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History Anime / UltimateMuscle

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* FakeAFight: Subverted. Kid Muscle starts off believing a fight with his father will be easy due to assuming his father not to be a real wrestler and just an actor which would result in [[WrongGenreSavvy this trope coming into play]]. When they begin, Kid Mucsle soon finds that his father is not as fake as he believed and soon desires to back out.


* FakeAFight: Subverted. Kid Muscle starts off believing a fight with his father will be easy due to assuming his father not to be a real wrestler and just an actor which would result in [[WrongGenreSavvy this trope coming into play]]. When they begin, Kid Mucsle Muscle soon finds that his father is not as fake as he believed and soon desires to back out.

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* BreadEggsMilkSquick: Part of the opening theme song should tell you how wacky this series gets: "Wrestlers race to our defense, with strength, and speed, and FLATULENCE?!"

* WhoWritesThisCrap: Part of the opening theme song should tell you how wacky this series gets: "Wrestlers race to our defense, with strength, and speed, and FLATULENCE?!"
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* GuestFighter: The LicensedGame ''Ultimate Muscle: Legends vs New Generation'' features Pandaman from ''Manga/OnePiece'' as an unlockable character.


* GuestFighter: The LicensedGame licensed game ''Ultimate Muscle: Legends vs New Generation'' features Pandaman from ''Manga/OnePiece'' as an unlockable character.
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* GuestFighter: The LicensedGame ''Ultimate Muscle: Legends vs New Generation'' features Pandaman from ''Manga/OnePiece'' as an unlockable character.
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Americans got their eyefuls of it by way of [[Creator/FourKidsEntertainment 4Kids]] as ''Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy'', so it got the [[{{Bowdlerise}} standard treatment]]. Oddly enough, aside from blood, a great deal of innuendo and fart jokes were left in. A ''great'' deal of innuendo. But that's neither here nor there. The dub's title was based on Creator/{{Mattel}}'s ''M.U.S.C.L.E.''[[note]][[FunWithAcronyms Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere]][[/note]] toy line in the U.S., which in turn was based on characters from the original program (which was never dubbed or released in North America, because the MoralGuardians would've pounced on it like ants on a picnic basket). As crazy as it sounds, even by those who detest them, 4Kids' dub for this is considered to be one of their best by far, as the goofy voices they gave for the characters and the amount of dirtier jokes they left in from the original show, and a few dirty jokes ''they actually added themselves'', as well as [[{{Woolseyism}} replacing jokes that most American viewers wouldn't get]], ended up fitting the show's tone surprisingly well. Some would even go as far as to say [[SugarWiki/SuperlativeDubbing it's one of the very few dubs made by them that's worth watching over the Japanese original,]] [[SoBadItsGood and not in the "so bad it's hilarious" sense]] like their infamous ''Manga/OnePiece'' dub (which, incidentally, was actually required in order for 4Kids to gain the dubbing rights to this show). Of course, bringing this up with fans of the Japanese original [[BrokenBase is a good way to ignite flame wars that can be seen from space.]]


Americans got their eyefuls of it by way of [[Creator/FourKidsEntertainment 4Kids]] as ''Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy'', so it got the [[{{Bowdlerise}} standard treatment]]. Oddly enough, aside from blood, a great deal of innuendo and fart jokes were left in. A ''great'' deal of innuendo. But that's neither here nor there. The dub's title was based on Creator/{{Mattel}}'s ''M.U.S.C.L.E.''[[note]][[FunWithAcronyms Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere]][[/note]] toy line in the U.S., which in turn was based on characters from the original program (which was never dubbed or released in North America, because the MoralGuardians would've pounced on it like ants on a picnic basket). As crazy as it sounds, even by those who detest them, 4Kids' dub for this is considered to be one of their best by far, as the goofy voices they gave for the characters and the amount of dirtier jokes they left in from the original show, and a few dirty jokes ''they actually added themselves'', as well as [[{{Woolseyism}} replacing jokes that most American viewers wouldn't get]], ended up fitting the show's tone surprisingly well. Some would even go as far as to say [[SugarWiki/SuperlativeDubbing it's one of the very few dubs made by them that's worth watching over the Japanese original,]] [[SoBadItsGood and not in the "so bad it's hilarious" sense]] like their infamous ''Manga/OnePiece'' dub (which, incidentally, was actually required to do in order for 4Kids to gain the dubbing rights to this show). Of course, bringing this up with fans of the Japanese original [[BrokenBase is a good way to ignite flame wars that can be seen from space.]]
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License rescue of the English Dub.

