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Dethroning Moment / Teen Titans Go!

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Teen Titans Go! may have quite the divisive reputation, not at all helped by the show that came before it, but it does still have its fans that legitimately like the show and its brand of humor. However, the show also likes to give viewers a lot of disgusting disasters that not even die-hard fans are willing to defend.

Keep in mind:

  • Sign your entries.
  • One moment per work to a troper. If multiple entries are signed to the same troper the more recent one will be cut.
  • Moments only, no "just everything he said," or "This entire show," or "This entire series" entries.
  • No contesting entries. This is subjective and the entry is their opinion.
  • No natter. As above, anything contesting an entry will be cut, and anything that's just contributing more can be made its own entry.
  • Explain why it's a Dethroning Moment of Suck.
  • No Real Life examples, including Executive Meddling. It only invites a flame war.
  • No ALLCAPS, no bold, and no italics unless it's the title of a work. We are not yelling the DMoSs out loud.

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    Season 1 
  • Candycane 14: I don't blame people for disliking this series. I'm trying to decide "Ghostboy" or "Salty Codgers"... I'll go with season one, episode 9 "Ghostboy". In this episode Starfire thought she accidently killed Beast Boy (as a mosquito) and came back as a ghost. Beast Boy took advantage of this and kept pranking Starfire (like making her sniff his dirty clothes) Once the rest of the team learned this and pointed this out to Starfire, they decided to teach Beast Boy a lesson. They made a pretend funeral and made Beast Boy think he really was a ghost (with Raven's transparency spell). The plan seem to be working, until Beast Boy decided since he's a real ghost, then he can go jump into a volcano and went to do so. The gang went to stop him (Raven's spell wouldn't last long). Now the first half didn't bother me much and I could've forgiven the squick part, it was the second half that bothered me more. In the process of trying to save Beast Boy, each were easily killed and became real ghosts. It takes more then a couple sky lasers or a mountain lion to kill Starfire, Raven and Cyborg and one of the girls who can fly and were still alive at the moment could've saved Robin from falling to his doom. When they stopped Beast Boy from jumping into the volcano, did he felt terrible and remorse for getting all his friends killed and now became ghosts? Nah, instead he goes "Ha, Ha! Fooled you!" pranking them. Then he accidently fell into the volcano and became a ghost and the episode ends like that and Cyborg even asked, "So... what now?" I never liked Negative Continuity endings because it's lazy cheap writing in my book. I also didn't like how the girls and Cyborg easily died and Beast Boy being a dick (though sadly, what else is new?). I chose "Ghostboy", because that was the point where the show started to go downhill, at least for me.
  • ctando1: Might as well have a DMoS for the more recent Teen Titans Go! series. There are so many bad episodes of this series, I wish I could put the whole series as a Dethroning Moment of Suck, but since there is a rule against it, I'm going with the ending to "Super Robin". The rest of the episode was okay, but the ending in particular made me mad. It ends with an elderly Robin laying in his death bed and the rest of the Titans cruelly teasing Robin. It ends with Raven whispering "I told you so." and a flatline indicating that Robin has died. This scene offended me not just because they killed off one of my childhood heroes, but because of the rest of the Titans laughing and mocking him. Yeah, great respect for the dead, Titans. Just for this moment alone, I will never look at the original Teen Titans the same again.
  • Avaquaire: As much as I would like to list every-single-time that TTG openly mocks the original series, I think that the following has something special about it. Has anyone seen "Artful Dodgers"? Just before the climax, they parody the original theme song. Now it wouldn't be so bad if it was lovingly done like in the Japan special of the original episode, but knowing them, it was probably a Take That! against the original theme. I would like to list every single time that it parodies the original, but that's against the rules.
  • gene0129: Originally, my DMoS from Teen Titans Go! was "Waffles", but then I remembered "Staring at the Future", which was not only an insulting parody of "How Long is Forever?" from the original series, but also showed how crude and selfish the new Beast Boy and Cyborg were. When they somehow stay still for 30 years resulting in the other Titans getting the best outcome, they try to revert it for their own gain.
  • Baffle Blend: I will happily re-add "Waffles" for gene0129. That entire episode is about Cyborg and Beast Boy (of course) are playing a "game" where all they can say is the word "Waffles". Naturally, the other Titans are annoyed to no end. And then they get caught by Brother Blood. How do they escape? They annoy him by joining in the "game" and just saying "Waffles" over and over again. "Obnoxious and irritating" does not equal "funny", which is really something that the TTG writers need to learn.
    • Ninetails 2000: "Waffles" is especially frustrating because, after spending the entire episode only saying waffles, after annoying everyone to no end and actively refusing when others would ask them to stop, they have the audacity to tell the other Titans that they're being annoying when they start saying waffles to save their lives. It wouldn't even be that bad, but they have the same problem as Patrick Star in that when they aren't acting like bumbling idiots, they end up sounding like condescending assholes.
  • SorPepita: Robin's dream in "Dreams" is heinous. It's just footage from the Teen Titans Trouble in Tokyo movie, the proper send off for the original series, with crappy dialogue dubbed over it! Some of the clips they used were from really emotional scenes from the real series and they just dubbed it over with stupid dialogue and stupid humor. It feels like the writers are just coming out and saying fuck you to anyone who loved the real series, "Oh, you don't like what we're doing? Well here, let's show what's the worst thing we could possibly do to your precious franchise. Oh and by the way, fuck you!" It makes the insulting Take That, Audience! in "The Return of Slade" seem almost justified and done in good taste compared to this.

