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Archived Discussion Main / TropeMakers

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Dark Sasami: I don't think this page means much without descriptions of the tropes the series pioneered.

Gus: I think the intention was to use this an index page, that is, as a way to flip through the series entries, which would have the evidence you are thinking of. Following that theoty, I'll implement.

Looney Toons: The "Alien" link goes not to anything about the move but our generic Alien page. Do we really want to do this?

Gus: The Alien link is clearly wrong. Good question, though, as to whether this index has any real value.

Dark Sasami: I still think it has value if each entry has a blurb saying what it contributed. Not everything in Star Trek The Original Series was a brand new trope, so linking to the article doesn't necessarily tell someone what the show pioneered. Also, a blurb would relieve the necessity to link Alien when it's not a TV show. Think in terms of the Essential Anime format.

Ununnilium: A goodeth idea!

Seth: Should Dragonball be mentioned a lot of tropes call it as their Ur-example and it was the first place most of us saw a shonen fight series.

Lale: Just a thought. Who else thinks we need a list of notable, habitual, but successful Trope Breakers? Ones that come to mind right now are Neon Genesis Evangelion, Avatar The Last Airbender, and WITCH (which I've never seen, but from what I've read around here, its lack of Sorting Algorithm Of E Vil is a pretty notable thing).

Seth: We call that Deconstruction - And avatar doesn't fit on that list, it plays most of its tropes in a new light or gently subverted and has original content that drives me mad trying to pin down making it a trope maker (Maybe, when its finished we can decide stuff like that)

Mister Six: Added The Avengers, which created the Spy Catsuit and Action Girl tropes.

Ununnilium: Had to add Final Fantasy VII when I realized how many trope names came from it.

Neophos: But that's wrong. It's not a trope maker, it's simply that it got many fans and, as such, many people make references to it when thinking up titles. It's in no way a work that sent huge waves of originality through the genre. Being popular doesn't make you a trope maker.

Ronfar: The Lord of the Rings practically invented the modern fantasy genre; it did draw inspiration from earlier works, but most later works draw upon it and not its predecessors.

Sean Tucker: Is NGE really a Trope Maker? The only ones it pioneered are Emotionless Girl (Rei is the first known example) and Darker and Edgier (for mecha anime, at least). Plus, it's one of the Deconstructor Fleet, so it probably shouldn't be here as well.

Ronfar: Edgar Allen Poe is credited with inventing the modern detective story, as well as being a precursor to the science fiction of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. I'm adding him as a Trope Maker.

Sci Vo: Reorganized it a little, using ideas from other pages. The trickiest part was alphabetizing the theater and literature section, ignoring leading articles on the titles of works and starting with the last name of authors.

What about Gilbert And Sullivan, who ended up being mined for most of the tropes in musicals?

32_Footsteps: Would anyone object to adding Pokemon under the video game section? It's the one responsible for the rise of Mons, One Game for the Price of Two, Player Versus Player in role-playing games, not to mention being the Trope Namer for quite a few pages here?

Hremsfeld: Kingdom Hearts should go up, right? After all, it created The Heartless.

Haven: It named The Heartless, but there are examples from works predating it, i.e. Sailor Moon. Also: the Hitchhiker's Guide example is funny for at least two reasons: apparently, it didn't bring British humour into the mainstream enough that whoever wrote it wanted to concede the way British spell humor, and second, possibly more importantly, I'm pretty sure British humour was already in the mainstream in Britain. Just a guess. ;)

Lord Seth: Is Watchmen really an example? It was a definite Deconstructor Fleet but was it really a Trope Maker?

mikokit: Should Legend of Zelda be here? Wasn't it the first fantasy adventure game?

Haven: I would be inclined to think Zelda should be here, but I can't say for sure what exactly it made. And I think Watchmen definitely deserves to be here, as it is responsible for the '90s Anti-Hero, and also a Genre Turning Point (so it probably made some other tropes but I don't know what they would be).
Meanwhile: I love Buffy as much as the next person, but I still haven't gotten a straight answer on what tropes the show made. Anyone? If you say Action Girl, think for a minute: were there really no action girls before Buffy? Think twice before you answer.
Did I just flirt with "A Darker Me" up there? I think I did!

Lord Seth: I submit Citizen Kane. It pioneered lots of camera techniques that nowadays we take for granted, but was revolutionary when it came out.

Ramidel: I want to challenge Sailor Moon. SM is the Trope Codifier for the Magic Warrior genre, but Cutey Honey did it first.

Tnu: it's probobly because Street Fighter was not a very well received or recognized game Street Figther II however is more well known people tend to forget the first one existed

Stealthyboy: How the hell can Street Fighter II be a Trope Maker?! I could understand it being a Trope Codifier, but does whoever put it there not know what II means?