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As of 10/24/22, [[ Discotek Media has licensed rescued the entire English dub]].
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Americans got their eyefuls of it by way of [[Creator/FourKidsEntertainment 4Kids]] as ''Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy'', so it got the [[{{Bowdlerise}} standard treatment]]. Oddly enough, aside from blood, a great deal of innuendo and fart jokes were left in. A ''great'' deal of innuendo. But that's neither here nor there. The dub's title was based on Creator/{{Mattel}}'s ''M.U.S.C.L.E.''[[note]][[FunWithAcronyms Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere]][[/note]] toy line in the U.S., which in turn was based on characters from the original program (which was never dubbed or released in North America, because the MoralGuardians would've pounced on it like ants on a picnic basket). As crazy as it sounds, even by those who detest them, 4Kids' dub for this is considered to be one of their best by far, as the goofy voices they gave for the characters and the amount of dirtier jokes they left in from the original show, and a few dirty jokes ''they actually added themselves'', as well as [[{{Woolseyism}} replacing jokes that most American viewers wouldn't get]], ended up fitting the show's tone surprisingly well. Some would even go as far as to say [[SugarWiki/SuperlativeDubbing it's one of the very few dubs made by them that's worth watching over the Japanese original,]] [[SoBadItsGood and not in the "so bad it's hilarious" sense]] like their infamous ''Manga/OnePiece'' dub. Of course, bringing this up with fans of the Japanese original [[BrokenBase is a good way to ignite flame wars that can be seen from space.]]


Americans got their eyefuls of it by way of [[Creator/FourKidsEntertainment 4Kids]] as ''Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy'', so it got the [[{{Bowdlerise}} standard treatment]]. Oddly enough, aside from blood, a great deal of innuendo and fart jokes were left in. A ''great'' deal of innuendo. But that's neither here nor there. The dub's title was based on Creator/{{Mattel}}'s ''M.U.S.C.L.E.''[[note]][[FunWithAcronyms Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere]][[/note]] toy line in the U.S., which in turn was based on characters from the original program (which was never dubbed or released in North America, because the MoralGuardians would've pounced on it like ants on a picnic basket). As crazy as it sounds, even by those who detest them, 4Kids' dub for this is considered to be one of their best by far, as the goofy voices they gave for the characters and the amount of dirtier jokes they left in from the original show, and a few dirty jokes ''they actually added themselves'', as well as [[{{Woolseyism}} replacing jokes that most American viewers wouldn't get]], ended up fitting the show's tone surprisingly well. Some would even go as far as to say [[SugarWiki/SuperlativeDubbing it's one of the very few dubs made by them that's worth watching over the Japanese original,]] [[SoBadItsGood and not in the "so bad it's hilarious" sense]] like their infamous ''Manga/OnePiece'' dub.dub (which, incidentally, was actually required in order for 4Kids to gain the dubbing rights to this show). Of course, bringing this up with fans of the Japanese original [[BrokenBase is a good way to ignite flame wars that can be seen from space.]]
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%% * GettingCrapPastThe Radar: Due to overwhelming and persistent misuse, GCPTR is on-page examples only until 01 June 2021. If you are reading this in the future, please check the trope page to make sure your example fits the current definition.


%% * GettingCrapPastThe Radar: Due to overwhelming and persistent misuse, GCPTR is on-page examples only until 01 June 2021. If you are reading this in the future, please %%* GettingCrapPastTheRadar: Please check the trope page to make sure your example fits the current definition.
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* WhoWritesThisCrap: Part of the opening theme song should tell you how wacky this series gets: "Wrestlers race to our defense, with strength, and speed, and FLATULENCE?!"
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'''Meat:''' Hey! Why don't you watch your mouth kid. If you use profanity they'll send you packing right off this planet.\\
'''Kid Muscle:''' Why didn't you say so you son of a--\\


'''Meat:''' Hey! Why don't you watch your mouth kid. there, kid? If you use profanity profanity, they'll send you packing right off this planet.\\
'''Kid Muscle:''' Why didn't you say say, so you son of a--\\
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* AudienceShift: The original manga was seinen, but the anime version seem to be aimed at kids.


