap moment when she DOES notice, too late.
    • Played well with Cordelia in "Belonging" when she finds herself transported to Pylea, a hell dimension. Looking around at the primeval forest, she loudly enunciates "Oh. Crap."
    • One occurs after the rest of the gang arrives, when the mooks show up while Lorne is singing.
      Lorne: Stop! In the name of love,/before you break my heart/think it ooh sh—
    • A particularly good example is in "Reunion". Wolfram & Hart, the evil corporation that has been trying to make Angel's life Hell and profits on people's misery, being trapped by Darla and Drusilla. Angel enters in an expected Big Damn Heroes moment, only to subvert it by saying he won't save them. The look on Holland Manners' face is brilliant. He pleads "People are going to die!", only for Angel to echo his earlier comments: "And yet, somehow, I just can't seem to care." It's the first major sign of Angel's descent, but it's hard not to cheer for the Laser-Guided Karma the lawyers received.
    • More or less everything about Illyria is a cascading series of these, from when she first manifests to when Cyvus Vail realizes that the petite young woman he was taunting is taking on a blue hue as she's swinging a fist at his skull.
  • Anne with an E: A meta example in Series 3 when Ka'Kwet's family talk about sending her to a residential school, believing she'll be well cared-for and educated. Any viewer who's familiar with Canadian residential schools and how they treated the indigenous children knows this is not going to end well.
  • Another Life (2019): This is exactly August's reaction when she learns that she's pregnant by either Oliver or Javier.
  • Arrow:
    • Late in Season 1, when Oliver confronts the architect of the Undertaking, his reaction is an unspoken "oh crap" when the man catches his arrow, revealing himself as the Dark Archer. After the ensuing fight, the Dark Archer mutters "oh no" to himself, having just beaten up his son's best friend.
    • In "Lost Souls," Felicity has this reaction ("Oh no...") when having established contact with Ray after finding out he's alive, and having found out the nanotechs shrunk him and the Atom suit, she sees that he's being held by Damien Darhk.
    • An Arrow episode isn't an Arrow episode until one of these pops up, really.
  • Ashes to Ashes (2008): In 2×01, DC Chris Skelton has a literal Oh, Crap! moment when he alerts the team that the sewer they're investigating is not tunnel 96, but 69. Which, it turns out, is still in use. (See image above). In a DVD commentary of the episode, the shows creators point out that this particular scene was designed to have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the episodes story or the overall arc.
  • Babylon 5:
    • In the sixth episode, Ivanova goes off and chases after a raider scout ship. She blows it up and smiles...only to have her viewscreen light up with at least a dozen more raider ships.
    • "Severed Dreams" has a couple of these moments.
      • The first one comes as Captain Hiroshi reveals that her ship intercepted orders given to Earthforce to take over the station by force. Sheridan sits at the conference table with one as it sinks in that hell is a few short hours away.
      • Sheridan has a second one when Lt. Corwin reports that a second battle group has arrived to take over the station and the station has no way of stopping this second force. That is, until a Minbari battle group arrives, led by one very pissed off Minbari ambassador.
    • Londo Mollari is involved in three epic ones... As the one who caused them:
      • In "Ceremonies of Light and Dark" he's trying to convince Lord Refa to join him against the Big Bad. Refa laughs in his face, asks him why he should do it and discard the relative power, and smirks disdainfully as Londo lists some high-minded reasons... And then it comes:
        Londo: And because I have poisoned your drink.
      • In "And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place", Refa has trapped G'kar and some other members of the Narn resistance, orders his guards to capture G'kar and kill the others, and when his guards don't move he asks what are they waiting for:
        G'kar: This.
        *G'kar activates a holoprojector showing a recording of Londo*
        Londo: Hello Refa. If you're seeing this message, it is because in a very few minutes you will be dead. I have made sure that the guards assigned to you are loyal to House Mollari.
      • In "Into the Fire" Mr. Morden gives this reaction when he realizes he's been Out-Gambitted by Londo:
        Londo: Yes, your ships are very impressive in the air, or in space. But at this moment they are on the ground.
        Morden: Right...they're on the ground...but they can sense an approaching ship miles away! So what are you going to do, Mollari? Blow up the island?
        Londo: that you mention it... [produces detonator from his jacket]
        Morden: NOOOO!!
  • El barco: In this upcoming Spanish TV Series, on the bridge of the titular ship, the captain comments on the noise the RADAR screen is making, saying that each dot on it represents a ship and the sounds mean those ships are emitting an SOS signal. When the RADAR device turns completely silent and no ship appears anymore on the screen, those on the bridge (and those that are seeing it) are obviously thinking "Oh, crap."
  • The Barrier:
    • After spending some time secretly detained in a scientific institute, Marta is given back to her family but asked to not tell her parents about what happened in it. Later, the adults in her family get their hands on a copy of a presentation about the work done in the institute, specificically one about the experiment's most promising subjects. The adults in Marta's family have an appropriate reaction when they see Marta's photo among that of other children.
    • After Iván and Manuela show up at Alejo's camp infected with noravirus, Hugo and Julia expect both of them to be sent back home. When only one of them is brought back, Hugo and Julia realize this is bad news for the other one.
  • Battlestar Galactica (2003):
    • In the episode "Six of One", Cavil experiences this when newfound rebel leader Natalie reveals she's given some Centurions free will — and they're not pleased about what Cavil is doing.
      Cavil: Say WHAT!?
    • After seeing The Mutiny spiral out of hand, with corridor to corridor fighting for its entirety, Gaeta and Zarek both experience this moment, one behind the other, when the jump drive is broken. Gaeta in particular practically goes into a fugue state for a few seconds while Zarek gets very worried and angry until both become resigned to the fact they have lost.
  • Becker: In the second to last episode, the scene at 8 minutes we see Becker's biggest 'Oh Crap' as he listens to a Tear Jerker [1].
  • Becoming Elizabeth: Thomas Seymour, the Lecherous Stepparent of the future Elizabeth I, is in The Tower on a treason charge after apparently trying to kidnap his nephew the king and/or gain his permission to marry Elizabeth. He's putting on a brave face to his brother, who is the Lord Protector, until he realizes that he's not in prison for show and his brother and nephew plan to actually have him executed.
  • Billy the Exterminator: Pretty much a Once an Episode thing, especially if the job Billy and/or Ricky are called out to seems to be a particularly serious situation, expect either of them to say to the camera, "I was thinking to myself, 'Oh God, what have we gotten ourselves into?'."
  • Blackadder: Edmund is remarkably good at having his plans disappear into the crapper, and responds appropriately with a mixture of terror and exasperation. Baldrick gets them occasionally too, such as his fourth-season version's quiet "oh dear" upon realising that he, Blackadder and George are attempting to navigate a minefield in the dark.
  • Bones: Has several Oh, Crap! moments:
    • When Booth gets the phone call in Aliens in a Spaceship that Bones and Hodgins have been abducted by the Grave Digger.
    • The episode where the Grave Digger gets shot, the shooter spices the evidence with taunts aimed at Booth, up to and including buying land in his name. When Booth goes to confront him there, the shooter laughs "You can't come onto my property without a warrant." Booth says "I don't need a warrant. (crosses the property line) This property is owned by Seeley Booth." The gunman turns and runs.
    • When Hodgins blows Angela's secret that she thought she was pregnant to Wendell.
    • The killer in “The Pathos In the Pathogens” when he refuses to give up the anti-serum and Brennan jabs him with a syringe that she says contains distilled virus.
  • Breaking Bad: The entire series is basically one long string of 'Oh Crap!' moments for Walt as he finds out some new horrible development that is about to land him in mortal peril or getting caught by the police.
    • Happens in the first episode when Jesse drives Emilio and Crazy-8 out to the RV where Walt is cooking meth. Things quickly go south when Emilio recognizes Walt from the DEA bust and assumes Jesse is an informant and led them to a sting operation, leading the two of them to try and kill Walt and Jesse.
    • A number of them involving Crazy-8 in the first few episodes, one when Walt and Jesse see him moving and groaning underneath the tarp, indicating that he's actually still alive and they need to finish him off, second when Jesse and Walt find out he escaped the RV and is wandering in a haze down the street, and third when Walt discovers that Crazy-8 secret stole a shard of the plate Walt broke, and is planning to kill Walt with it the moment he frees him.
    • In "Crazy Handful of Nothing", Walt is working at his school when Hank arrives on a work-related issue, a gas mask from the school's science lab was discovered in the nearby desert. It's the one Walt was wearing in the first episode and he feigns casual ignorance, but he's clearly sweating bullets knowing his crimes are being investigated by someone he knows.
    • In the first episode of the second season, Walt starts to worry Tuco might try to kill him and Jesse for being witness to him murdering someone, and his fears seem to be confirmed when he hears from Hank that one of Tuco's henchmen has been found dead (the henchman actually killed himself accidentally). Then, at the end of the episode, it turns out he was Right for the Wrong Reasons when Tuco kidnaps the pair at gunpoint.
    • In the following episode, Hank is investigating Walt's sudden disappearance (due to Tuco kidnapping him and Jesse). He follows up on the lead from Skyler that Jesse sold weed to Walt once, tracking the location of Jesse's car to Tuco's house. When he sees Tuco, a known violent and psychotic cartel member, wounded and clearly pissed off, Hank openly mutters "oh shit", when he realizes there's zero chance Tuco will come quietly.
    • In "Sunset", Walt is relaxing when he gets a call from Hank asking if he has any information on a lead to the blue meth investigation, specifically if he knows about an RV owned by Walt's former student Jesse Pinkman, which Hank suspects to be a mobile meth lab. Walt is immediately terrified because he knows if Hank actually finds the RV, it will implicate him as well, because his fingerprints are all over it, and rushes to dispose of the vehicle before Hank can investigate it. This leads into the second 'Oh Crap!' moment in the episode, when Jesse finds out Walt is about to destroy the RV and rushes to stop him, inadvertently leading Hank (who was surveilling Jesse) right to the vehicle and trapping the pair inside it.
    • In "I See You", Walt has been unable to cook meth for Gus lately due to Hank being hospitalized after a cartel assassination attempt. However, Gus decides to pay a visit to the hospital under the guise of showing his support for the DEA with free food, Walt is horrified because he thinks it will reveal to Gus his relation to Hank, who is a DEA agent (although, in reality, Gus already knew).
    • Near the end of "Half Measures", Jesse has been missing for most of the day, with Walt unable to contact him and not knowing where he is. It isn't until a Coincidental Broadcast about the death of a boy that he knows was involved in Gus' drug business that he realizes Jesse is preparing to take violent revenge against the gangbangers who did it, and will probably kill himself trying.
    • Mike and Victor have this reaction in "Full Measure", when Walt recites the exact address and apartment number of Gale, the person that Gus wanted to replace Walt and Jesse with after killing them, as he realizes that Walt just ordered Jesse to kill Gale and they have no way of stopping him.