  • Benthelame: I'm holding back a lot here. If asked to insult this show I have little doubt that I could do so for two hours straight and not be quite finished. However, we are restricted to moments and I'm going to go with that scene from "dreams" too. I am mostly content with the fact that Teen Titans is gone. It happens. Shows that you adore conclude but I don't like the fact that the writers feel they need to keep taking jabs at fans of the original like that. I've always subscribed to the notion that if I didn't like something about a show be it the things it advocates, the presence of swearing or crossing the line a time too many, I don't have to watch it. Like many however, I was excited when I first found out about this show and that the original cast was going to return, only for them to do things like redub scenes from the original with idiotic things that they have "written." Later seasons have even gotten worse at that.

  • Kirby 0189: I wanted to be able to enjoy this show, but the mean-spirited Take That, Critics! from "Más y Menos" that takes a jab at both fans of the original show and fans of other DC animated shows in a way that is anything but funny ensured that I would never watch it again.

    Season 2 
  • cinemamaster: Up until early in the second season, I thought that the show was okay, if riddled with bad episodes, but "I See You" was the one that effectively proved to me that the bad episodes were the norm - the whole episode is basically Robin taking Starfire on a stakeout, only for her to don the identity of some guy named Jeff, including a mask. Add in a sideplot of Beast Boy and Cyborg spying on Raven only to completely miss her true secret (Raven trying to keep her demon side in check, while the two believe she has a crush on Beast Boy) and this proves that Teen Titans Go! has entered a very deep hole.
  • azul120: I actually kind of enjoy Teen Titans Go! and consider any accusations of "insults to the original" to be a bit overblown, given that the original suffered from Mood Whiplash at inopportune moments and was considered a mockery next to the more mature Dini/Timm DC cartoons. I'll take consistent, if sometimes sadistic, silly over wishy-washy silly. Still, there have been moments I really didn't enjoy, and "Salty Codgers" took the cake. The Titans, save for Raven, are all turned old because Raven loves old people. Then after Raven convinces them to try being old, they quickly die. She manages to scam Death into bringing them back, but as payback, they're zombies. But wait a sec... Raven also loves the undead! Dead endings are one thing, undead ones are even worse.
    • Rockosocko: The best way to sum up the ending of "Salty Codgers" would be to recite a quote from Bobsheaux's review of Achmed Saves America: "Oh, isn't that wonderful? So far, in this show, we have seen bestiality, underage innuendo, phallic props and costume pieces (somewhere, I'm sure of it), and now we can add necrophilia to the list. *spreads his arms out* Must be a Bobsheaux! *"Ta-da!" sound effect plays*"
  • Izzy 1: While I don't like Teen Titans Go! by any means, one episode that pissed me off more than any was "Knowledge". Basically, the moral is that if you become smart, you will be a killjoy and everyone will hate you, and that if you're stupid, everyone will love you. I hate this because I know that kids will take this moral to heart, and that's a terrible thing. It also doesn't help that none of the Titans in TTG are likable, regardless of whether they're smart or not.
  • Wingnut: "Serious Business" in its entirety belongs here. No contest. The mere concept of "the wonders of the bathroom" is just out of place for the Teen Titans, especially when there's some supervillain they should be fighting or someone in distress needing to be rescued instead. Anyone else feel their childhood die when Cyborg said "I invented the pee-pee dance"? Combine all this with how otherwordly the Toilet Humor gets, and you've got something that isn't quite as serious as it would have you believe.
    • mimitchi33: My Dethroning Moment of Suck was the very first scene of this episode. Instead of trying to help Robin when he needed to go, his friends just mocked him instead of helping him. This could send a wrong message to kids that holding in your bladder and wetting yourself is hilarious. In other shows I saw where this happened, the characters either tried to help them find a bathroom that they can use or tried to tell them what they were doing was wrong and encouraged them to find a bathroom.
  • CJ Croen 1393: I'm pretty neutral to the series myself, but the episode "Boys vs. Girls" was definitely a low point. First off, the mere fact that the tired old "boys vs. girls" plot (which used to be fun to watch but has since become extremely obnoxious since it always depicts both sexes as being overly childish idiots) is still even a thing is extremely embarrassing. Second off, the fact that the Teen Titans are suddenly afraid of cooties. Yes, you read that right, cooties. Um, writers, you do remember that these are Teen Titans, right?
    • Frostbyte: And if that wasn't bad enough, "Boy vs. Girls" outright states that girls are better than boys. I mean, there's always a subtext that one is better than the other if there's an episode with this plot and it doesn't end in a tie, but Robin turns to the camera and says it to the audience and treat it like it was the moral of the episode. I'm female and I was disgusted with the writers, even if it was "just a joke" as some people defend it. Like, this episode really pisses me of. I wasn't a fan of TTG! to begin with, but "Boys vs. Girls" truly is a DMoS for me.
    • Psy Xypher: Originally, I was going to choose "Yearbook Madness" for the way it made light of self esteem problems, but then I realized this episode made fun of problems on a worse scale. When Cyborg and Beast Boy declare "We're girls now" it just struck me as insensitive to transgendered people (though this likely wasn't intentional). Children who watch this and realize it's jackassery could see being transgendered in the same light. I'm probably overreacting, but even without this, the episode pretty much takes the most childish plot, and then gives the worse moral said plot can give.