* AudienceShift: The original manga was seinen, but the anime version seem seems to be aimed at kids.
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* GracefulLandingClumsyLanding: During the Chojin Crown arc, Vance MacMadd and his daughter Jacqueline make their entrance by leaping out of a helicopter. While Jacqueline lands gracefully, her father painfully faceplants.
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** In the manga, Rinko/Roxanne didn't debut until after Mantarou bet Mars/Scarface. In the anime, she and her friends have been recurring audience spectators since Dial-A-Bolic/Tel-Tel Boy challenged Mantarou.


** In the manga, Rinko/Roxanne didn't debut until after Mantarou bet beats Mars/Scarface. In the anime, she and her friends have been recurring audience spectators since Dial-A-Bolic/Tel-Tel Boy challenged Mantarou.
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* FatFlex: When Kid Muscle finally meets King Muscle again, he still looks as buff as he did in his prime. Then it turns out that King Muscle had just rearranged all his fat to look like muscles, which is why he wasn't moving from his badass pose, and once everything slips back into place, it turns out he's gotten a huge gut and scrawny arms in the past few decades.
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* AudienceShift: The original manga was seinen, but the anime version seem to be aimed at kids.

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** After his match with Scarface/Eskara, Mantaro never uses the traditional version of the Kinniku Buster again. This is because Scarface demonstrated a countermove to it during their match, on live television. Any wrestler who studied the match would know how to do it, so it isn’t worth the risk to use it.* RetGone: In a story arc set in the past, Brocken Jr. loses his right arm in a match, thus removing his trademark Red Rain of Berlin attack. In the next match, Jade attempts the move and is shocked to find he can't do it. Looking at a photo shows that Brocken Jr.'s hand is now a hook, therefore Brocken could never have taught the move to Jade. After some time for Jade's mind to adapt to his new memories, he now knows a leg-based version of the move: Brocken's Repatriation.


** After his match with Scarface/Eskara, Mantaro never uses the traditional version of the Kinniku Buster again. This is because Scarface demonstrated a countermove to it during their match, on live television. Any wrestler who studied the match would know how to do it, so it isn’t worth the risk to use
* RetGone: In a story arc set in the past, Brocken Jr. loses his right arm in a match, thus removing his trademark Red Rain of Berlin attack. In the next match, Jade attempts the move and is shocked to find he can't do it. Looking at a photo shows that Brocken Jr.'s hand is now a hook, therefore Brocken could never have taught the move to Jade. After some time for Jade's mind to adapt to his new memories, he now knows a leg-based version of the move: Brocken's Repatriation.

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* AdaptationalEarlyAppearance: In the manga, Mantarou doesn't meet Meat until after his training at the Hercules Factory is complete. In the anime, Meat is present during his entire training.


* AdaptationalEarlyAppearance: AdaptationalEarlyAppearance:
In the manga, Mantarou doesn't meet Meat until after his training at the Hercules Factory is complete. In the anime, Meat is present during his entire
** In the manga, Rinko/Roxanne didn't debut until after Mantarou bet Mars/Scarface. In the anime, she and her friends have been recurring audience spectators since Dial-A-Bolic/Tel-Tel Boy challenged Mantarou.

* BigEater: Kid muscle, who often pigs out on cow and rice even having a song for it!


* BigEater: Kid muscle, Mantarou/Kid Muscle, who often pigs out on cow and rice even having a song for it!

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* RealityEnsues: Given the series takes place 28 years after the original Kinnikuman series, its only natural that the original Justice Chojin have aged past their prime. Their inability to fight the dMp due to their advanced ages is what kicks off the plot. Kinnikuman himself is hit the hardest by this, as all those power moves have seriously wrecked his body after almost 30 years.
** Checkmate may have been trained by the dMp to be unable to feel pain, but that’s more a hindrance than an advantage. He takes so much damage without rest or notice that he eventually becomes paralyzed by his accumulative injuries.
** After his match with Scarface/Eskara, Mantaro never uses the traditional version of the Kinniku Buster again. This is because Scarface demonstrated a countermove to it during their match, on live television. Any wrestler who studied the match would know how to do it, so it isn’t worth the risk to use it.