    • Walt against has a reaction of terror when Hank states that he is investigating the murder of Gale in "Bullet Points", as he is afraid the DEA will find some evidence linking the crime to Jesse, and then to him. This fear proves to be not unfounded, as Hank finds Gus' fingerprints at the crime scene and suspects that he is involved in the drug trade somehow. He makes Walt plant a tracker on Gus' car in "Hermanos", something which fills Walt with dread, as he's already on thin ice with Gus. In "Crawl Space", Hank makes Walt take a sudden detour to the laundromat Gus is associated with to investigate it; Walt is fearful of Hank finding out the meth lab hidden under the building and unable to dissuade him from checking it out, he intentionally wrecks the car by swerving into traffic.
    • In a flashback at the beginning of "I.F.T.", DEA informant Tortuga is at a bar in Mexico when he's approached by his cartel associate Juan Bolsa, who wants to present him with a late birthday gift. Tortuga is cautious considering his position, but it goes away when he sees the present is just a pet tortoise. Bolsa playfully paints a message on the animal's shell, but when Tortuga sees that the message is "HOLA DEA", he immediately realizes with horror he's been caught, not that it saves him from being decapitated moments later.
    • At the end of "Mandala", Walt is told he has one hour to make the meth drop-off or he will lose his chance with a partnership with Gus. As Walt is rushing to retrieve the meth and get to the drop-off site in time, he gets a text from his wife telling him the baby is coming. His elation turns to horrified dread as he realizes he'll have to miss the birth of his daughter to deliver the meth in time.
    • Skyler has this reaction in "Bug" when her former boss visits her with the news that he's being audited for tax fraud by the IRS due to cooking his company's books. Skyler realizes that since she helped him cook the books as his accountant and her name is on the tax papers, the IRS will have the authority to investigate her taxes as well, potentially uncovering Walt and Skyler's drug earnings.
    • One of the biggest in the series is the ending of "Crawl Space". Gus has finally fired Walt, told Walt is going to kill Hank due to his continued attempts to uncover Gus' drug business, and that if Walt interferes, he'll kill his entire family. Walt rushes to call in an anonymous DEA tipoff and then "vanish" his family before Gus can retaliate, but when he goes to retrieve the half million in cash needed to pay the vanisher, he finds most of his earnings missing. When Skyler admits she gave most of the money to Ted (to pay off his tax debt), Walt has a screaming breakdown when he realizes there's no escape from Gus' wrath.
    • One of the very few times Gus Fring's unflappable demeanor breaks is the brief moment when he realizes Hector Salamanca didn't plan on going out quietly, and had Walter set a bomb to his wheelchair, right as he's in the middle of setting it off.
    • In the first episode of season five, Walt is disposing of any evidence linking him to Brock's poisoning or Gus' death, and is starting to finally relax when he remembers that Gus had security cameras all over the meth lab and the footage from those cameras is still on Gus' computer. He then races to contact Jesse and Mike to destroy the evidence before the DEA opens up the laptop and sees the recordings.
    • In "Say My Name", as Walt is in Hank's office at the DEA, he overhears that Gomez has caught Mike's lawyer, who has agreed to spill everything he knows. Mike has the same reaction when Walt frantically warns him in a phone call that the DEA is rushing to arrest him as they speak, and at that moment a police car rounds the corner.
    • Hank gets this after stumbling across "Leaves of Grass" in Walt's washroom and finding the other W.W. in it, realizing Walt is Heisenberg.
    • Jesse as well, after trying to smoke a cigarette only to realize Huell picked it from him, finally figuring out what happened to the ricin cigarette...
    • "To'hajiilee" ends with Walt being successfully arrested by Hank and Gomez. He's placed in the back of Hank's truck and begins contemplating his fate, when he suddenly notices Jack's trucks approaching them in the rearview mirror, having intentionally ignored Walt calling off the cavalry.
      Walter: (terrified) HANK! HANK! HAAANK!!
    • Walt also has two more of these moments earlier in the episode when Jesse texts him a photo that seems to show one of his barrels of cash Walt hid in the desert and Jesse says he's about to burn all the barrels as revenge. Walt is so horrified that he doesn't even question how Jesse discovered his barrels or that the soil in the photo isn't even the desert sand colour. He has the second moment when he arrives at the spot he buried the barrels, only to find no one's there and realizes it was a trick to lead him out into the desert.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
    • At least twice in the fifth season — once when a building collapses on her, and right after being teleported high into the sky by Willow — Glory realizes what's about to happen to her and manages to get out "Oh, sh..." before the camera cuts away from her.
    • In "Innocence", Drusilla and Angelus are standing in a mall near the recently resurrected Judge, a demon who "Cannot be killed by a weapon forged". Buffy shoots him with a crossbow, which catches the Judge's attention. He delivers the "Cannot be killed" line (again), and Buffy pulls out a rocket launcher. "Oh Crap!" covers Angelus and Drusilla's faces, and they run for cover. The Judge, however, looks at the launcher curiously, and asks "What does that do?" Buffy demonstrates: *BOOM*
    • In "Checkpoint", at the very end of the episode, after Buffy's speech of awesome against the Watcher's Council, she demands to know what Glory is.
    Buffy: Just tell me. What kind of demon am I fighting?
    Travers: (brief pause) Well, that's the thing. She's not a demon... She's a god.
    Buffy: (eyes widening, lips quivering) Oh. (cut to credits)
    • Faith has one in "Enemies" when she realizes how thoroughly Buffy and Angel have played her.
    • Warren when he learns that Buffy survived being shot in "Villain".
    • When Xander sees Warren show up in "Seeing Red".
    • The Mayor in "Graduation Day, Part 2": Well, gosh!
    • In "The I In Team", when Professor Walsh realizes how thoroughly screwed she is when Buffy reveals that she's survived the little assassination attempt. Not to mention the fact that Riley, her best agent and Buffy's boyfriend, also sees it after she blatantly lied to him.
    • Adam gets one in "Primeval" after Buffy gains the combined powers of the Scooby Gang, and he discovers that his weapons are useless against her.
    • Buffy gets one in "Primeval", when Adam turns his arm into a machine gun.
    • Caleb in "End Of Days ":
      Caleb: So, you found it. Not impressed. 'Cos the question now, girly-girl, is can you pry it from solid rock before I come over there and—
      (Buffy pulls it out easily)
      Caleb: Darn.
    • Buffy has one in "Chosen", when she leads the potentials into the Hellmouth.
      Buffy: I'm not worried. As long as Willow can work her spell before they—
      The Turok-Han collectively snap their attention towards the girls
      Buffy: — see us.
    • "Chosen": as Spike so eloquently puts it before a pillar of lethal sunlight burts through the ceiling onto his head-
      Spike: Oh, bollocks.
    • Stiff Upper Lip Giles delivers one with classic British understatement when he realises they're facing The End of the World as We Know It. Again.
      Giles: Oh (as usual) dear.
    • Andrew gets one in the Season 7 episode "Never Leave Me" when he runs into Willow in the butcher shop. His subsequent reaction indicates that she's probably had a recurring role in his nightmares.
    • In the first Spike comic of the Season 9 comics, Spike is knocked out and up by a group of demons who want to steal his spaceship. Said demons walk onto the ship, asking the last three remaining cockroach aliens (who have become Spike's lackeys),
      "Okay, which one of you cockroaches is in charge of this heap?"
      • The other two aliens point at the one in the middle, who also happens to have a broken leg, who gets an Oh, Crap! look and just reponds with
    • Again the Season 9 comic in Angel & Faith:
    Faith: Oh, Crap!. Hey, little, when you said we'd have to fight 'Quor'toth itself,' what did you mean?
    Demon: The Old One who gives this world it's name. Why?
    • Yet again in Season 9 when Nadira and some other slayers show up Giles' house. And they know Angel is there.
    • Mayor Wilkins has one in "Gingerbread". Blink and you'll miss Wilkins suddenly start looking rather uncomfortable when Joyce discusses the horrors that happen in Sunnydale.
    • The First Evil has one when Buffy, who it was just taunting, gets up from a supposedly mortal wound during the Final Battle.
    • Simone has one when Buffy shoots the lock on the Ragna Demon's cage, and locks her and her gang in a room with it.
  • Burn Notice: Likes to sprinkle these throughout an episode, usually when the Villain of the Week realizes they've just been played, and/or see something explode.
    • Michael, being The Stoic, hides it pretty well, but when old enemies like Larry (yes, "dead" Larry) or Tyler Brennan show up, it tends to trigger this kind of reaction from him.
    • Michael has a less subdued one in one episode when fighting a huge bounty hunter, who ignores Michael's strikes, staring up at him and letting out an "Ohhh damn."
  • Charmed:
    • "Oh Crap" is the exact line spoken by three Monster of the Week demons when they find themselves suddenly minaturized, trapped in a dollhouse, and about to be blown up by the Charmed Ones. Seconds earlier they had planned to do the same to the Charmed Ones.
    • Piper has a moment in "The Courtship of Wyatt's Father" that is an example of a mental "oh crap" when she finds out that she's pregnant with Chris.
      Piper: No, I'm not [pregnant], I mean how could that happen, I mean, I know how that could happen, but, it... (Oh Crap look of realization) What am I gonna do?
    • Piper once caused the entire underworld to have an Oh Crap moment the first time they threatened Wyatt after he was born. They started taking out any threats to him themselves just so she wouldn't go on another rampage.
  • Chernobyl: The logical and reasonable reaction to discovering the accident.
    • Scherbina has a moment when a helicopter crashes after flying over the destroyed reactor, proving that Legasov had not been exaggerating when he said the pilot that had brought them in would be better off getting shot than flying over the reactor to look at it.
    • Basically everyone in the plant in the flashback to the accident occuring, in several stages:
      • Toptunov upon seeing the readings on the control room's instruments.
      • Akimov, looking at the same instrument as Toptunov and seeing the reading steadily climbing way too far up. He immediately rushes to AZ-5 (shut down completely) the problem reactor- generally the right thing to do in this situation, but a massive Failsafe Failure due to the flawed RMBK reactor design, which led to...
      • Valery Kodemchunk, the worker who was actually down on a a catwalk over the reactor, hearing a clanging noise, looking at reactor #4, and realizing that the source of the noise was the control rods bouncing up and down- bear in mind that these rods weigh hundreds of pounds and are not supposed to lift up like that. He then books it out of there, only to sadly not make it in time.
      • Everyone in the control room, upon seeing the screen displaying the reactor's control rods light up completely, indicating errors with every single rod.
      • And finally, everyone in the plant after the explosion actually occurred. Not all of them know what happpened, but they know it was big and very, very bad.
  • The villans on Choudenshi Bioman had this when they realized their plan to assassinate their leader failed and he was ready for it.