  • Crazy Luigi: I personally really wanted to give Teen Titans Go! a chance as something I might have liked (even if it was never going to be as good as the Teen Titans animated series from the early 2000's) — I really did — but episodes like "Hot Garbage" and "Smile Bones" really ruined whatever chance they might have had in having any likability towards the show whatsoever. However, if I had to choose one of these episodes, I'd say that "Smile Bones" was the episode that really rubbed me the wrong way even the first time watching that episode. With "Smile Bones" (who comes up with some of this show's titles anyways?), it starts with Beast Boy and Cyborg eating food in an extremely fast manner before Robin warns them not to do that or they might let their stomachs take over. What happens next you might ask? Well Beast Boy and Cyborg both continue eating the way they started the episode out, only this time they let the other members starve nearly to their deaths while taunting them with their enlarged bellies sticking out (which is especially noteworthy when the guys eat an entire pizza before the other starving Titans had time to eat the pizza in front of their faces) just to prove that the way they were eating was no good. As a result, the rest of the Titans want to be taught by Beast Boy and Cyborg to eat like them, and we get to see them eat copious amounts of food while everyone started expanding their stomachs (with Starfire having 9 of them at once, which makes it look even more disturbing) and had to pretend their stomachs were talking for them instead of their actual faces. It especially hits a low point when the Titans were arguing with their stomachs that one of them should be the leader because of their stomach sizes being larger than everyone else... while we get to see all their fat stomachs protrude out to the screen as the only thing we could see there. Trust me when I say that if you weren't disturbed by what was seen before, you'll be outright flabbergasted by what happens next. After another feast of gluttonous proportions, the stomachs of Beast Boy and Cyborg gain sentience because they let their "talking" do the thinking for them for too long, and the stomachs move and talk on their own while they eat everything in sight until they eventually become Godzilla/King Kong sized monsters in only a matter of minutes! If this didn't prove to a point where the guys at Teen Titans Go! pretty much said "fuck it, we give up with trying to create something decent, if not good with this," then I'm not sure what has. Not even the ending where the Teen Titans get their weights back to normal and Beast Boy and Cyborg learn the errors of their ways was enough to redeem this mess of an episode, as even the ending had an off moment there as well.
  • Scsigs: I can't believe no one's mentioned the episode "Let's Get Serious" yet. Is there some unspoken rule about it? Anyways, anyone who, like someone earlier in this entry, says this show doesn't actively insult the original it's based on, or the audience, especially the Periphery Demographic of the fans of the original series that watch this piece of shit show for whatever reason, is wrong, at least when it comes to this, "The Return of Slade," & another audience/critic-response episode I can't remember the name of at the moment. Warning, I may come off as parroting a lot of Mr. Enter's opinions, which I've been accused of before, but it's only because I agree with them & have also expanded upon them a bit. Now, I, like a lot of others, was just going to let this series be its own thing even if I think it pales in comparison to not only the original series, but the rest of Cartoon Network's shows as a whole that do the comedy so much better. Not only that, but CN also abandoned its action programming for this bullshit Johnny Test wannabe. In response, a lot of people have become very pissed about this turn of events, thus leading to this episode. Now, when I first read the synopsis for this episode, I thought it would be interesting. Have these versions of the Titans team up with the Young Justice team & actually learn from the experience. Unfortunately, the writers used this to lampoon the critical side of the audience. Some might find the Lampshade Hanging funny. I myself love a good Fourth Wall joke when done decently. It's, in my opinion, one of the few kinds of jokes Family Guy can do nowadays & still be funny a majority of the time. Unfortunately though, you need to be subtle when you do it & these writers don't have much of a talent for subtlety. They hit us with it like a ton of bricks & do it almost worse than Family Guy did during 'Seahorse Seashell Party.' Aqualad tells Robin off, then he actually takes it to heart & they change to be more serious. Unfortunately, they go from one extreme, stupid for the sake of it & overall jerkasses to serious & brooding. Now, I was actually expecting them to subvert our expectations & have them go into a 2-parter where they become their old selves again, but with a new perspective on life to be less overly comedic & jerky, but, unfortunately, they didn't & it ends in one of the most bullshit ways possible. It's not only the episode itself that gets me, but the fact that They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot as well. It's without a doubt where the show started to descend into infamy for me.
  • Docyoshi: "Truth, Justice and What?" stands as an example of how not to do a crossover. Okay so apparently pizza makes the Titans go crazy? Yeah alright, feels like a retread of "Let's Get Serious" but okay, this somehow this leads them getting in conflict with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or a Lawyer-Friendly Cameo thereof. The fact that the episode ends with the Titans beating the turtles up, then stealing their shells, all over pizza, just causes an unnecessary Fandom Rivalry. Especially since DC and IDW are in the works of making a comic crossover between Batman and The Turtles. Sure, Let's You and Him Fight is an accepted crossover trope, but normally it's not over something as petty as who likes their Trademark Favorite Food more. The Turtles had to become smug jerkasses and as this list shows the Titans are no saints either. Hell, The Family Guy and Simpsons crossover had a better reason for the characters to fight.
