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Pretty in Mink is such a broad way to show glamour and wealth, it has at least five ways to split it.note 

Some tropes can be pretty broad in scope, enough to cover one or more Sub-Tropes under them.

Let's say you have tropes for "Scarf Juggling" and "Knife Juggling". Just plain "Juggling" would be the Super Trope for both of them. The key point is that the definition of a sub trope must include the definition of the super trope, just with special qualifiers that make it distinct.

In logic terms, the Super Trope would be the genus, and the sub tropes the differentia.

Now even if the definition must be included, that doesn't necessarily mean every example must be. In most cases, every sub trope example would also count as an example of the super trope, but there are some exceptions due to the nature of some tropes. Pink Product Ploy includes the definition of Pink Means Feminine, but as an aspect to sell products, not to make the products fit the trope (so something considered masculine wouldn't be the super trope just because it's colored pink; its merely relying on the color association to appear feminine). Fortunately it's always best to list sub trope examples on their sub trope pages instead of their supertrope ones,note  so you needn't worry about whether every example fits is super trope(s).

This is also important, as a Missing Supertrope can lead to people thinking a trope is broader than it is.

Do not confuse this with indexes. They're about listing when pages have common elements. Though not only can indexes have super and sub pages, a super trope can be an index if it has enough sub tropes.

Compare Sister Trope.

Not to be confused with The Same, but More, Exaggerated Trope, Superhero Tropes.

A Sample of Super Tropes And Their Sub Tropes

By the way, have you ever seen Super Trope and Trope-tan in the same place at the same time?