  • Chuck: Happens a fair amount, mostly to the Bad Guy du Jour when they realize they're beaten. When Chuck solved the slide puzzle on top of the box thought to contain a deadly chemical weapon which actually contained a knock-off Kool-Aid flavor, he and Sarah had a great Oh, Crap moment. And a similar one when Dr. Wheelwright, played by Freddy Krueger himself — Robert Englund — set off his fear toxin on himself and Chuck. And a big one when Chuck realized that Shaw really was working for the Ring. Almost too many to count, really.
  • The Closer:
    • This show has one in the episode "Time Bomb". Quote Brenda: "The school's not the target. We're in the target."
    • Tao's terrified scream of "Hooooly CRAP!" when he stopped a tank full of sarin gas rolling towards him with his foot.
    • The first time Brenda encounters serial rapist and killer Philip Stroh and he walks free because there's no evidence against him, he gets into his victims' houses by having an accomplice ask to use her bathroom at some point just before and so that the accomplice can unlock the bathroom window for him. So when Brenda has encountered Stroh for the third time, thus alerting him to the fact that she's trying to nail him again, and she walks into her bathroom at home only to find the window wide open, she doesn't really have to say anything. Her face says it all.
    • The look on Chief Pope's face when Brenda pointed out that he had given all the evidence including a loaded gun to a Detective 'Dick Tracy'.
    • In Season 1, a smarmy young punk killed his parent's Mexican maid, and then skipped down to Mexico with tons of money to live in luxury until the police lost interest in him. Brenda went down to Mexico and asked the Mexican police to help her interview the punk, who was arrogant and insulting, until Brenda said that they didn't have enough evidence to indict him, so they would indict his mother, unless the punk admitted to the killing, preventing Brenda from going after the mother. The punk laid out the whole crime, finishing with "But you can't arrest me because you have no jurisdiction here." Brenda agreed, but then pointed out that the two Mexican police officers standing behind the punk spoke excellent English and just heard him confess to killing a Mexican citizen. Cue an epic Oh, Crap! moment as the punk realizes that he will spend the rest of his life as an American in a Mexican prison. He is dragged away screaming and begging to be extradited to Brenda's jurisdiction, to no avail.
  • Community: In the episode Modern Warfare Abed's realization at the men's room urinal when he sees fresh green paint roll down, highlighting the paintball outline of the previous users who got trapped there.
  • Control Z:
    • Isabela's reaction when her secret of being a trans girl is leaked.
    • Sofía and Javier have this as Luis' mother coincidentally arrives to her house just as the duo are investigating it to find some leads connected to the avenger, while also unsuccessfully trying to calm her dog down. Nevertheless, they manage to escape unnoticed after the perpetrator sets the place on fire using a molotov cocktail.
    • When Natalia uses a sugar daddy app as a mean to collect the money for the drug dealers, she is matched with an older guy who arranges a reservation for them at a restaurant. However, she is shocked to realize that it is Javier's wealthy father. In response, Natalia sheepishly rushes out of the place and the situation is worsened when Javier catches them together.
    • Raúl also has one when Pablo shows up at his house to beat the crap out of him. Again.
  • Criminal Minds:
    • In the episode "Ashes to Dust", the Pyromaniac Villain of the Week has this expression just as he realizes that his "accomplice" didn't intend to leave the building he lured him to alive and planned to kill them both in the fire.
    • "Compulsion": Three college students are stuck in an elevator with fire alarms going off all around them. The doors are levered partly open and their friend Clara appears. They beg her to help them, and then one of them asks if the building's on fire. Her response, terrifyingly calmly, is "Not yet", bringing this response even before she starts pouring accelerant...
    • This "Oh, crap" moment from "In Name and Blood" doubles as a Funny Moment. Garcia sees Morgan's phone number on her caller ID. Unfortunately, he's not alone and he doesn't answer the phone:
      Garcia: Talk dirty to me.
      Strauss: This is Section Chief Erin Strauss. (Both Morgan and Garcia have "Oh, crap" expressions. JJ is amused.)
      Garcia (horrified): Ma'am, I think it goes without saying that I was expecting it to be someone else.
  • Played for Laughs in Criminologist Himura and Mystery Writer Arisugawa. Himura tells Arisugawa that his neighbour had a "dubious" expression on her face when watching Himura enter Arisugawa's apartment. When Arisugawa asks him to clarify, the normally stoic Himura widens his eyes as he realises why she was so shocked at seeing a man enter Arisugawa's home.
  • CSI: NY:
    • In "Food for Thought," Danny asks Lindsay what she wants for lunch two or three years after Lucy's birth. She responds with a whole list of foods, and Danny gets this kind of look. She has to reassure him she isn't pregnant again.
    • In "Means to an End," the Serial Rapist from Jo's FBI days has her cornered, takes her gun, removes the magazine and tosses the weapon near her. He taunts her as he empties all the bullets, remaining unconcerned as she goes for the gun. He gets this look when she informs him he forgot the round in the chamber.
  • Dark Desire: Alma has an immediate look of dismay when she sees Darío, the young man whom she'd just cheated on her husband with the previous night, is a student in her class.
  • The Day of the Triffids: In the second episode of this 1981 BBC mini-series adaptation, the hero Bill witnesses a number of these reactions when he meets individuals who realize that 99% of the population has gone blind, and they start thinking through the consequences. A medical doctor eventually jumps to his death rather than deal with the aftermath. Bill himself has a similar expression on his face as the father of a young, working-class family walks him through the implications.
  • Deadliest Warrior: The simulation in the Season 1 finale had two beautiful Oh Crap moments made by the Taliban insurgent when he noticed that he was about to be a casualty of friendly fire via RPG, and the last Taliban insurgent when he realized that the IRA insrugent had trapped him in a bus with a Nail Bomb in it.
  • Dead Like Me: George in the first episode. "They say your entire life flashes in front of your eyes the moment before you die? That might be true if you're terminally ill, or your parachute doesn't open... but if death sneaks up on you, the only thing you have time to think is: Aw, shit!"
  • Defiance: When Big Bad Rahm Tak starts to work out that something's not right, the understated Oh, Crap! look on his face as he realizes that This Is Gonna Suck but has no idea what's coming is hilarious. Of course, when he sees the energy of the overloading stasis net barreling toward him, all he can say is "OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" These are his last words before being disintegrated.
  • Dexter:
    • Dexter gets one of these moments at the beginning of Season 2, when he watches the news and sees that divers discovered the bodies dumped by him.
    • In Season 4: "Hello...Dexter Morgan." A dangerous serial killer who he has been hanging out with has just discovered Dexter's real identity.
    • In the Season 5 finale, the Big Bad thinks he has Dexter dead to rights. He unrolls Dexter's knife satchel, gloating and taunting...until he realizes that one of the knives is missing.
    • At the end of Season 6: "Oh God." His sister and boss at work Debra has just come to his kill-room.
    • Isaak has one when he enters a Colombian bar on Episode 5 of Season 7. It's full of hitmen who are supposed to get him.
  • Dollhouse:
    • Sierra's rapist handler Joe Hearn in the episode "Man on the Street," when — on the verge of assassinating Mellie — he hears Adelle's voice on the answering machine: "There are three flowers in a vase. The third flower is green." It's the last thing Hearn ever hears, as the sentence triggers Mellie's fighting imprint; she kills her would-be killer within 15 seconds.
    • Adelle's reaction in "The Hollow Men" when Boyd plays a recording of the trigger phrase on an intercom, causing Mellie to shoot at Paul.
  • Downton Abbey has two moments from Mrs. Baxter grouped close together leading up to the discovery of Thomas's attempted suicide:
    • First, as Molesley remarks on Thomas's parting words to him:
      Baxter: I should go back.
      Molesley: Is something wrong?
      Baxter: I hope not.
    • And then, when she inquires of Andy regarding Thomas's whereabouts and he says that he went in to take a bath, it's enough to elicit an "Oh my God!" from her when the realization sets in very quickly.
  • Dragnet:
    • Mister Daniel Lumis has just finished explaining why he's such a Special Snowflake that he had every right to cash bad checks on luxuries, discard anyone he found inconvenient, burglarize people for daring to make him mind the in-laws, and generally Kick the Dog whenever he felt like it (wrapped up in euphemisms, natch). Then,
    Friday: Where you're going, there aren't any misters.
    Lumis: That so?
    Friday: Just numbers.
  • Dune:
    • In the 2000 miniseries, the Fremen have a four-part opening to their assault on Arrakeen. First, they blow up the Shield Wall with a nuke. This is followed by a massive sandstorm, a squadron of ornithopters, and four sandworms carrying Fremen warriors. In between each part, we shift back to the Imperial Palace to see the Oh Crap reactions on everyone's faces.
    • Satisfying is the expression on Rabban's face when he sees that he is surrounded by an immense, eerily silent mob of the very people he had enjoyed brutally oppressing. The fact that he just drops his knife and lets out a cry of abject despair as the mob swarms in and guts him is icing on the cake.
    • The expression on the Baron's face when he realizes that a little girl had just poisoned him. Him, the Baron of Geidi Prime, brought low by a four-year-old girl. Oh Crap indeed.
  • EastEnders has had plenty over the years, often immediately followed by the iconic closing drum beats, but the 2015 Christmas arc provided a particularly epic example. Ronnie Mitchell orders some thugs to kidnap Vincent, tie him up, and lock him in the boot of a car that's due to be scrapped. It looks as though they've managed it... until Vincent brazenly strolls into the Queen Vic.
    Ronnie: How did you do it?
    Vincent: Do what?
    Ronnie: Escape from the car.
    Vincent: What car?
    [after a moment of dawning realization, Ronnie dashes over to the Arches in a blind panic only to find that the car has already been taken to the scrapyard, with the wrong person inside it]
  • Farscape:
    • In an early episode, Aeryn accidentally detonates a weaponized black hole on board Moya. Crichton, who was trying to stop her, just has enough time to whimper "Oh God!" before Moya implodes. Thankfully, it's not permanent.
    • Crichton, upon seeing Rygel's homemade bomb rolling towards him.
    • Durka, upon seeing Crichton's homemade bomb rolling towards him.
    • "Harvey knew... HARVEY KNEW! Scorpius knew! How...? HOW?!"
    • "Docking Bay 2 recently performed an atmosphere replenish, as if it'd been opened... but we landed the pod in Bay 1... TALYN, SEAL ALL HATCHES!"
  • Father Brown: For Inspector Mallory in "The Wrath of Baron Samdi" after he realises that Father Brown wasn't actually murdered by the poison, but the post mortem that Mallory ordered will definitely do the trick.
  • Firefly:
    • Mal himself, at Serenity Valley when he realizes that they have lost the war. It goes on and on and qualifies as troubled Thousand-Yard Stare.
    • The episode "War Stories": The look on Niska's face when Mal shows just how much of a tough bastard he is by getting up while the guard's back is turned and sticking him with the same nasty torture device that had briefly killed him, and then proceeding to show Niska "the real me now".