* RealityEnsues: Given the series takes place 28 years after the original Kinnikuman series, its only natural that the original Justice Chojin have aged past their prime. Their inability to fight the dMp due to their advanced ages is what kicks off the plot. Kinnikuman himself is hit the hardest by this, as all those power moves have seriously wrecked his body after almost 30 years.
** Checkmate may have been trained by the dMp to be unable to feel pain, but that’s more a hindrance than an advantage. He takes so much damage without rest or notice that he eventually becomes paralyzed by his accumulative injuries.
** After his match with Scarface/Eskara, Mantaro never uses the traditional version of the Kinniku Buster again. This is because Scarface demonstrated a countermove to it during their match, on live television. Any wrestler who studied the match would know how to do it, so it isn’t worth the risk to use it.

* RetGone: In a story arc set in the past, Brocken Jr. loses his right arm in a match, thus removing his trademark Red Rain of Berlin attack. In the next match, Jade attempts the move and is shocked to find he can't do it. Looking at a photo shows that Brocken Jr.'s hand is now a hook, therefore Brocken could never have taught the move to Jade. After some time for Jade's mind to adapt to his new memories, he now knows a leg-based version of the move: Brocken's Repatriation.


* RetiredBadass: Given the series takes place 28 years after the original Kinnikuman series, its only natural that the original Justice Chojin have aged past their prime. Their inability to fight the dMp due to their advanced ages is what kicks off the plot. Kinnikuman himself is hit the hardest by this, as all those power moves have seriously wrecked his body after almost 30 years.
** Checkmate may have been trained by the dMp to be unable to feel pain, but that’s more a hindrance than an advantage. He takes so much damage without rest or notice that he eventually becomes paralyzed by his accumulative injuries.
** After his match with Scarface/Eskara, Mantaro never uses the traditional version of the Kinniku Buster again. This is because Scarface demonstrated a countermove to it during their match, on live television. Any wrestler who studied the match would know how to do it, so it isn’t worth the risk to use it.
* RetGone: In a story arc set in the past, Brocken Jr. loses his right arm in a match, thus removing his trademark Red Rain of Berlin attack. In the next match, Jade attempts the move and is shocked to find he can't do it. Looking at a photo shows that Brocken Jr.'s hand is now a hook, therefore Brocken could never have taught the move to Jade. After some time for Jade's mind to adapt to his new memories, he now knows a leg-based version of the move: Brocken's Repatriation.

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* GiveHimANormalLife: Kinnikuman decided to try this with Mantarou and thus had his fight records annuled so that his son wouldn't know of his evil-fighting career. It kinda backfired in that Mantarou became incredibly lazy and cowardly. It does pay off during Mantaro's fight against TelTel Boy. TelTel channels Suguru, hoping to instill some "fear of the father" in the son, but since Mantarou's grown up thinking his dad as nothing more than a bumbling idiot, it backfires. Completely.


* GiveHimANormalLife: Kinnikuman decided to try this with Mantarou and thus had his fight records annuled so that his son wouldn't know of his evil-fighting career. It kinda backfired in that [[NiceJobBreakingItHero Mantarou became incredibly lazy and cowardly.cowardly]]. It does pay off during Mantaro's fight against TelTel Boy. TelTel channels Suguru, hoping to instill some "fear of the father" in the son, but since Mantarou's grown up thinking his dad as nothing more than a bumbling idiot, it backfires. Completely.

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* NiceJobBreakingItHero: Suguru, burning all your records of your exploits and not telling your son about your wrestling career may not have been the best idea at the time.
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* YoungerThanTheyLook: A majority of the new Muscle League are actually teenagers, yet their bodies look more like early 20-something year olds.
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* AdaptationalEarlyAppearance: In the manga, Mantarou doesn't meet Meat until after his training at the Hercules Factory is complete. In the anime, Meat is present during his entire training.
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** After his match with Scarface/Escara Mantaro never uses the traditional version of the Kinniku Buster again. This is because Scarface demonstrated a countermove to it during their match, on live television. Any wrestler who studied the match would know how to do it, so it isn’t worth the risk to use it.