  • GranadalandDreamer: What was "Beast Man"? That episode sucked. First, let me explain. In the episode, because Death Toilet 3 (Death Wish 3 with a toilet) is rated MA15+, they play Random Animal Roulette (where Beast Boy turns into random animals, and Cyborg keeps wanting little donkeys), and Robin says man. So Beast Boy turns into a man, because men are animals? Ok, not realistic, but fair... so far. And then Raven starts telling us how being an adult sucks, because you work at a boring job for "The Man" (and that IS what it is called!), and stuff. First of all, your job doesn't have to be boring - ask any video game developer. And second! Adults do have rights that kids/teens don't have, which the Titans exploit in the middle of the episode, AFTER they've seen Death Wi... I mean, Death Toilet 3. And then Beast "Boy" goes to do adult night stuff... and then it's the next day. And it turns out Beast "Boy" now works for The Man... who has Dexter's dad's face, and quotes Audrey once for no reason. They can't get Beast "Boy" to come willingly, so... they actually do the "Teen" part of their name... or at least, a generic version of said thing. They cause Dexter's Audrey to explode, and all the adults are free. And Starfire asks how the adults will provide for their families. Robin does not care about this. Robin, what even? I know you do not care about these people, but at least care about That. One. Thing! I'm done.
  • PhantomHeartless5: "Mas Y Menos" was my original DMOS, but after watching the new episode "The Hive Five", I had to switch it out. This episode can best be titled "Kick the Dog: The Episode" as it's basically 11 minutes of our "heroes", and I use that term loosely, being even bigger assholes than usual. To elaborate, after being relentlessly harassed by the Titans's constant prank calling, the Hive decides to take the day off just to get away from them and each spend the day in their own way. note  It seems harmless enough, but in true Designated Hero fashion, the Titans intrude on their day off. note  The whole episode was like a plot from a bad episode of modern Spongebob taken up to eleven. Even more rage-inducing was that The Hive wasn't even doing anything wrong, meaning that the Titans did all that just to be a bunch of petty dicks. The fact that they actually get away with their behavior is even more sickening. Remind me again why we're supposed to root for these guys? This isn't Black Comedy. This isn't even Comedic Sociopathy. It's just not funny. I don't think the show as a whole is that bad, but episodes like this make me wish that the Hive were the heroes of the show. As far as I'm concerned, they make better heroes than the Titans.
  • mariic: The episode "The Return of Slade" is a Bait-and-Switch worse than Raiden. The episode starts with Robin alerting the team that Slade has returned, so they go out to face him, but they don't show the battle on screen! Instead of showing the battle, the episode focuses on Beast-Boy and Cyborg on wanting a clown.
    • Wolfram And Hart: As if that wasn't enough of a middle finger to the fanbase, the "moral" of the episode makes it even worse. The plot is that a clown shows up, but he's not as cool as Cyborg and Beast Boy remember because "clowns are for kids." So, they change him to be the clown awesome like they remember, while Raven tells them "they need to let go of their love for clowns because they're for kids and they need stop paying attention to something they should have outgrown.” The entire episode is one fuck you to fans who say the original show was better, justifying that they only like the "old awesome" show because of the nostalgia filter and they should have outgrown cartoons by now.
      • Dr Popo: What really irks me is the combination of these two complaints. If they wanted to do an episode about letting go of your childhood and not seeing things through nostalgia goggles, that would be fine. If they wanted to do a bait and switch joke about Slade as a jab at the fans of the old show, that would be fine too. But when you put it together one after the other, you end up creating a situation where you purposely baited fans of the old show to watch the episode just to be sure that you get as many of them as possible watching as you mock them. This bait is what made the clown plot turn from a standard story into a middle finger shown to people - they knew fans of the old cartoon will sit in front of the TV screen, some of them excited for Slade, some terrified how will the show handle him and some just plain curious and open minded. And then they went to tell every single one of these people they're idiots for liking things made for kids.
      • Redaka: Previously, I wouldn't have called myself the biggest fan of the original Teen Titans nor would I call myself the biggest hater of Teen Titans Go! I didn't like it but I just thought of it as a spin off and nothing more. But when "The Return of Slade" came around, that's when I actively started to loathe this show because of the creators' immature responses to criticism. Also, I find it funny how they have the nerve to actively make fun of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic in "Return of Slade" when that show is not only more popular and successful than theirs but is also enjoyed by a wide demographic, shattering their views that cartoons are only for kids.
      • Kamen Rider Krypton: Speaking of MLP, Raven is clearly a fan of the Show Within a Show Pretty Pretty Pegasus, which is obviously this show's version of ''MLP;;. And at the same time, she's telling Cyborg and Beast Boy that they're too old for clowns (or, in reality, telling fans of the original show that they're too old to still be watching cartoons). So Let Me Get This Straight...: those two (or rather, the audience) aren't allowed to enjoy something because according to this episode they should've outgrown it by now, yet she's allowed to watch a show that, if we are to follow the episode's logic, she should've outgrown by now? Not only is this story a giant double middle finger to the original show's fans, it also suffers from a major case of Broken Aesop!
