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Archived Discussion Main / MineralMacGuffin

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Would Diamonds, Gold, essentially shiny things that people value count as a real world example? After all, people CAN buy alot of power...

Working Title: A Villain\'s Best Friend: From YKTTW

Fire Walk: "In the Tingle game, ruppees, the currency, may count. But that one doesn't exist."
I haven't played, so I may be missing something, but I doubt it'd count as a MacGuffin if jewels are only used as currency.

Schizo Technician: They ARE technically currency, but Tingle is enchanted so that he dies if he runs out of them, and they fuel his green-suited fairyness.

Do the Gem Beast cards in Yu Gi Oh GX count as an aversion, or an inversion?