    • Jayne's face when River offhandedly reminds him of this: "I can kill you with my brain."
    • The legendary line from Psycho for Hire Jubal Early, and that priceless look on his face:
      "You're not in my gorram mind! You're on my gorram ship!"
    • Memorably averted by Jubal Early when he is floating away in his spacesuit to probably die. He doesn't look distressed at all.
      "Well, here I am..."
    • Mal's "Use of a sw-what?" When he's informed in must participate in Sword Fight and Duel to the Death.
    • River Tam adopts this look in "Ariel" when she realizes the Hands of Blue are coming.
  • Frasier: Niles Crane gives off an Oh Crap expression when, while driving home from work, is hearing Frasier having sex with Kate on the radio (due to Kate accidentally switching on the the microphone).
  • The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air:
    • A man who hustled Will at pool gets one when, after Phil seems to play a lousy game, realizes he himself was just hustled when Phil says "Geoffrey, break out Lucille."
    • Will gets out when pretending to be Phil to fool a teacher at a school Ashley transferred to when one of her teachers rips off his fake mustache.
  • Glee: The whole club has an Oh Crap moment during the first season's Sectionals competition. When they first arrive at the competition, they're told that they will be performing last, which they are pretty happy about... until the competition actually starts and they gradually come to realize that their entire set list has been stolen by the two teams performing before them. The looks on their faces as they watch all their songs being performed by the other teams are ones of absolute despair.
  • In the Season 1 finale of The Good Place, Eleanor drops her smugness and quickly goes into panic mode when Michael reveals that he is able to easily erase her memory and reset his neighborhood/torture chamber.
  • Goosebumps (1995): In the episode "Click", Seth decides to freeze his family when they annoy him. Unfortunately, the remote stops working right at that moment and Seth realizes the implications of what he just did.
  • Heroes:
    • Mohinder disables Ax-Crazy villain Sylar's superpowers in order to torture, taunt, and eventually kill him. But when he pulls the trigger, the bullet stops in mid-air, and Sylar unstraps himself from the chair and stands up, having mysteriously gotten his powers back. Mohinder freezes in place, and the look on his face when he realizes he's now at the mercy of an incredibly powerful Ax-Crazy serial killer he's just spent the last hour torturing, belongs in the Oh, Crap! hall of fame.
    • Sylar gets one of these too on Kirby Plaza after getting several super-powered punches to the face looks up just in time to see Hiro teleport in ready to stab him.
    • In Volume 3, The look on Bennet's face after he realizes that Peter is no longer possessing Jesse.
    • In the end of Volume 4, Sylar makes it clear he's no longer interested in humoring Big Bad Danko's orders. Danko casually stabs him in his weak spot, seemingly killing him. When Danko turns to walk away, Sylar rises up from the ground and looms over Danko, clearly very, very much annoyed. The look on Danko's face is priceless.
    • In the finale, when it looks like Sylar's plan to get close to the President so that he can shapeshift into him is about to succeed, we find out that he can't because it's actually Peter, who stole his ability earlier and in turn stabs Sylar with a tranquilizer. The look on Sylar's face shows that he's finally been owned after 3 seasons of fighting him with no clear winner, followed by a badass quote from Peter:
      "You didn't think I took that one from you, did you?"
    • Sylar gets an Oh Crap, when he realizes that Peter took the Haitians power, meaning that hes going to have a fist fight with the guy who wants to kill him the most.
    • After Sylar is brainwashed and shapeshifted into a copy of Nathan Petrelli, we see a scene where Nathan's mom Angela (the whole thing was her idea) meeting up with him at his office to take him to lunch. On their way out, Sylar/Nathan spots a clock ticking one second off-time and it annoys him (this was always one of Sylar's known quirks. He stops to fix the clock. In the background, Angela Petrelli watches, and as she realizes that her "perfect" creation is starting to show signs of his true self again, her expression can truly only be described as Oh Crap.
  • In Hell's Kitchen season 11, the five Black Coats are finding themselves competing against previous winners. They’re all smiles until Season 6 winner Dave steps up. For the record, Dave won season six while suffering from a broken wrist. This time he had two functioning arms.
  • High Maintenance: The Guy is very chill most of the time, but has a great Oh Crap face when his clients become crazier than expected.
    • Heidi does this when The Guy greets her by name, knowing that he probably revealed her "Homeless" Heidi secret identity.
  • Hogan's Heroes:
    • Major Hochstetter gets one in "War Takes a Holiday" when he realizes that the war is not as over as he'd been led to believe, and that he will have to answer to his SS comrades for letting those Underground leaders go.
    • Colonel Hogan gets one when he realizes that the fake bomb he's pretending to disarm is actually a real, live bomb — and that since it's right on top of Carter's portion of the tunnel, he has to go ahead and really disarm it.
  • Horatio Hornblower:
    • "The Even Chance":
      • Horatio has his first midshipman command, taking a prize cargo ship to England. He's sleeping and suddenly wakes up, realizing that the ship was holed when they took her. A long shot of his very open eyes and slightly open mouth follows. Yeah, the ship is going down.
      • Archie has an Oh Crap expression when one Jack Simpson, his tormentor and bully from Justinian, is rescued and gets aboard their new ship Indefatigable. He volunteers himself to participate in a raid the "Indy" crew plans. Lieutenant Eccleston agrees and says Simpson will go in a boat with Archie and Horatio. Cue Archie's Oh Crap face.
    • In "The Examination for Lieutenant", Horatio's division is exposed to The Black Death while picking up food supplies in Oran. When he reports this to Pellew (from the boat, and downwind), Pellew is horrified by the knowledge that his protegé and the other men will, in all likelihood, die agonizing deaths within days. It clearly takes all of his self-control to carry on a professional conversation about their quarantining on the supply ship.
    • Horatio had it rough in "Duchess and the Devil":
      • He entrusted the Duchess with super important dispatches when they were about to be captured by the Spaniards and taken to prison. He realizes he's screwed when Archie tells him that the Duchess is not a Duchess but actually an actress.
      • One 'I'm screwed' face comes when a French soldier recognizes her as well, and Horatio thinks he will find the dispatches.
      • When his sailors tried to escape without his supervision, they did not get even out of the prison. When they are caught and Hunter is shot in his leg, Horatio's desperation is palpable.
    • When Crazy Captain Sawyer is concussed and unconscious, Horatio takes the opportunity and has a shower on deck to freshen himself after his endless continuous watch, which he was unjustly assigned as a punishment. Everybody watches, cheers him and they have fun, but then Captain Sawyer makes an appearance, complete with ominous music. Horatio's face says it all.
    • Horatio realizes he has made a big mistake about five seconds after proposing to his friend Maria. She is crazy about him but he only has platonic feelings for her at best. Fortunately she doesn't see it.
  • House:
    • At the end of the Season 5 finale when House realises the hallucinations have not gone away, but gotten worse as imaginary Amber and Kutner show up to mock him, followed by what he thought was a lipstick tube in his hand being revealed as a vicodin bottle, meaning he'd gone from merely seeing people who he knew weren't there to full-blown losing track of reality, no words are said but the look is one of the strongest examples of this trope ever. He still has it as he's being driven to the rehab/asylum at the end.
    • In "The Itch," House uses a gigantic tank of aerosol pesticide to a single mosquito in his apartment. He turns on the spray, spots the mosquito, which he chases to his gas range. He swats at the mosquito, misses, and accidentally lights the stove. When House realizes that the flammable pesticide is still filling his apartment, he simply mutters an interested "Oh," before his apartment explodes. It turns out all right.
  • iCarly
    • In "iKiss", when Carly asks about the prank Freddie pulled on Sam.
    Carly: What did you do?
    Freddie: Call the police!
    • Everyone in "iStill Psycho", when they realize that Nora and her family plan to keep them as their prisoners forever.
  • Income Property: Scott MacGillivray has actually turned white on camera when opening walls to find dangerously poor construction; on one occasion he found a chunk taken out of the main support beam for the entire building and on another he found an illegal electrical system that got worse the more wall he opened. Then there was the severe mold he uncovered, leading to an evacuation.
  • I Love Lucy: Lucy had a catchphrase for this whenever she realized one of her hare-brained schemes went horribly wrong.
  • The Incredible Hulk (1977): Usually Once per Episode (or twice), the bad guys who are violent towards David Banner, leading to his transformation into the titular character, have this reaction when they see an angry green giant roaring at them.
  • The Invisible Man: This starts as the Hero's catchphrase, although later it is used by almost all of the characters in the same intonation. His delivery is invariably in the "This Is Gonna Suck" range.
    • Especially funny when subverted by the Bad Guy Arnaud, when he shows up suddenly, sees the look on Darien's face and beats him to the line. "Yes, Yes, I know...Oh Crap."
  • Iron Chef America: Battle Thanksgiving Leftovers, Michael Symon has an epic Oh Crap face when the Chairman reveals his "culinary curveball": liquid nitrogen.
  • JAG: In the Season 8 episode, Empty Quiver, Cmdr. Turner is looking for a missing nuclear warhead with the submarine's loading crew. They end up realizing that the warhead is missing because one of them hung a dropped tag back on a torpedo tube door incorrectly after a power outage, making it seem like the torpedo tube it was in was empty. It ended up getting shot out into the harbor while they were firing water slugs back at the Navy dock. The look on their faces, that they lost a 10-ton nuclear warhead, caused a major panic attack for everyone involved, and killed their Navy careers because of one small friggin' mistake, is this trope all over. On a similar note, though not shown on screen, the Navy probably had this when the warhead was declared missing to begin with.
  • The man who kidnapped Ahim in Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, upon realising that she was a Space Pirate.
  • Kamen Rider:
    • In the final episode of Kamen Rider Decade, everything seems to have turned out relatively well, all things considered. Super Apollo Geist is dead, the crisis is averted...then Natsumi has a flashback to that dream she's been having.
    • In Kamen Rider Dragon Knight, for a brief moment as the 13 riders are pulling their Link Vent cards out, Xaviax smug exterior actually slips into a facial expression picturing that he realized how much screwed he is.
      • The moment when Torque unleashes his Final Vent. Even transformed, the way Wing Knight takes one look at Magnugiga powering up and stops short before he legs it just says it all.
    • Haruto in Kamen Rider Wizard has a few priceless ones when getting important plot points.
    • Tenjuro Banno in Kamen Rider Drive has two of them. The first (though minor) one when he realizes that he can't steal the Tridoron Shift car anymore after the heroes modify it. And the second, much bigger, and very very cathartic, one upon realizing Gou has every intention of giving him a coup de grace with the Signal Ax.
    • The Hazard Trigger in Kamen Rider Build actually announces Oh Crap whenever Sento transforms into it. For good reason.
      The Uncontrol Switch! Black Hazard! YABEI!note 
  • Lamb Chop's Play-Along: Played for laughs, Shari gives off a fearful "Oh no!" when realizing the animals are singing "The Song That Doesn't End".