    • Loekman 3: The very fact that name Slade is used just to attract fans of their original adaptations is just a massive insult towards Slade himself because apparently, the writers want to keep this show a comedy without any serious moments whatsoever. But since Slade is one of the darkest villains of the Teen Titans, they decided that instead of introducing him to the cartoon and bastardize him, they simply use him as a tool to lure more fans to hypocritically criticize us for actually thinking Slade will actually appear. You may think you are relieved that Slade isn't derailed here but to me, this is one of the biggest disrespect that the writers have ever shown to a DC character. If I ever heard had a wish, I wish that "Teen Titans Go!" reboots it into a comedy but with 9000x better writing than any of you hypocrites can ever muster.
    • Eternity Of Spirits: This entire episode might just be the most wretched thing I've ever seen in western animation from a moral perspective. Not only are the writers deliberately inviting criticism (which makes the writers' inability to take criticism come off as massively hypocritical) but they basically throw the entire medium under the bus by saying that cartoons are entirely for children and that most critics are just blinded by nostalgia. It's bad enough that this is basically admitting that the writers don't care about their own quality, but claiming that animation is just to entertain children is utterly ludicrous. Not only is it factually wrong (yeah, try showing a child Legend of the Overfiend and see what happens), but, in saying that, they're ignoring the countless historical analysis, studies and courses dedicated to animation and instead claim they're entitled to being stupid. Not to mention all the family unfriendly humor the writers make. Really, this is just making the staff look envious of practically every cartoon that has been received better than them.
    • Spidey Terry: I never really had that much of a problem with this show; it certainly wasn't perfect, but I never found it offensive until "The Return of Slade." It was like a year's worth of Seasonal Rot in 11 minutes. My biggest problems with it come down to laziness and hypocrisy. There's nothing wrong with saying, "Hey, that kid's show you loved might not be as good as you remember it," but there's no legitimate satire or humor. The message is simply there to excuse the current show's failings. Yeah, sorry, but simply saying "this is a kid's show" is not a valid defense for bad writing. As far as I'm concerned, if someone got paid to write something, they better do a good job or prepare to be criticized. And while I'm sure I'm not the first person to say, it bears repeating: besides Teen Titans, many similar cartoons were aimed at kids. However, the makers of those and others shows actually cared—sometimes offering serious stories, sometimes pure comedy, but always seeking to make quality products that could be enjoyed by kids and adults. They didn't just hide behind "But it's a kid's show." You'd think those running Teen Titans Go! would understand this since they worked on Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Or did they think all those references to The Silver Age of Comic Books were for the little kids born decades after the fact? Also, the whole "stop holding onto something you should've outgrown years ago" talk is massively hypocritical since Go! uses the cast, designs, and theme song of the original show. Yes, writers, please tell me how I should outgrow an old show while you continue to leech off its legacy.
  • Eggy 0: Personally, I'm neutral towards the show and I do find it funny at times when I watch it, but many of the episodes have bad morals, and of all the episodes with bad morals, "Oil Drums" takes the cake and thus I hate this episode with a passion (along with some others) both with its moral and writing. So here's the deal: the Titans want to watch A-Team on TV, but the remote is gone and thus they have to spend their time doing non-TV activities (like gardening and body-building). Then after a while, every Titan except for Cyborg begins to reek and Cyborg immediately jumps to the conclusion that their brains are rotting (with the exception of Cyborg, who claims that "I've been watching so much quality programming that my brain is stronger that yours!"). I was convinced that the Titans simply needed a shower and that Cyborg was just overreacting, but then they progressively get smellier and sicker until they turn into zombies and corner Cyborg, at which point a living TV suddenly pops up from the elevator to save him, declares Cyborg his favorite child who watches TV, and they both set out to... rescue the TV remote from captors. How or why it got "kidnapped" is beyond me; there's no explanation whatsoever and it basically only serves as an excuse as to why the remote was gone in the first place. So they get the remote back, turn on the TV, and the Titans return to normal and thank TV for "fixing their brains". The moral that this episode imposes is that your brain will rot if you don't watch TV, and I find that to be one of the worst morals a show can impose to its audience.
  • Izzy Uneasy: Argh, "Campfire Stories"... From Nausea Fuel to terrible child drawings to sloppy attempt at noire to creepy-ass minimalistic artstyle... Honestly, I almost abandoned TTG because of this episode.

    Season 3 
  • Pat Payne: "Hey You, Don't You Neglect Me In Your Memory" had a moment which has to rank as the nadir on the show's Comedic Sociopathy tendencies. At the end, Robin, who has been striving to become valedictorian (so he can fulfill a tired '80s high-school-movie stereotype) is instead selected salutatorian. When he finds out Beast Boy (whom he has been whaling on all episode) is the valedictorian, he snaps, and starts cranekicking the team. It's expected that Beastie gets hit, and it's kinda funny when the tiny Robin takes down the large metallic Cyborg, but it stops being funny when he, out of the blue, beats up Starfire and Raven. Especially when Raven was trying to console him in his disappointment.
    • KrisSimsters: My Dethroning Moment of Suck is "Hey You, Don't Neglect my Memory" because the whole episode was ruined by Robin. TT are going back to school and while they all are starting to come out of their shells, Robin's being the usual Jerkass that he is and starts picking on Beast Boy because he's starting to get smart. This gets them kicked out of school multiple times throughout the episode and by the end of the episode then they are expelled for good; Robin says that the lesson they learned was that Robin wasn't supposed to be a prep, he was supposed to be a bully. This episode has the worst moral in the entire series thus far.
