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Completed Fic in Animated Films and Films.

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Animated Films


    Big Hero 6 



    Despicable Me 
  • Despicable vs. Devoted: A famous superhero from another city is moving to California as Gru's next door neighbor. Unfortunately, the superhero believes Gru's retirement from villainy is just a cover for another sinister plot.



    The Hunchback Of Notre Dame 

    Kung Fu Panda 

    Lady and the Tramp 

    The Land Before Time 

    Lilo & Stitch 

    The Lion King 


    Monsters, Inc. 

    Monsters Vs Aliens 


    My Little Pony: Equestria Girls 

    Oliver & Company 

  • Old West: One year after the events of the movie, Rattlesnake Jake is hired by Sheriff Rango to assist the town of Dirt (renamed as Mud) against the late Tortoise John's investor who seeks to collect his debt by any means necessary. In the meantime, Jake ends up in a complicated relationship with a law-abiding glossy snake named Grace Glossy.

    Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken 


    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 


    Turning Red 


  • Fox in the Bunnyhouse
  • In Darkness I Hide: A coming darkness looms on Zootopia. A wolf with a shaded past confronts her own demons, both in her daily life as a bank CEO and during the night, hunting for relief from the pain that has stalked her. As the threat close to home draws near, can she put aside her own struggles to defend what she holds dear?
  • The Redemption of Gideon Grey
  • Take a Stand:
    • Take a Stand: Zootopia is gripped with civil strife over the rights of interspecies couples, whilst a political storm is raging Judy and Nick must be honest with each other. All the while a heist gang is stealing millions from the corrupt and giving it to the poor, it's time for Judy and Nick to stand for what they believe in.
    • Star of Ceartais: Set 15 years after Take a Stand; When an earthquake and the resulting tsunami decimates Zootopia poverty and crime rates sky rocket. 5 young heroes rise from the ashes of this disaster, trained by the infamous MM gang to bring hope and justice back to Zootopia. One of these heroes is Robyn Wilde, the daughter of Nick & Judy, it's time for a new generation to Take A Stand!
    • The Broken Mirror: Part 3 of the TAS series. 5 years after superheroes came to the aid of Zootopia a strange weather phenomenon wreaks havoc across the city by giving a small number of mammals superpowers but when some of these mammals start vanishing under violent circumstances, Chief Judy Wilde and Mayor Nick Wilde enlist the help of Team Ceartais to bring these mammals home.
  • Water Under the Bridge

Live-Action Films

    Dawn of the Dead (2004) 

    Godzilla / King Kong 

    Jurassic Park 

    Kingsman: The Secret Service 


    Let Me In 


    The Matrix 

    The Shining 

    TRON: Legacy 