  • Last Resort: A VERY serious Oh Crap moment when the launch orders are read by the Captain of the U.S.S. Colorado.
  • Law & Order: This happens in the various series quite often, considering how many Smug Snakes swear they can beat the rap, and are then proven incorrect. The best was the closing statement scene in the episode "Life Choice" in which a fundamentalist nutjub got served by ADA Ben Stone rather magnificently.
    • There's another great moment in the Season 1 episode, "The Troubles" where the accused is an IRA insurgent, Ian O'Connell, who's charged with killing a convict he was handcuffed to for squealing on the IRA. A third convict was also handcuffed to the victim at the time and is later murdered by another IRA member. O'Connell's defense is that while he's a proud member of the IRA, he's also an Actual Pacifist who's never committed a violent act himself. After O'Connell states this on the witness stand, Stone then calls a Surprise Witness to undermine O'Connell's credibility on this, a woman who's husband and five year old daughter were both killed by an explosion from a bomb she had witnessed O'Connell place near them. All Stone has to do is state the name of the witness, Mrs. Bridget McDiarmid, and the instant Oh, Crap! that appears on both O'Connell and his lawyer's face is priceless. It's clear they both already know who she is and just how screwed they now are.
    • Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode, Born Psychopath, Fin Tutuola looks for Henry in the bathroom where a neighbor, Toby, lives. As he searches, Tutuola finds out that Henry had killed Toby's pet dog Snowball. One could tell the look on his face that Toby was going to through Post-Traumaic Strees since there was no way it could be cover-up, but Tutuola does tells Toby and Toby's dad not to look and gets them out.
    • ADA Casey Novak gets her CMOA in "Svengali", where a serial killer who thrives on his many fans has a fan who has been copying his work. He brokers a deal with Casey that if he testifies, she'll transfer him to a federal prison, which have much better accomodations than state prisons. After he testifies and his fan goes down, he's smirking at Casey, clearly thinking he's got the best of her, when she whips out this gem of a line:
      Casey: You're gonna love Florence Super Max: 23-hour lockdown, no visitors, no mail, no phone calls... no human contact for the rest of your life.... How do you like my work?
    • Eliott Stabler tracks a child pornographer to Eastern Europe. Once the man's in custody, he smugly states that he's not afraid of an American cop, since they're not allowed to brutalize suspects. Stabler exchanges a look with his local contact, who tells the guard to leave the interrogation room. She then calmy informs him that they're not in America right now. The man has just enough time to register an Oh, Crap! face before a Stabler-style beatdown.
  • Let the Right One In: In "Intercessions" Mark sees a photo of Isaiah's father when he goes to pick up Eleanor at his house, realizing he's the man who he'd murdered. Not only that, but then Isaiah's mother tells him she's a homicide detective with the NYPD. You can see the succession of dismayed emotions that Mark just manages to cover.
  • Leverage: Parker has one while rescuing a bunch of Serbian orphans and opens the door to one of the bad guys who specifically recognizes her.
    • Her grasp of Serbian isn't too good though and her Oh, Crap! becomes "Oh shiny tomato!"
    • This is pretty much the go-to reaction of the criminal marks when they realize too late they've fallen into a massive con that costs them all their money and/or lands them in jail.
    • In "The First David Job", Eliot has this reaction upon discovering the woman he's been hitting on all evening — fairly successfully — is his boss's ex-wife.
  • Life: The rapist who thinks he's badass because he's forced Reese to drink a bottle of vodka has a magnificent 'Oh Crap' moment when he realizes he's underestimated her. Just a little bit.
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power:
    • Theo gets scared and scream when he discovers that the mice under his bed were not mice at all, but orcs.
    • When Arondir ends the chain tug-of-war by destroying the orcs’ canopy that shields them from the sun, it briefly appears that the captives will have enough time to break their chains and escape. Then one of the orcs gives the order to “Release the warg!” and all of his comrades run for cover. Arondir and Revion stare in horror as the warg emerges from the shadows.
    • Galadriel has a massive one when she finds out that the line of the Kings of the Southlands has died out centuries ago and Halbrand is not who she thinks he is. It gets even bigger when he confirms that he is indeed Sauron.
    • The Mystics get one when they realize that The Stranger is not Sauron and he's an Istari.
  • Lost:
    • Although he quickly recovers, Ben Linus's initial reaction when he sees John Locke alive on the Island after Ben killed him is a definite Oh, Crap! moment.
    • There are probably about a million on the show, since the show is just like that, but the most iconic are probably:
      • "He wasn't on the manifest!"
      • "Only the thing is, we're gonna have to take the boy."
      • Desmond's face at "NOT PENNYS BOAT" and Charlie drowning
      • "I was wrong!"
      • "I'm seein' in, but I'm not believin' it."
      • "My name is Sayid Jarrah and I am a Torturer."
  • Lovecraft Country:
    • When Atticus and George realize that the supposed diner that George was assured would be friendly turns out to have been torched and was replaced by a far less welcoming place over it; followed by Letitia who yell that they need to get the fuck out of there after overhearing the diner employee call for racists to kill them.
    • One cop in "Jiga-a-Bobo" stares in horror as the monster starts for him and the others.
  • Naturally, being a war show, M*A*S*H has its fair share of moments, both dramatic (like the time a patient came into OR with a live and unexploded grenade in his leg, or anytime the camp comes under fire) and comical (like when Frank, in a fit of rage, pulled the pin out of a grenade).
  • Midsomer Murders: Barnaby and Troy's reaction in "Beyond the Drave" when they learn that Ralph Bailey, a escaped murderer, is hiding at Jim Tate's cottage, which Cully and Nico (Cully's actor boyfriend) are on their way to to search for clues.
  • Misfits: Given just how profoundly luckless the characters are, this show features quite a few of these:
    • The entire team suffers one of these moments upon realising that their probation worker has gone insane, hacked Gary to death with a fire axe, and is now coming after them.
    • Nathan, trying to activate his dormant superpowers, decides to sit in a shopping trolley at the top of a very steep embankment in an attempt to see if he can phase through solid objects at high speed. Since he's only stopping himself from rolling down the hill by holding onto a nearby railing, he's naturally a little hesitant, so he decides to turn around and check the back of the trolley for brakes — and accidentally lets go of the wall. He has just enough time to shout "Oh, SHIT!" before the trolley starts moving.
    • Simon has a very subdued version of this when he discovers a construction crew working on the site where the corpses of Tony and Gary were buried.
    • Two episodes later, Simon gets another moment when he realises that Sally the probation worker has stolen his mobile phone — the mobile phone with the evidence of Tony's death on it. Cue open-mouthed gape of horror.
  • Mission: Impossible:
    • In the episode "The Legend," Rudd (the Big Bad of the week) is orchestrating a plan to return Nazis to power via a dummy pretending to be Martin Bormann. Rollin, who's there pretending to be one of the wealthy men involved, finds this out — and pulls the rug from under the leader by pretending to be Martin Bormann himself. The Oh, Crap! expression on Rudd's face when he sees him — and knows he's fake, but can't expose him without showing he himself has been lying all along — is absolutely priceless.
    • The good guys get their share as well, such as Rollin at the end of "Old Man Out, Part 1" when he finds out that the cardinal which he and the rest of the IM Force aims to spring from prison is transferred to another cell the day before the escape is due to take place.
    • Usually had more than one of these moments in each episode. The first two or three were generally phony — the viewer didn't know if Jim Phelps' convoluted plan was about to blow up or not. The last one was when the villain finally realized that he had been played like a kazoo.
  • Monarch: Legacy of Monsters: "Secrets & Lies": The moment that Du-Ho spots the claw marks on the wrecked plane in Alaska, which indicate that the plane didn't crash but was torn apart by some kind of Titan, Du-Ho immediately drops everything and starts sprinting back to his own intact plane nearby, intending to get the hell out of there.
  • The Muppets: The characters have perfected the art of the Oh Crap face from their beginnings on The Muppet Show. Kermit shows a lot of fear squashing his face up and Beaker's face was even made so he's in a perpetual look of shock.
    • A character accidentally uses a term that has a second meaning pertaining to explosions.
    Crazy Harry: Did someone say [term]?
    Muppet or Guest Star: NO!
  • My Mad Fat Diary: Rae has this reaction to getting stuck on the slide in the first episode, with everyone staring at her scars on her legs. Averted, as she makes light of it and simply asks Chop to help her down.
  • Mythbusters: Usually avoids this, since they very carefully plan out their dangerous testing to ensure that nothing goes wrong. However, there are a few particularly spectacular results that they didn't expect, leading to genuine Oh, Crap! expressions on the crew.
    • While testing the myth about driving a sedan under a semi truck, turning it into a convertible, they're wildly successful at ripping off the top of the car...which then speeds past the semi, crashes into the sand berm behind it, and flips over the berm. This provokes an a positively gleeful reaction from the build team... until they realize that they don't know what's behind the berm.
    • The Build Team also has this reaction on the rare occasion when they realize they're not standing quite as far away from a massive fireball as they probably should be. One good example is the Creamer Cannon, where they expected a fireball and instead got a big bloody conflagration (complete with small mushroom cloud) that genuinely made them fear for their lives.
    • From the Compact Compact re-visit, when their semis start to go out of control. You can hear the Oh, Crap! in Jamie's voice when he says "It's gonna go into the wah-ter!"
    • The looks on Jamie and Adam's faces during the "Border Slingshot" is an example of this, and also implies a brown trouser moment. The narrator goes on to say "Terror. It's hilarious!"
    • Another memorable one was during the "Bottle Rocket Blast-off". Memorable because Grant actually yelled "HOLY CRAP! RUN!" as the 2kg weight went way higher than expected.
  • NCIS:
    • In one Season 3 episode, where Gibbs is forced to deal with Kyle Boone, a serial killer he'd put in prison years back, in order to find where his victims are, the team learns that Boone has a protege who has been continuing his work, and has captured recurring character Agent Paula Cassidy. In the end, Boone thinks he's got one up on Gibbs after being sent back to Death Row, due to being the only one who can identify his protege and lead them to Cassidy's body. His absolutely epic Oh Crap moment hits when Cassidy reveals herself, explaining that his protege is, in Tony's words, "kinda dead."
      Gibbs: Enjoy hell.
      Boone: *dragged back to his death sentence kicking and screaming*
    • The seventh season premiere has a beautiful one.
      Tony: Remember when I told you my boss was a sniper?
    • In "Death From Above", [McGee], Vance, and Jack are trapped in MTAC, along with a currently-unnamed technician, while criminals have taken over the building and forced it into lockdown. They listen in on the criminals' radio frequency, and realize that someone is operating things like the elevators from one of the building's computers. McGee uses the technician's computer to determine which one was used to do so... and discovers it's the one he's just taken over. Cue the "Oh, crap!" look seconds before the technician pulls a gun.