    • fairygirl567: I not only hated this episode because of how dickish Robin was in this episode but I, at this point in the series, honestly feel really bad for the voice actor for Robin. He voices one of the most unlikeable characters in the show and I'm pretty sure this is the only job he does right now and I've seen the voice actor, he isn't a bad guy but the fact he reads off these horrible lines for this character really makes me sad. I literally said out loud that this episode wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for Robin, the whole episode could have worked if Robin wasn't such a dickhead. Every line from him disgusted me. The fact he tries to justify beating up Beast Boy the first time by saying, "He was a nerd talking to a jack and trying to befriend him" disgusted me and seeing him beat the crap out of Beast Boy made me want to hug BB. Then the end where he figured out he was supposed to be the bad boy in school and doesn't feel sorry for what he did. Also, no Robin; beating the crap out of nerds and other students, acting like an idiot, yelling and trying to be entitled does not make you a bad boy. That makes you a crazy kid that no one wants to be around because they're afraid of the next outburst! But what disgusted me the most was not only did he get detention, which was deserved, but the whole group, including freaking Beast Boy, got detention and expulsion! WTH! Did that dumbass principal not see BB on the floor in pain and did the other members just not say anything after the principal saw the fight? And that last fight... I wanted to punch my TV so hard! He was crying like a brat after knocking all his teammates out and then they all get expelled even though he beat them up! He hit two girls, shouldn't this be assault at this point!? I'm aware they are flanderizing the characters as a joke but making Robin a psychopath is not the same to when he was bossy in the show! I hate this character at this point because of how horribly they bastardized him. Beast Boy and Cyborg are more likable than him now! Beast Boy and Cyborg!
  • O_Zone: Where do I begin with "The Fourth Wall"? With three main problems: One, by referencing the original series and almost tease what little remaining fans there are left by openly mocking them about how it was so much better than the current series. Two, much like "The Return of Slade" this episode pokes fun (and not in a good way) at the negative criticism of GO! and has the Titans unwittingly reboot themselves (much like "Lets Get Serious"), to 'try and make the show better' by turning themselves into a British Series. Three and worst of all, the ending has the Titans defeat Control Freak (this episodes 'villain'... but let's be honest, you kind of are rooting for HIM in this case...) by... farting... No. Just No.
  • The Dog Sage: "BBBDAY!" An episode where Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg decide to not celebrate Beast Boy's birthday. Why? Because they don't like other people's birthday parties and decide to just completely ignore it, only telling Beast Boy himself when they find him, alone and dejected in his room giving himself a birthday party. And do they show any sympathy? Oh no, not the Bastard Titans. They basically tell him they decided not to celebrate his birthday. As for Raven? She tries to celebrate his birthday, but not because she cares, but because if you don't celebrate birthdays people they don't have "time anchors" and rapidly switch between being a baby, middle-aged, and old. And they only help him because they don't like "middle-aged" BB.
  • Iheartgod175: My original entry was "Black Friday", but I've since changed it to "Batman v. Teen Titans: Dark Injustice", the April Fool's episode. I was actually kind of liking this episode up until the point where Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Boy pranked Robin by telling him they found his parents and brought them there to see him. He gets worked up, he runs out crying...and he falls into a web of tape, while the other three laugh and say "April Fool's!" Robin tries to laugh it off like he did the whole episode, and ends up Cry Laughing instead. This comes off as extremely insensitive as not only is this Robin hinted to be Dick Grayson just like in the original Teen Titans, but he also has Parental Issues regarding his family. Even Raven, who has good reasons to be annoyed with Robin in this series, tells them that was mean and they, and I quote, "humiliated him". And the other just don't care. I don't even like Robin in this series, but even he didn't deserve that.
  • Wkenneth 334: I'm changing my entry from Some Of Their Parts to "Two Parter". The episode is, as you can guess, a two-parter. The first part has Robin obnoxiously stating that this episode is going to be "special" as if we couldn't figure that out for ourselves. The plot just has them borrowing the Hall of Justice's pool because Cyborg accidentally broke theirs, then Cyborg reveals that he always wanted to be a member. In response, the other Titans leave Cyborg at the door and play Ding Dong Ditch. The League isn't home, so they go inside and after a bit of filler, end up donning superhero costumes to fool a guard robot. The second part has them getting ready to face Darkseid, who's taken the Justice League hostage. After even MORE filler, they get to Apokolips, and they find out that Darkseid not only sounds gravelly due to a cold, but his real voice is Weird Al Yankovic. Before you could even question how the hell they got Weird Al in this show, Cyborg beats him after an (as usual) underwhelming fight scene, thus giving Weird Al only a few minutes of actual dialogue, and none of his singing. In fact, they just reference the fact that he does. Then they fail to keep Martian Manhunter from dying, and Cyborg suddenly figures he has the power to reverse Apokolips' rotation like Superman and turn back time, so they decide to try and use that opportunity to save the Justice League, but instead treat them to some "hilarious" filler where the Justice League keeps on dying. After numerous attempts, they just leave the Justice League on Apokolips for later. These are some of the worst cases of Designated Hero I've ever seen.
