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Megane (Japanese: メガネ, meh-GAH-neh, literally "glasses") is Anime Fanspeak for (preferably attractive) guys with glasses. They come in several standard types:

  • For sweet, shy guys with glasses who inspire Moe feelings of protectiveness, see Meganekko (technically this term refers only to girls with glasses, but for convenience boys of this type go under the same trope).
  • For guys whose glasses indicate that they are studious, aloof, or stoic, see Stoic Spectacles.
  • For cruel lovers (mostly men) with glasses who inspire kinky masochistic fetishes, see Kichiku Megane.
  • For glasses explicitly treated as a fetish object, see Glasses Are Sexy.

Compare Scary Shiny Glasses, Meganekko ("glasses girl"). Also see the Glasses Tropes.

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