  • Noah's Arc: There are several throughout the series, but Eddie has a particularly epic one when Chance catches him with another guy via Car Meets House.
  • The Office (US):
    • Jim gives a phenomenal "Oh Crap" face when he realizes that Michael has tricked him into attending his dinner party. Dwight has another when he sees Michael about to eat wild mushrooms.
    • Even more so in the episode 'The Lover'. Michael tells him that he's sleeping with Pam's mom. Initially Jim thinks he's joking but when Michael tells him which car she drives, he goes 'Oh Shit!'.
      • And when Michael tells Pam that he's seeing someone, Pam asks who it is — Jim, who's stood next to Pam, immediately looks into the camera like he's frightened for his life.
    • "I sent it to you at Wait... packaging@dundermiffin- Uh oh."
  • Once Upon a Time:
    • Regina and Mr Gold plan to frame Mary Margaret, but Kathryn is found alive. When Regina confronts Mr Gold, she realizes he has made it all lead back to her. Her facial expression says it all!
    • August pretends to be Mr Gold's estranged son, Baelfire, who disappeared after being drawn into a portal. He and Rumplestiltskin were to go together, but Rumple chickened out. However, when Mr Gold figures it out, he confronts August and turns the tables on him. August knows he's messed up. Gold's face when August tries to control him clearly say "Idiot, this dagger doesn't work here!" because August is really Pinocchio he knows who Mr Gold really is and what happens to those who anger! Mr Gold tells him "The chances of you surviving this encounter are pretty slim" and tells him he has to work for him if he wants to live. August clearly looks like "I've done it now!" at the end.
    • Emma has a brief one in the season finale when Regina reveals that Mr. Gold is Rumplestiltskin. (Presumably, she's realizing that she promised him a favor, and has read enough of Henry's book to know how his deals usually end.)
    • In the second season opener, the townsfolk, now remembering who they really are and what Regina did, storm her house. She tries to drive them off with her newly restored magic, but nothing happens. She has a split second to realize what's about to happen before the mob grabs her.
  • One Hundred And One Ways To Leave A Gameshow: The usual look of contestants who have picked the Wrong Answer. This is then followed by said contestant being thrown off an 80ft tower into a swimming pool in one of 101 amusing ways.
  • Only Fools and Horses: Rodney Trotter is the master of this trope, reacting thusly to some of his brother's madcap schemes (especially the plan for his own involvement in said schemes) and to some of the more outlandish things that happen, like the dropping of the chandelier, learning of the explosive nature of the sex dolls and the coach blowing up. Sometimes, other characters get in on the act too.
    • After Granddad learns Slater is in the police, his jaw drops for about thirty seconds. A couple of minutes later in the same episode, the whole family gets one when Slater arrests them, and Slater himself has one when Del's Batman Gambit pays off.
    • The episode called "Tea For Three" gives Del an epic one when he realises that Rodney has set him up in front of the handgliders.
  • Our Miss Brooks: Miss Brooks' expression in "Home Cooked Meal" when she realizes that Mr. Conklin (whose nose is stuffed up) is about to light a match in a kitchen that had been silently filling with gas . . . .
  • Outlander: Claire gets a full Oh, Crap! in "Both Sides Now" after she tries to bluff "Black Jack" Randall by claiming that she's an agent of Randall's patron, the Duke of Sandringham. As Randall notes, that actually means being an agent for the Duke's wife, and Claire acknowledges that she's been in communication with the Duchess.
    Randall: But then, of course, the Duke... [takes some rope out of his desk] ...never married.
    • And in the next episode ("The Reckoning"), Randall gets his own Oh, Crap! when he fires Jamie's musket at Jamie's head at point-blank range... only to discover that Jamie had been carrying an unloaded musket.
  • Parks and Recreation:
    • April gets an epic one of these when she realizes that due to her ignorance of how many days are in the month, she accidentally scheduled 93 meetings for Ron...all on the same day. For Ron, one meeting is too many. Needless to say, Ron is royally pissed. His rage was palpable when he chewed April out for it, resulting in her quitting. He did apologize and convince her to return once he'd calmed down.
  • Political Animals: In the finale "Resignation Day," the entire newspaper staff stands stunned as they watch the breaking news that Air Force One has crashed and the President is presumed dead.
  • Power Rangers:
    • Power Rangers RPM: Tenaya 7's reaction when she realizes that she's about to get her ass kicked by a Mad Scientist with a violin is truly a thing of beauty.
    • Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers also gives us a few good ones. Rita's shocked "Huh?!" after the Mega Dragonzord vaporizes Mutitus, and a few "Uh-oh"s on some occasions when she sees her monster is about to be defeated. In the third season, her skeletal brother Rito Revolto also delivers a priceless "Uh-oh" when he sees the Ninja Mega Falconzord about to pound him. Then in Power Rangers Zeo Rita and Zedd both have an Oh, Crap! moment when they see the Machine Empire arriving, and flee in Serpentera. Rita even had one very early in the series. When the Rangers weren't quite used to their zord configurations yet, the individual zords battled King Sphinx and Goldar, then formed Megazord Tank Mode, then for the second time ever (it seemed the first time Zordon did it for them), they formed Megazord Battle Mode (the familiar humanoid Megazord we all know and love). Rita let out a freaked out "uh-oh" when seeing the Megazord formed, knowing her monster was about to die.
    • Even a robot not of the humanoid type manages it once. In "Doomsday," when Rita causes Titanus to begin sinking into the earth, and the Megazord fights (unsuccessfully) to pull him out, a robot brachiosaurus prop with really limited facial articulation manages to convincingly seem terrified.
    • Power Rangers Megaforce shows us how much of a threat the Armada invasion really is: when Troy attempts to contact Gosei about their victory and Robo Knight's disappearance, Gosei's reaction is a panicked "Rangers, morph now! MORPH! MORPH! MORPH!"
    • In Power Rangers Turbo, after completely annihilating the Rescue Megazord and forcing it to self-destruct, Goldgoyle temporarily has one of these when the Turbo Megazord when doing its finisher easily avoids Goldgoyle's blast and launches itself like a missile through the monster. Until it was shown that the finisher did not destroy the monster, he was actually panicked for the only time in the battle (the thing that killed him he didn't even notice until it was too late). It should also be pointed out that that was the first shot the Rangers got in all battle.
    • Sledge, the Big Bad of Power Rangers Dino Charge gets one in early. He thinks he's killed The Mentor and taken the Plot Device. Well, Keeper was playing possum, and left him with something else. His reaction?
    Sledge: What?! IT'S A BOMB!!!
  • The Originals: Agnes was relieved when she learns that Elijah promised Sophie not to let Klaus kill her. However, her eyes widen in realization with an internal Oh, Crap! when Elijah suddenly kills the two guys next to her.
    Elijah: I promised I wouldn't let Niklaus kill you. I didn't say anything about myself *cue Neck Snap* Nobody messes with my family.
  • The Orville: In the episode "Mad Idolatry", having accidentally crash-landed on a time-shifting planet, commander Kelly violates the Prime Directive to help an injured girl. She's seen by the villagers: "Oh, crap". Seven centuries later, she and other crewmembers are spotted stealing clothes with which to blend in: "Oh, crap". But the real Oh, Crap! moment comes a little further down the road, when they come upon the corpses of two apostates of the "Word Of Kelly".
  • Psych: Played for Laughs when Detective Lassiter winds up telling all of his secrets to the woman handling the department's psychological evaluations, who then explains she's Shawn's mother.
  • Quantum Leap: In the episode "A Leap for Lisa", Sam leaps into a young Al, who's been charged with a capital crime. After the witness who cleared him in the original timeline gets killed...
    Al: Now there's a 96 percent chance I'm convicted. 97 percent! Geez, 98! 99!
    Sam: For God's sake, stop it.
    Edward St. John V: 100.
    Sam: (turns)
    Edward: Yes, there is a 100 percent certainty that Ensign Calavicci will be found guilty and executed in the gas chamber.
    • A more mild version is Sam's Once an Episode catchphrase: Whenever he Leaps, he tends to find himself in a not-so-nice position and wondering how he'll deal with it this time. Cue catchphrase: Oh Boy.
  • Radio Enfer: This happens so frequently that listing every instance would take all day. This includes that time when Carl realizes he forgot to send the invitations for Maria's Pupperwhale presentation.
  • Red Dwarf: The climax of the episode Bodyswap featured Rimmer hijacking Lister's body and making a getaway in Starbug. Pursuing Rimmer across the rocky terrain of a barren planet, Lister tells the others to back off and let him go because it's too dangerous. Victoriously taunting the others as they retreat, Rimmer fails to notice that his vessel is about to crash into a cliff-face. As he turns his head, his grin then gives way to our favourite expression.
    • Kryten gets off an amusing variation in the episode DNA:
      "Wait a minute. No. My brain is part organic and therefore it is entirely possible for the machine to transmogrify my physical condition. Engage panic circuits. Panic circuits engaged. BWAAAHAAA!!"
    • Rimmer has this reaction in the "Inquisitor" episode. Rimmer thinks he's found a way out of being judged by the Inquisitor because of the legitimate point that he might not get a fair hearing. The Inquisitor then explains that to make the hearing as fair as possible, every person's judge will be...
    [The Inquisitor opens his helmet, revealing Rimmer's face underneath]
    Rimmer!Inquisitor: ...Yourself!
    Rimmer: Oh, smeg!
    Rimmer!Inquisitor: "Oh smeg!" indeed, matey.
  • Resurrection: Ertuğrul: Emir Sadettin Kopek gives off this kind of vibe after finding out that his superior, Sultan Alaeddin, is temporarily staying with the Kayis and has a feeling he might be suspected of trying to plot an assassination attempt against Alaeddin.
    • Kopek does this again when he sees a handful of judges coming into the Hanli Bazaar pavilion for a trial, seemingly throwing off the verdict that would have happened had Kopek himself become the judge.
  • Retro Game Master: Heaven to Hell. This is the name the staff gave to the rather frequent change in facial expression when Arino first celebrates beating the final boss, then hurries back to pick up the controller as the True Final Boss starts eating away at his last life.
  • Revolution:
    • When Strausser manages to get Aaron's pendant.
    • Again in Episode 10 when Monroe manages to get several helicopters equipped with miniguns flying.
    • Topped off in Episode 13 when Miles and the rebels learn that Monroe has obtained a nuclear weapon.
  • In the Channel 4 documentary Richard III: The King in the Car Park, the archaeological dig for Richard III's skeleton was being observed by Philippa Langley of the Richard III Society. Her "Oh, no!" moment came when she was told that the skeleton looked as if it might have a hunchback, since the society had previously been convinced that was Tudor propaganda. Later analysis showed the skeleton to have had spinal scoliosis but not a hunchback.
