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Webcomic / The B-Movie Comic

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The B-Movie Comic is based on a long, proud history of So Bad, It's Good movies. It mostly follows the exploits of a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits who have thus far been engaged in fighting mummies, zombies and Commies. This does change a little bit when a lot of the main characters disappear /die for a large chunk near the end of the second arc, only to be replaced by another set of mistfits, who promptly disappear when the originals came back from the dead.

The originals include Professor Dr., Snuka, Biff Boffenheimer, and Mopey.

On September 21st-28th, 2017, the comic switched engines to Word Press, transferring only the pages from chapter 6 (The Secret of the White Lotus) onwards. The old archives were inaccessible for a while, but most of the pages from Chapters 1-5 have since been restored.

The B-Movie Comic provides examples of:

General tropes

  • Obvious Stunt Double: The central joke is that it's recreating B Movies in all their cheesy, low-budget glory. Part of this is the variety of behind-the-scenes bonus comics, explaining how they accomplished the numerous stunts and special effects. Turns out that Snuka's underpaid Chew Toy actor Lee does his own stunts, and everyone else's stunts, regardless of how little he looks like them.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Professor Dr.
    Rant: But cybernetics/paleontology is also the ideal combination for Professor Dr. of course, who just happens to be an expert in both of these fields! Mostly because he always happens to be an expert in whatever field is relevant to the plot, or because a scriptwriter isn’t even aware that there are different fields in science.
  • Stock Footage: Whenever the director thinks he can get away with it.
    • The "Professor Dr. discovers a dead body" scene has become such too (though the third time it's another character played by the same actor).

Tropes in the first movie "Revenge of Rutentuten":

Tropes in the second movie, "Attack of the [Description withheld in order not to spoil the surprise]Angels.":

Note: The actual title is revealed at the end (SPOILER!) to be Attack of the invisible zombies from outer space.

  • Stripperific: Snuka spends most of the story arc wearing what amounts to a workout bra and jeans that are so baggy they might as well just be leg warmers.

Tropes in the third movie "20,000 leeks below the surface of the ocean":

  • You Don't Look Like You: In this chapter, many of the characters like Mopey and Buff look noticeably completely different. This can usually be expected from a B-movie sequel.

Tropes in the fourth movie "Earth vs. Uranus"
  • Fake–Real Turn: The good guys set up a fake poll to get information from the henchmen, and when Prof. Dr. notices they have almost enough data to make it a real poll (and get credit for the university), he decides it would be a waste to stop now.
  • Sequel Escalation: This movie has a mountain 81 times as tall as Silhouette Mountain.

Tropes in the fifth movie, "The Verraderlijk Plot of Dr. Dutchman Fu"
  • Brick Joke: Biff Saving the real Pr. Chronometricos in the epilogue, whom he had neglected much earlier.

Tropes in the sixth movie, "The Secret of the White Lotus"

This one is about 235 pages long.

Alternative Title(s): B Movie Comic