  • Xblade: "The True Meaning of Christmas". Oh, hey! it's a Christmas special! These hardly fail... Well, I was wrong. First off, the Titans are miffed that they don't get any presents three years in a row. First they start to point fingers, rationalizing it to be because Santa forgot them (good start). Then, they rationalize it as they forgot to put their address on the letter (still a good start), then they start pointing fingers (still rather good). All the while, they cheer themselves up for having friends to spend time with (wow, this show just might redeem itself!). Ultimately, they figure it's because they're on the naughty list. So, what's the solution? Go to the north pole and change the list themselves, of course! (What? You were expecting "Be nicer people" as their idea?) So they go there and harass the elves, reindeer, and other workers until Santa catches them all. Now, here comes the infuriating part: Santa (freaking Santa!) of all people tries to make them see the error of their ways by making them spend time with him because Robin destroyed the toy factory (and no, he doesn't get a "what the heck?" moment) but ultimately decides to say that presents are what make Christmas Christmas. This is the biggest insult to literally any Christmas special ever. The Christmas Tree had a better moral than this!
  • Red The Hedgehog: "Oh Yeah!" is how not to do a Pro Wrestling Episode, and as a Pro Wrestling Fan, it really made me think that the writers are trying to attack certain fandom groups and not just fans of the Original Teen Titans, I mean they already did it with Raven being a Pegasister. "So how about we attack Wrestling Fans?" - says the Writers. Cyborg is Portrayed as a jerkass that believes pro wrestling is fake; now this argument is pretty common, but the way it's executed is sure accurate. and they feel like shoehorning references to the Macho Man and the Rock makes it good, which it doesn't. Cyborg also claimed that Pro Wrestling ruined the "so called noble sport" of amateur wrestling, yeah, it's not like pro wrestling has been loved by many people around the world more than it's Olympic counterpart, The ending also made me consider it a DMOS — Cyborg forces the rest of the Titans that amateur wrestling is and has always been better. Regular Show did this type of episode and the argument between amateur and pro way better. So what's next? Are they gonna start attacking fans of anime now?
  • TineTurner456: Squash and Stretch had to be worse than the fourth wall episode. It is yet another episode where the creators show they cannot take criticism whatsoever! Look, if they had just said it's a parody episode and left it at that I'd be able to look the other way. If they had just done the Let's Get Serious episode and then learned a lesson then I'd look the other way, but at this point in the series, they just show what babies they are and I think it's affecting the voice actors. You can feel the forced line reading from them, it's like they're being hypnotized or threatened with blacklisting if they complain. The episode was just so surreal and stupid like the creators were saying, "This is what happens if we stopped trying." And also the show seems to not only be insulting haters but also fans of the show. It's unfunny, mean spirited, and boring.
  • Scrounge: "Finally a Lesson". The episode consists almost entirely of an Infodump about the real estate business. Really. Robin droning on and on about real estate the whole episode. Just because you're trying to be unfathomably dull does not mean you should be praised for your success, nor does "Look how boring that was!" suffice as a punchline afterwards.
  • SofiaBlythe2012: Teen Titans Go started off decent, but quickly spiraled into infamy with episodes like "TTG Vs PPG". While the new Powerpuff Girls is flawed, I find it solid overall and better than this show. To elaborate, Mojo Jojo goes to Jump City and kidnaps Beast Boy and Cyborg, who act like bigger morons than usual. The girls team up with the other Titans, but they think they're better than them. I could go on all day about how stupid and unfocused the episode is, but the biggest problems comes from the Titans' condescending behavior to the girls. If they were simply trying to protect them from danger, that would be fine, but they insult them by treating them like literal babies,with the mocking cooing and everything. The episode never has the Titans learn their lesson, and it even acknowledges how bad it is by calling Jump City a place where superheroes don't care about stopping crime. This episode is "Let's Get Serious 7".
  • Captain Tedium: The conclusion of the "Island Adventure" event would have been flawless were it not for one scene that really irked me. When Starfire expresses her disbelief at an audience made up of the show's antagonists, the Titans then look at comments from a Tumblr pastiche consisting of childish insults at the Titans and stereotypical fan complaints about how the show is inferior to the original series. To rub salt in the wound, they don't stop there and go further by having the Titans whine that they don't deserve the vitriol they receive and Control Freak remarking that the show's detractors represent only a small portion of the people who watch the show. After how episodes like "The Return of Slade" and "The Fourth Wall" turned out, you'd think the writers would learn by now that insulting the people who don't like the show accomplishes nothing other than adding fuel to the fire.
  • Dr.XXX: "The Cape" What could possibly be the problem with this episode? The fact they dubbed over the original show's first episode to spite the haters? The fact they tried to make Cyborg's voice actor make a Slade impression only to fail? The butt pudding jokes? I'm going to say the worst part was the sheer amount of boredom I felt from it. I didn't even feel angry. The humor was predictable. Seriously, an object holding joke from Slade? What is this? TFS first abridged series? The humor is so boring that hyenas won't even laugh at it. I struggled to stay awake.
  • LaundryPizza03: The second half of season 3 has a number of mediocre episodes, but special mention goes to "Think About Your Future". (I'm actually surprised that nobody else has named this episode.) In it, the Teen Titans are visited by their future selves from 2086, who warn them that the present-day Titans need to develop healthy and safe habits, or else they will end up with a horrible life 70 years down the line. So most of the episode has the future Titans coaching the present Titans on good habits. And the sucky part? You'd expect that the 2016 Titans would learn their lesson and drop their reckless behavior, just like almost any sane person. Instead, they hate the 2086 Titans so much that they pick up the Jerkass Ball and intentionally go full speed with their recklessness to erase them from existence, so that their future selves can't travel back in time in the first place. So the moral is to avoid healthy habits, which is just plain ridiculous.

