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Tropers / Lord Gro

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Gro is from (and living in) Germany, 30-ish, male.

My handle is a reference to a character from the fantasy novel The Worm Ouroboros (1922) by E. R. Eddison. I am kind of embarassed by the self-given aristocratic title, but so far I could not muster the resolve to pick a new handle, and that's why things are still as they are.

An aficionado of the Icelandic Sagas. Mostly active on Literature pages.

Sandboxes I currently work with:

Work pages I made or started

    open/close all folders 

    Icelandic Sagas 

    Norse Mythology 

    Celtic Mythology 

    German Literature 



Other pages where I made contributions, or that just are on my watchlist


Useful Notes


Tropes I sponsored, launched, or to which I made noteworthy contributions