** After his match with Scarface/Escara Scarface/Eskara, Mantaro never uses the traditional version of the Kinniku Buster again. This is because Scarface demonstrated a countermove to it during their match, on live television. Any wrestler who studied the match would know how to do it, so it isn’t worth the risk to use it.
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** Checkmate may have been trained by the dMp to be unable to feel pain,gut that’s more a hindrance than an advantage. He takes so much damage without rest or notice that he eventually becomes paralyzed by his accumulative injuries.


** Checkmate may have been trained by the dMp to be unable to feel pain,gut pain, but that’s more a hindrance than an advantage. He takes so much damage without rest or notice that he eventually becomes paralyzed by his accumulative injuries.

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* RealityEnsues: After his match with Scarface/Escara Mantaro never uses the traditional version of the Kinniku Buster again. This is because Scarface demonstrated a countermove to it during their match, on live television. Any wrestler who studied the match would know how to do it, so it isn’t worth the risk to use it.


* RealityEnsues: Given the series takes place 28 years after the original Kinnikuman series, its only natural that the original Justice Chojin have aged past their prime. Their inability to fight the dMp due to their advanced ages is what kicks off the plot. Kinnikuman himself is hit the hardest by this, as all those power moves have seriously wrecked his body after almost 30 years.
** Checkmate may have been trained by the dMp to be unable to feel pain,gut that’s more a hindrance than an advantage. He takes so much damage without rest or notice that he eventually becomes paralyzed by his accumulative injuries.
After his match with Scarface/Escara Mantaro never uses the traditional version of the Kinniku Buster again. This is because Scarface demonstrated a countermove to it during their match, on live television. Any wrestler who studied the match would know how to do it, so it isn’t worth the risk to use it.
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* RealityEnsues: After his match with Scarface/Escara Mantaro never uses the traditional version of the Kinniku Buster again. This is because Scarface demonstrated a countermove to it during their match, on live television. Any wrestler who studied the match would know how to do it, so it isn’t worth the risk to use it.
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Americans got their eyefuls of it by way of [[Creator/FourKidsEntertainment 4Kids]] as ''Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy'', so it got the [[{{Bowdlerise}} standard treatment]]. Oddly enough, aside from blood, a great deal of innuendo and fart jokes were left in. A ''great'' deal of innuendo. But that's neither here nor there. The dub's title was based on Creator/{{Mattel}}'s ''M.U.S.C.L.E.''[[note]][[FunWithAcronyms Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere]][[/note]] toy line in the U.S., which in turn was based on characters from the original program (which was never dubbed or released in North America, because the MoralGuardians would've pounced on it like ants on a picnic basket). As crazy as it sounds, even by those who detest them, 4Kids' dub for this is considered to be one of their best by far, as the goofy voices they gave for the characters and the [[GettingCrapPastTheRadar amount of dirtier jokes they left in from the original show]], and a few dirty jokes ''they actually added themselves'', as well as [[{{Woolseyism}} replacing jokes that most American viewers wouldn't get]], ended up fitting the show's tone surprisingly well. Some would even go as far as to say [[SugarWiki/SuperlativeDubbing it's one of the very few dubs made by them that's worth watching over the Japanese original,]] [[SoBadItsGood and not in the "so bad it's hilarious" sense]] like their infamous ''Manga/OnePiece'' dub. Of course, bringing this up with fans of the Japanese original [[BrokenBase is a good way to ignite flame wars that can be seen from space.]]


Americans got their eyefuls of it by way of [[Creator/FourKidsEntertainment 4Kids]] as ''Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy'', so it got the [[{{Bowdlerise}} standard treatment]]. Oddly enough, aside from blood, a great deal of innuendo and fart jokes were left in. A ''great'' deal of innuendo. But that's neither here nor there. The dub's title was based on Creator/{{Mattel}}'s ''M.U.S.C.L.E.''[[note]][[FunWithAcronyms Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere]][[/note]] toy line in the U.S., which in turn was based on characters from the original program (which was never dubbed or released in North America, because the MoralGuardians would've pounced on it like ants on a picnic basket). As crazy as it sounds, even by those who detest them, 4Kids' dub for this is considered to be one of their best by far, as the goofy voices they gave for the characters and the [[GettingCrapPastTheRadar amount of dirtier jokes they left in from the original show]], show, and a few dirty jokes ''they actually added themselves'', as well as [[{{Woolseyism}} replacing jokes that most American viewers wouldn't get]], ended up fitting the show's tone surprisingly well. Some would even go as far as to say [[SugarWiki/SuperlativeDubbing it's one of the very few dubs made by them that's worth watching over the Japanese original,]] [[SoBadItsGood and not in the "so bad it's hilarious" sense]] like their infamous ''Manga/OnePiece'' dub. Of course, bringing this up with fans of the Japanese original [[BrokenBase is a good way to ignite flame wars that can be seen from space.]]