    Season 4 
  • SenorCornholio: Oh Teen Titans Go!, why must you make me do this? I want to enjoy you, you do have some funny episodes, but you just keep making mediocrity after mediocrity and not giving a shit about it. My first entry was "Black Friday". Then you give me "Two-Parter". Then came "Squash and Stretch", then "Finally a Lesson", and now finally, "Shrimps and Prime Rib", the very first episode of season 4. Yeah. So how is this a bad episode? Well let's start with the fact that Robin somehow remembers the glory days and wants to bring them back to those times. In case you couldn't tell, this episode is essentially one of those "Attack The Critics" episodes that the writers enjoy doing so much of, and the episode then quells your doubts by having the Titans sans Robin use utterly nonsensical ways to infiltrate Brian's lair. Seriously guys, this aired right after "The Cape"; can't you space these critic episodes out a little? Now, I don't have a problem with the infiltration itself; they could have proven that they can do plots like this their own way, and they do this, but that's not what they stuck with for the finale. After Robin finally gets them to kick some butt, they're about to finish the job when out of nowhere comes Kid Flash, Aqualad, Bumblebee, and Batman to essentially Kill Steal from them. This leads the Titans to a faux-heartwarming moment that basically says "since there are so many other superheroes fighting crime, then we're not needed anymore, and we're the only superheroes out there who have the power to goof off and do silly things". In other words, the show is yet again excusing its existence instead of giving us a good plot. Great way to start your fourth season, guys; you had a perfect set-up for a potentially passable critic response episode and you soiled it in exchange for what is now "Let's Get Serious 9" (even though I personally liked TTG vs. PPG above save for the Titans treating the girls like babies the entire way through). Also, while I'm the subject, the moral of "if others are better at your job, then you're not needed" is a terrible one, and it's pretty much played seriously in this context, once again further breaking the concept of "Finally A Lesson" and made even worse by the fact that it wasn't even their own fault this time. At this point, we might just have to expect this kind of quality from them regularly because this show sure as Azarath isn't ever going to let up.
  • SparkPlugTheTroper: While I no longer follow TTG and can certainly see why it would get on people's nerves, I still liked it in an ironic sense. With that said, the fact that nobody has named "Hot Salad Water" as a dethroning moment genuinely surprises me. The episode is about Robin teaching the other Titans that the United Kingdom secretly wants to take over the United States again and have been doing so since the States declared their independence... and sure enough, the other Titans start to develop a liking for British culture after drinking tea. Turns out it's the work of the Queen of England, who uses Big Ben as a Transforming Mecha. And the entire premise is played in a way that doesn't make it obvious that it's a joke, meaning the target demographic of children might get the wrong idea from it. While the Big Ben mecha is admittedly a funny idea, what really makes this episode unlikable is that not only are they allowed to air this episode in the UK, but that this blatantly xenophobic premise was allowed at all in an episode of a children's cartoon. To their credit, this episode was initially barred from airing in the UK, but I honestly think it should have just went unaired everywhere.
  • Shadow 200: When first announced Thundercats Roar, received a lot of negative flak over how shoddy the characters were drawn as well as turning another fan favorite show into a bad comedy spinoff. The announcement trailer currently stands at just under 120 thousand dislikes to a mere 8 thousand likes. So when the show finally airs, can you guess what happens? Well they decide to do a crossover episode with the Twit Titans, oh excuse me, Teen Titans Go! and the original Lion-o voiced by his original voice actor from the 80s shows up at the end and proclaims the show to be a true successor to the original and those who dislike it eats poop. Wow, way to handle criticism guys. Throw a tantrum and insult your fanbase. Rumors say that its already been cancelled, let's hope its true.

    Season 5 

    Season 6 
  • Cabin Of Chaos: There was a scene in Bucket List that greatly disturbed me, and not in a good way. When Starfire had to make a difference in a child's life, the scene depicted was genuinely one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen from this show. Basically, the Titans pick up a random baby from the streets away from their mom. When Starfire suggests taking care of it, the Titans tell her no, and say that the baby doesn't need to be taken care of, when all babies need to be taken care of, or else they'll die. This is when the scene goes from stupid to unwatchable. The Titans begin to argue over who should raise the baby. So, naturally, they do the logical thing and a fight over the baby like toddlers fighting over a toy. They pull and a tug at her, flail her around and throw her like a ragdoll. The baby naturally cries because of this, and starfire, sick of her friends bickering, throws the baby into a bus, which the Titans praise her for doing. Wanna know what's worse? The baby the titans were fighting over isn't a fake one. That was a real baby. A baby that is flesh, blood and bones. Fictional or not, that was child abuse, and if this was real life, the baby would have gotten seriously injured, disabled for life or straight up murdered. It's a really cruel and horrible scene, and it really begs the question on how on Earth Cartoon Network allowed this scene to be aired.
    • savagegenius: Wanna know what’s worse? When Starfire throws the baby in the bus, a literal squishing sound could be heard, implying that yes, she had actually mutilated a live baby onscreen. Not only that, but the fact that Raven deliberately teleports a random baby into the tower away from its mother, and tells Starfire not to worry when she asks Raven where it came from is just infuriating; this is supposed to be the voice of reason of the group, but this scene literally turns her into a psychopath!