  • Romper Stomper:
    • Petra realizes something is wrong when Kane coolly stares down the Antifasc members who've come to attack the Patriot Blue members on the peer. She's right, as he learned of the plan and many more Patriot Blue come off a nearby bus to attack Antifasc.
    • Later the Antifasc have a collective moment like this after Jago accidentally dies just by slipping on his own floor while they're in his house trashing the place, thinking they'd be blamed.
  • Scrubs: Doctor Cox in the Season 8 finale. He delivers a long speech on how not only is J.D. the best doctor to ever come through Sacred Heart, but is also Doctor Cox's personal friend. This is the moment J.D. reveals he has been standing behind him the whole time. The look on his face is utterly priceless.
  • Seinfeld: In one episode, Jerry and Kramer find a network president who likes their TV pilot and wants to pick it up, but just when they're about to get the greenlight, the president retires and is replaced by the woman they pissed off earlier in the episode, and they knew right then and there that they were out the door.
  • Sense8: Numerous, but most notably Will making eye contact with Mr. Whispers in the finale, complete with some dramatic music. Later Whispers get a moment of his own like this, after Will discovers his real name and says they're coming for him.
  • Sherlock: An Oh, Crap! moment occurred for Sherlock at the end of "The Great Game" when Moriarty is revealed to have John Watson as a hostage. Don't worry, he gets better. Sort of.
    • Spoofed by Moriarty when Sherlock has a gun pointed a few inches from his face.
  • Smallville:
    • Earth-2 Lionel gets two: Once when Darkseid surrounds him in "Scion," and once when he realizes that Tess is going to shoot him in "Finale."
    • Zod gets one when he admits to Clark that he murdered Faora, only to remember that his followers have superhearing and therefore also heard the confession.
    • In "Fortune" Tess and Emil have a mutual moment of this when they realize that their segment of the magic-induced drunkenness episode involved them sleeping together. But that isn't what caused the Oh, Crap!. What does is the fact that they were in possession of the group's video camera at the time. And they don't realize that until the group is watching the tape. Emil's "ooohhh no" says it all.
    • This show is packed with these. Standard expression for Chloe / Lana / Victim of the Week whenever they are cornered by the freak of the week, and also for the freak of the week when Clark curb stomps them. Although for Chloe, you'd wonder why she isn't thinking when Clark would come over and save her instead.
    • Chloe does a serious one when Lois walks in and declares that she is "Faora, wife of Zod."
    • Major Zod doesn't say anything when he is defeated, but the look on his face as he realises that Clark, who he has just stabbed with a Blue Kryptonite dagger and pushed off a building has outsmarted him and won the fight, is priceless. Instant teleportation ensues.
    • Lionel gets one in the episode "Transference." It's bad enough that a riot has broken out in the prison he's at, but he's horrified to see Clark calmly coming for him while everyone's distracted. Clark and Lionel have switched bodies, so Lionel-in-Clark is coming to kill his "old" body so that he can remain in Clark's forever.
    • In "Talisman", a man named Jeremiah Holdsclaw gets a special dagger that grants him Kryptonian level abilities and goes on a rampage. Clark tries to stop him with a piece of kryptonite. But since Jeremiah isn't actually a kryptonian, it has no effect and he just goes, "Huh? What's this?" Clark's face says it all.
  • Stargate Atlantis: Rodney is very fond of voicing "Oh Crap" word for word, though he usually quickly comes up with some technobabble solution to the problem he's just spotted with the earlier planned idea. His "Oh Crap" expression is hilarious too. Here's a truly epic scene from the second season where it's being delivered by, of all people, Hermiod. Another scene when McKay tries to stand up to two Wraith single-handedly.
    • The episode "This Mortal Coil" ends with Rodney activating a program that allows the Atlantis mission to track every Replicator warship in the galaxy in real time. A few seconds after the program initiates, a dozen ships appear with audible pings. Rodney explains to Sheppard that while daunting, defeating so many ships is still within the realm of plausibility. The screen fades to black, the first of the credits appear, followed by a dozen more pings and Rodney's voice-over of "Oh crap!"
    • The phrase is also said by Sheppard right in the second episode when he sees a big flight of Darts blockading the spacegate who are perfectly capable and willing to blow him out of the sky (or rather, space) if he so much as sneezes near the gate.
  • Stargate SG-1:
    • "Lost City, Part 2" has one of these on the part of Anubis (which is impressive, since he has no face) when SG-1 blows up his fleet.
    • As does Apophis in the Season 5 premiere, immediately before being (finally) Killed Off for Real.
    • In "The Quest, Part 2" Teal'c throws a bundle of C-4 at a dragon, which snaps it out of midair and gulps it down. It goes off in the dragon's stomach to no effect whatsoever. Teal'c just sorta stands there slightly wide-eyed and gulps, which for a guy who is usually The Stoic is hysterical.
  • Star Trek: The Original Series:
    • Charlie from "Charlie X" when the Thasians, the alien race who gave him his powers, come to take him back.
    • A collective one from the Enterprise' crew is in "Balance of Terror" when the mystery ship with a cloaking device and an absurdly powerful plasma weapon is identified as Romulan.
    • In "Arena" Kirk has just crept up on the Gorn and with some difficulty lobs a rock the size of his own head at it. The Gorn is too slow to dodge, and the rock scores a direct hit, with no visible effect whatsoever. Then the Gorn responds by picking up a four-foot diameter boulder of his own...
    • Kirk gets another of these in "Amok Time" when T'Pau informs him that he has just agreed to fight the hormone-crazed Spock to the death. Spock's reaction at the end when he realizes he's been caught being emotional might count as a comedic example.
    • "Mirror, Mirror" had the mirror universe Spock warning his Sulu that if he "disappeared," his associates would avenge him, punctuated with "And some of them are Vulcans." Seeing Sulu's eyes go wide in the reaction shot with a musical sting is all you need to know that is one serious threat!
    • Kirk gets this look in "The Doomsday Machine" when the wrecked Constellation is able to fire at the weapon, stopping it from swallowing the Enterprise, only for Kirk to realize what a stupid move that was when it turns its attention to his ship.
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation:
    • Two occur in quick succession in "The Defector". First, when the Enterprise crew realize that the data about an illegal Romulan military buildup given to them by the titular defecting admiral turns out to have been misinformation fed to the admiral to lure the Enterprise into illegally entering the Neutral Zone, walking right into an ambush by two cloaked Warbirds. Then, the Romulans get one when they realize Picard anticipated this possibility, and signals three Klingon Birds-of-Prey to decloak and surround the Warbirds.
    • The classic episode, "The Best of Both Worlds". The Borg kidnapped Captain Picard and are ready to conquer the galaxy, having turned Picard into their mouthpiece, Locutus of Borg. Riker steels himself and orders the Enterprise to fire its main deflector dish, a jury-rigged Wave-Motion Gun capable of vaporizing a small continent. — "Mr. Worf... FIRE." The ship cuts loose with its Doomsday weapon... which does precisely jack shit against the Borg. The moment is beyond words as it slowly dawns on the crew that they've come up against the one enemy they will not defeat. Locutus even taunts them over it:
      Locutus: The knowledge and experience of the human Picard is part of us, now. It has prepared us for all possible courses of action. Your resistance is hopeless...Number One
    • In "I Borg", the entire senior staff has one when they realize that the wreckage they are investigating is a Borg vessel, and there's a survivor. Picard is so shocked, he briefly entertains Worf's suggestion that they kill the drone, make its death look like an accident, and get the hell out of there. That honor-obsessed Worf is the one to suggest that course of action speaks to the horror of the situation.
    • In the episode where Barclay is introduced, Capt. Picard accidentally calls him "Broccoli". His reaction is quite expressive.
    • Implied in "Parallels" where, in one universe, the Bajorans have become newly-aggressive after overthrowing their Cardassian overlords and one of their ships attacks the Enterprise, just as it's dealing with the space-time disturbance that is causing Worf to drift between universes. This causes loads of Enterprises to suddenly appear... and the Bajoran ship immediately stands down from the attack. One wonders why.
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine:
    • In the episode "The Die Is Cast":
      Romulan Pilot: Colonel, there are ships coming out of the nebula!
      Colonel Lovok: What type of ships?
      Romulan Pilot: Jem'Hadar fighters.
      Enabran Tain: How many?
      (Dramatic Pause)
      Enabran Tain: I asked you a question!
      Romulan Pilot: ...One hundred fifty.
    • In the episode "In the Pale Moonlight" Captain Sisko gets a man out of a Klingon prison to create for him a forgery of a holographic record. When he learns that Garak will explain to him what is expected of him, his reaction speaks volumes:
      Tolar: Garak is here?!
      Sisko: That's right.
      Tolar: Oh... OH... Well... that's different.
    • "Valiant" has a bunch of cadets preparing to initiate an attack on a new Jem'Hadar battleship, striking it at what is supposed to be a weakness that would cause an antimatter explosion. They fire a torpedo, strikes paydirt, the cadets cheer... only to find out the ship is still standing. And it's ready to fire. Oh, Crap! isn't the word for what the cadets are experiencing.
    • A humorous example, and Call-Back to Star Trek: The Next Generation, comes in the episode "Ascension" when Quark tells Worf, who helped Keiko O'Brien deliver her first child, the good news:
      Quark: Did you hear? Keiko's gonna have another baby!
      Worf: Now?!
  • Star Trek: Voyager:
    • In the episode "Future's End" Henry Starling has one just before the Voyager crew stop him from jumping to the future. His ship warns him of an incoming torpedo, he manages one "Uh-oh!" before he explodes.
    • "Scorpion" has two in quick succession. First, Voyager encounters FIFTEEN Borg cubes. Just one of them managed to destroy 39 ships and kill 11,000 people, and here Voyager comes across a fleet of them. And they pass by without bothering to assimilate or destroy Voyager. A little later, Voyager runs across those same fifteen cubes... as a debris field. Oh, Crap! really doesn't begin to cover it.
  • Star Trek: Enterprise:
    • The episode "Zero Hour" gives an epic one during the fight between Archer and Commander Dolim. Archer stick a small bomb on Dolim's back and presses the button that triggers it. Dolim has a brief moment of realization before he goes boom.
    • Mirror Gardener has one at the end of "In a Mirror Darkly Part 2" when Hoshi, in command of a ship more powerful than anything known in the area, declares herself empress.
  • Star Trek: Picard: In "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2", Narek is so terrified when Elnor's tan qalanq is near his throat that he practically jumps out of his chair.
    Elnor: Feldor stam torret. (Please, my friend, choose to live.)
    Narek: (Eye Take) I do. I very much choose to live.
    • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: In "Memento Mori", La'an gets one as a child describes the strange "monsters" and realizes the Gorn is around. Pike utters a soft "Oh, no" when they can't raise shields to protect the Enterprise, meaning they just walked into a trap.