* GettingCrapPastTheRadar: [[Website/ThatGuyWithTheGlasses You know; 4Kids!]]


%% * GettingCrapPastTheRadar: [[Website/ThatGuyWithTheGlasses You know; 4Kids!]]GettingCrapPastThe Radar: Due to overwhelming and persistent misuse, GCPTR is on-page examples only until 01 June 2021. If you are reading this in the future, please check the trope page to make sure your example fits the current definition.

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Sequel to ''Manga/{{Kinnikuman}}'', ''Kinnikuman Nisei'' is the story of Mantarou Kinniku (Kid Muscle), a young brash wrestler from a PlanetOfHats -- that hat, of course, being wrestling.


Sequel to ''Manga/{{Kinnikuman}}'', ''Kinnikuman Nisei'' is the story of Mantarou Kinniku (Kid Muscle), a young brash wrestler from a PlanetOfHats -- that hat, of course, being wrestling.
wrestling. In this world, ProfessionalWrestling is SeriousBusiness, so the next generation of superpowered wrestlers is getting trained at the Hercules Factory, and Mantarou is no exception. While Mantarou is a coward, he's usually willing to fight when the chips are down, and this wins him a few friends: Terry the Kid (Terry "The Grand" Kenyon), an American (and, by default, [[EverythingIsBigInTexas Texan]]); Seiuchin (Wally Tuskett), an anthropomorphic walrus; and Gazelleman (Dik Dik Van Dik), an anthropomorphic gazelle and supreme victim of TheWorfEffect.

The action is organized into arcs. The first arc deals with the gang's attempt to graduate; the second arc deals with their struggles against the evil [=dMp=]; the third arc focuses on their battles against the new graduates of the Hercules Factory; and the final and longest arc deals with the [[TournamentArc Chojin Tournament]], a gigantic battle between the world's greatest wrestlers.

There are two manga series -- one that is running in ''Weekly Shonen Playboy'' in Japan and is being sold in volumes in the US, and another that appeared in ''V-Jump'' in Japan, follows a different continuity.

In this world, ProfessionalWrestling is SeriousBusiness, so the next generation of superpowered wrestlers is getting trained at the Hercules Factory, and Mantarou is no exception. While Mantarou is a coward, he's usually willing to fight when the chips are down, and this wins him a few friends: Terry the Kid (Terry "The Grand" Kenyon), an American (and, by default, [[EverythingIsBigInTexas Texan]]); Seiuchin (Wally Tuskett), an anthropomorphic walrus; and Gazelleman (Dik Dik Van Dik), an anthropomorphic gazelle and supreme victim of TheWorfEffect.

The action is organized into arcs. The first arc deals with the gang's attempt to graduate; the second arc deals with their struggles against the evil [=dMp=]; the third arc focuses on their battles against the new graduates of the Hercules Factory; and the final and longest arc deals with the [[TournamentArc Chojin Tournament]], a gigantic battle between the world's greatest wrestlers.

There are two manga series -- one that is running in ''Weekly Shonen Playboy'' in Japan and is being sold in volumes in the US, and another that appeared in ''V-Jump'' in Japan, follows a different continuity.
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* AdaptationalAlternateEnding: Due to the anime ending with the Chojin arc whereas the manga continued, [[spoiler: Mantarou beats Kevin Mask instead of losing to him]].


* AdaptationalAlternateEnding: Due to the anime ending with the Chojin Olympics arc whereas the manga continued, [[spoiler: Mantarou beats Kevin Mask instead of losing to him]].
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* GagDub: The original anime is silly enough as it is, but the English dub makes it even SILLIER! Hence why it's considered one of 4Kids's better dubs.
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* TheGrapller: Ricardo from was trained to be a master of submission techniques.