  • Star Wars:
  • Stranger Things:
    • In the Season 1 finale, when Dr. Martin Brenner shows up to bring El back to the lab, Mike realizes that the walls are covered in blood from the lab agents that El killed, then the walls begin to contort...
    Dustin: Demogorgon!
    • In "The Lost Sister", Kali and her gang have this reaction when they find out that the man they are trying to kill has daughters who have called the police.
    • Billy reacts this way when Max threatens to strike him with Steve's nail-covered baseball bat if he doesn't leave her and her new friends alone.
  • Supernatural: Plenty, what with the traveling the nation fighting monsters and pagan gods and such, and often barely winning.
    • We get a pretty epic one at the end of Season 4, because it doesn't get much worse than finding out that you've just accidentally unleashed Lucifer when you were trying to prevent exactly that.
    • In Season 5, the gang has gone to considerable effort to get the Colt, which was the Applied Phlebotinum of the first two seasons and will kill anything. They sacrifice two of their own to get into a position to use it on Lucifer. Dean shoots the Devil in the head. Aaaaand...he gets back up. Whoops.
    • But in the final episode of Season 5, when Archangel Lucifer tells Sam and Dean he knows they have the one thing that can trap him, in such a confident way as to explain that's not a problem, Dean can't even try to mask this face.
    • Oh, Crap! reactions all around at the end of Season 6. Raphael gets a quiet and terrified one when she realizes that Castiel has absorbed the souls of Purgatory, becoming a new god. Ditto for the brothers and Bobby, who saw the entire thing, and were then told to bow down or be killed.
      Castiel: I'm your new God, a better one. So you will bow down, and profess your love, unto me your Lord, or I shall destroy you.
    • The words are actually spoken in Season 7's "Season 7, Time For A Wedding!" when Dean holds at knifepoint a crossroads demon who's been taking human souls before their contracts are up. Amid Dean's threats, the demon suddenly loses all confidence and mutters "oh, crap." Dean assumes the reaction is in response to him, but a familiar "hello, boys" reveals that Crowley has appeared behind Dean's back. We then hear the muttered "oh, crap" from Dean himself.
  • Tales from the Crypt: In the episode "Yellow", the cowardly WWI officer who's condemned for deserting his men stands in front of the firing squad, and boldly utters his last words, confident that his C.O. father has replaced the bullets with blanks. Then he notices his father looking away just before the command to fire, and realizes he'd only been told that so he wouldn't disgrace himself by cringing...
  • Teen Wolf:
    • Scott has one in the pilot when he learns that the werewolf hunter from the forest is the father of the girl he has the hots for.
    • Stiles has one as well when he realizes that he's surrounded by both Peter Hale AND his human accomplice.
      Stiles: Oh my God, I'm gonna die.
    • This is also Derek's reaction to Lydia using him to bring Peter back to life.
  • Tehran: Yael turns out to be a double agent in service to the Iranians.
  • Threads: We get the scene where the air-raid sirens begin blaring. We get plenty of "Oh, Crap!" faces here. Then people see the mushroom cloud...
  • Thumb Wrestling Federation: One occurs in a episode where Colonel Cossack sees Milty The Clown and he screams when he sees him.
  • Timeless: Lucy, Logan and Rufus' reactions when they realize the Hindenburg is not exploding and history has already been altered.
  • In To Catch a Predator, this occurs to hapless pedophiles when they are approached by Chris Hansen before he questions them on their intents. This goes double when Hansen reveals that he's with Dateline and brings out the camera crew, revealing that their transgressions would be on national TV. In later episodes, this occurs specifically when Hansen emerges, because they realize they are going to appear on To Catch a Predator. In many cases, they immediately vacate the house and go into the waiting arms (and cuffs) of law enforcement waiting just outside.
  • Top Gear: Every time something goes wrong, James May will invariably utter "Oh, cock".
    • Jeremy Clarkson has "That's not gone well".
    • And in Series 19 Episode 4, during the car rugby segment, when the ground is really muddy and slippery, and Clarkson realises that he is going to collide with May, and there's nothing Clarkson can do about it, Clarkson just quietly says "Oh shit."
    • Richard Hammond's expression during the launch of the Reliant Robin Space Shuttle gradually and steadily transitions from a grin of gleeful, childish eagerness, to dawning realization (this trope) to horrified shock in the space of about 45 seconds.
  • Torchwood: There are times when it seems the team has perfected these. A great example is the penultimate Season 2 episode "Fragments" when all the team members except Gwen encounter bombs set to go off in mere moments. Cue facials.
    • Owen Harper's response tops all the others, though:
      Owen: Oh, snap.
    • In the series 1 finale, almost every character has visions of lost loved-ones telling them to open the Rift. Jack is unconvinced, but the rest of the team overpower him. They go outside and find the oh-so-helpful Bilis, who informs them that they have released Abaddon, son of the Beast. They slowly turn around to see this towering over the city. Oh Crap indeed.
  • Tracker (2001): Nestov gets a pretty epic Oh, Crap! moment in 'What Lies Beneath'. Mel was always annoyed throughout the series by his repeated hitting on her, and after she discovered her Cirronian heritage, it meant she could use the collector. Cole tosses her the collector so she can snag a fugitive who's closer to her than to Cole himself, and Nestov realizes she's probably going to come for him with it next. (though he talks the two out of collecting him)
  • The Twilight Zone (1959):
    • In "A Nice Place to Visit", Rocky Valentine has one when he realizes that the fabulous place he's grown bored with isn't Heaven at all but Hell, and his boredom's only going to get worse (and not asymptotically).
    • In "The Jeopardy Room", when Commissar Vassiloff realizes that his idiot assistant is about to get them both killed.
  • Two and a Half Men: At the end of Episode 40, titled "Can You Eat Human Flesh with Wooden Teeth?", Alan Harper says "Oh Crap" when he forgets to pick up his ex-wife Judith at the airport. To make matters worse, it was raining outside.
  • The Vampire Diaries: Klaus' reaction to seeing Kol undaggered.
    • In Season 5, Stefan comments to Tessa that he thought the witch Qetsiyah was crazy and insane. Then he gets this reaction upon realizing that Tessa is Qetsiyah (and she's not pleased with the comment).
  • The Umbrella Academy has a couple of these.
    • Leonard has a big one when his attempts to goad Vanya into killing her family cause her to turn on him instead.
    "No, not to me, Vanya. Please. Please!" *everything sharp in the room slams into his torso and he is flung into the table*
    • The Hargreeves when Klaus sees the massive moon rock hurtling towards them and brings it to everyone's attention.
  • Under the Dome: In "Breaking Point," Barbie finds a bomb which Julia and Big Jim have planted in the tunnels under Chester's Mill, and he defuses it. Then he finds some of the other bombs they've planted in the tunnels. Which are all about to go off.
  • Veronica Mars: Season 2 has one, when Keith tells Woody: "Most adults keep their hands off other people's children." Steven Guttenberg makes the BEST "Oh crap" face.
  • In one of his TV comedy routines, Bill Cosby touches on this when he explains the importance of having an extra pair of clean underwear in your car during an road accident.
    "First you say it, then you do it!"
  • In VR Troopers, the monster battles were usually Strictly Formula. But there are some exceptions which made for dramatic moments.
    • In Ryan's battle against Wolfbot, despite managing to continually kick him away, Ryan couldn't actually do any real damage to him. Also, when Graybot survived the lightning hand finisher, Ryan was shocked assuming he'd go back to Grimlord's dungeon to recover as Grimlord's top generals often did. But instead he continued to battle and ended up spontaneously self-destructing after awhile.
    • Usually a bot is weakened by JB and Kaitlin's VR Double Team, but after being hit by it, there was an explosion as to be expected, but Rollbot charged out of the smoke completely unharmed and VERY pissed off (the laser lance finisher took care of that threat just fine, however).
      • On that note, Mechanoid and Fanbot indicated that it only tickled a bit.
    • When JB used his laser lance, he'd generally first impale the bot, and the bot would surrender upon being impaled (but get destroyed anyway). Some, however did not surrender, which meant that JB had to react quickly or he was going to get hit again. In fact, against Electrobot it was just to make him lose his balance so he'd fall off his ledge so they could actually fight on equal terrain.
      • Mechanoid laughed off the laser lance impalement and initial attack. The Skybase missiles actually had to be used to destroy it. This is not the case in Speilban, where he just continused using the laser lance to finish the job. These scenes were only broadcast during the initial run (including re-runs during the initial run), the "skybase" scene is cut from later airings.
      • Fanbot not only laughed off the impalement but the subsequent slashing, in fact, the impalement ONLY served the purpose of distracting him enough that his fan motor stopped. But once the robot regained his footing after being tickled he picked up JB who was holding into his (fully powered) laser lance and tossed him a great distance, then prepared to destroy him. The ONLY reason JB was still alive is because Fanbot was very clumsy despite being so ridiculously overpowered. In fact, Professor Hart not only said that JB got lucky (the monster could have easily broken his laser lance with his fan blades, even at full power) but that the Skybase missiles wouldn't hurt him either. So JB had to use the VR Technobazooka on him to destroy him, and then used the laser lance only as personal revenge (even though it still did nothing). Unlike the Mechanoid example, this is also canon in Speilban. In both shows, after the initial run, due to time constraints, the Technobazooka scene was cut, leading to Fanbot suddenly appearing in a different location than when JB summoned the laser lance and the impalement failed and Fanbot suddenly has a huge cloud of white smoke surrounding him that looked like it was caused by something else.
  • Wolf Hall
    • Cromwell and Richard Crammer give each other this kind of look when Henry start saying that Anne Boleyn "bewitched" him into marriage — in other words, he wants to get rid of her, and if he doesn't get what he wants?
    • Bishop Fisher and the other aristocrats who used Elizabeth Barton (a mystic nun who foretold Henry's death if he didn't reconcile with the Pope) are self-assured when Cromwell begins to interview them, but their expressions slide off when they realize he's been spying on all of them.
    • The final shot of the series is Cromwell staring dead-eyed over Henry's shoulder in the realization that he's sold his soul to the service of a dissolute monster, who is embracing him like a brother for executing his wife, just to exact some revenge for an insult to Cardinal Wolsey... one imagines Cromwell is seeing his own eventual fate.
  • Wonder Woman: The frequent response of the bad guys as they learn Wonder Woman's capabilities.
    • In "Fausta the Nazi Wonder Woman", Wonder Woman is straped to a table and bereft of her lasso and belt of strength. The arrogantly disbelieving Nazi officer throws throws them in disgust...right into her hands. In about the same time it takes for him to say "Oh, Crap!", she's snapped her bonds, beaten up all the soldiers in the room. and ripped the phone off the wall that he's desperately using to call for back up.
    • In "Going, Going, Gone", a Bruce Lee Clone manages to punch Wonder Woman in her stomach... twice. She doesn't even flinch. This leads to his clearly visible "Oh, Crap!" expression.
